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# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 10:44am
I am looking to install a propane fireplace in my off grid 16X28 cabin with loft in Canada. I am only running a generator for power so I am looking for suggestions on brand etc. of a fireplace that will run without power. The plan is to run off 100 lb. tanks to run the fireplace, fridge and stove.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 01:55pm
I have a vent-free propane fireplace. 36 inch and it will flat run you out of my 16x16 two story cabin. It uses no electricity, but it is thermostatically controlled. Make sure you specify "millivolt-control" if you want to use a thermostat. Once you light the pilot, a thermocouple produces a small voltage that can be used to open the gas valve via a switch or thermostat.
Also make sure your fireplace is set up for propane and not natural gas. Most can be converted from one to the other. Propane fireplaces usuall run on 10-12 inches of water column pressure. Any more than that is dangerous. Buy a good 2-stage regulator. I used a Camco 59313 from Camping World. It has a POL connector that works with a 100# tank. Don't use a single stage regulator like on a barbecue. Those can freeze up under wrong conditions and usually don't flow as much gas.
Vent free is easy to install, no flue or exhaust pipe. Make sure you have a good CO and propane detector. They do not emit CO when running correctly, but incomplete combustion due to dirty burners or other issues can generate CO. It does however put about a pint of water vapor an hour into the air. That might be a consideration for you. I don't mind as winter in Missouri is usually painfully dry anyway. There is a small odor for the first couple of hours of runtime, but after that its' generally odor free.
Another option is the Direct vent. They are more efficient, and some feel they are "safer" The fire is separated from the living space by a glass barrier. All combustion air is taken from outside, and all combustion gasses are vented outside as well.
Final option is vented fireplace, that requires a flue pipe. Its more or less a standard fireplace with gas logs. I personally dislike them as I think they suck too much of the heat up the flue.
Hope this helps some.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:47pm
I am pretty sure in Canada ,Ontario you must have a vented stove, I,m not 100% sure but I seem to remember someone telling me that when I was looking for one but found a wood stove was just easier for my uses.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:47pm
We have installed an enviro-fire Ascot enamelled gas direct vent unit. Personally I wouldn't trust a ventless even with a co detector. This unit will heat 1000 sq. feet and us made in canada with Canadian approvals. It has a mili volt ignition and puts out lots of heat. It also has a circulation fan but that us not required for operation. It's a nice looking unit too and not large. Approved for close clearances. Photo of unit attached.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:49pm
we have a Napoleon, made in Brantford ONT. vents out the back wall, works great , Only power supply is a 9 volt battery in the thermostat . we wanted it off grid so it would work in power outages . good luck
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:52pm - Edited by: copperhead1971
look here as well "All About Gas Fireplaces"Canada www.citygreen.ca/cgFiles/gas_fp.pdf
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:53pm
Sorry that one loaded upside down. We also have installed a "Unique" gas range which us designed to be off grid. I will load a picture if that too! 
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:54pm
Sorry I rotated it and it still loads upside down! 
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 03:58pm
Good pamphlet Copperhead. Thanks
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 04:25pm
We have a propane off grid vented CSA approved stove that was installed by a licenced installer. It is by Napoleon. Our cabin is in Canada.
It is sized to heat our cabin but because we have not insulated (log) it is a waste to bother running it unless its no colder than 55F.
Before we ordered it from the local home improvement store we told them our requirements and they set us up with the correct stove.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 04:38pm
Here is a photo:
# Posted: 2 Jan 2016 04:47pm
@Curt: You don't say where in Canada you are... It's a Mighty Big Country ! 2nd largest by Land Mass...
I picked up a Majestic/Vermont Castings DVRT-36 Propane Fireplace (direct vent) with millivolt thermostat control and piezo ignitor for $250 off Kijiji which was made in Mississauga
I'd suggest looking in Kijiji, possibly even placing a "Wanted" advert in there... it's free... you may get lucky and hit someone who is renovating.
Here is one in Petawawa by the base Free Standing propane Firepace $350 (this popped up for me as it's within my general area)
This is the one I got myself. Hope it helps Majestic DVRT-36 Fireplace
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