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# Posted: 14 Apr 2016 07:19pm
Ok, so I'm putting together a small basic solar setup. I've logged kwh on everything we'll be using and if we run everything 24 hours a day, we're at 7.5 kwh per day. So, we'll probably be more in the 3 to 4 per day range. We'll also have genny backup.
I'm thinking two T-105 Trojans in series. What's the difference in these batts, http://www.trojanbattery.com/product/t-105/ plus all the other T-105 on the site, and which would be best for our situation?
Possibly this inverter http://www.amazon.com/Sunforce-11240-Inverter-Remote-Control/dp/B000WGNNUQ
Not sure which charger controller to get, or even if we should go with PWM or MPPT.
Panels...maybe one of these? http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/261290939997?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
# Posted: 19 Apr 2016 09:08am
I put together a similar setup. I have two 6 volt batteries wired together and a 100 watt mono panel from Renogy. I went with a mppt charge controller off their website as well. For now I have an "el-cheapo inverter from wally world, just for radio and tv. I run 12 volt lighting throughout my 14x24 foot cabin. I found 12 volt led light bulbs on e-bay for about 5 bucks apiece. This basic system is great in sunny weather for my weekend cabin. I have about 5 -6 hundred dollars into this basic system. If I was to improve anything I would add another 100 watt panel. I think Renogy sells them for$150. So far been very happy with their customer service and products.
# Posted: 19 Apr 2016 05:57pm - Edited by: Julie2Oregon
frjaldomr I'm not sure what you're wanting to run out of the 7.5 kwh but I would suggest that you invest in a good inverter from the start. It's one of the most important parts of your system. Maybe THE most important part.
LOL, I'm not a bright bulb when it comes to solar but knowledgeable folks around here have drilled that into my thick skull. Buy a good unit and tried-and-true brand -- essentially, you're building and running your own little power plant. It's true. And you don't want to have to keep spending money on the same item in short order, you know?
The inverter and charge controller are important.
If you want 1000 watts pure sine and you don't want to go really pricey, like a Magnum or others, this Xantrex inverter charger would be better -- and it would charge your batteries. It's about $400 more than the one you chose. I'm sure Creeky and others might have excellent suggestions, much more preferable to mine. 
http://www.amazon.com/Xantrex-Freedom-1000-Inverter-Charger/dp/B01ABM06D2/ref=sr_1_3? s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1461102578&sr=1-3&keywords=xantrex+pure+sine+wave+inverter+c harger
# Posted: 19 Apr 2016 06:14pm
I've also been looking at this one
http://www.solar-electric.com/inverters-controllers-accessories/inverters/sasiwain1/s amlex-sa-series-pure-sine-wave-inverters/samlex-sa-1500-112-sine-wave-inverter.html