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# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 01:39pm
I bought a tea light lantern this summer that uses the heat from a tea light to create a current that lights 9 LEDs. The effect is to transform the light from a tea light into a lantern you can read by.
It's from Lee Valley (bought off Kijiji for half price) and works quite well. Now I just ordered two from Amazon.com but they are a little more advanced. Each new lantern (different company) has a battery that can charge with a tea light so you can burn a candle during the day to charge the battery. Then light a candle to create the charge for the LEDs for evening. When you go to bed you can plug your cell phone into the battery pack and charge your phone while you sleep.
The two new versions are the same price as one of the original. Sorry, no shipping to Canada yet.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 02:33pm - Edited by: pizzadude
Sweet. What did you pay wilbour?
demo: https://youtu.be/eM7U7hhqXAA
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 02:41pm
Amazon.com had them for about $45 each and free shipping to my Mother-in-Law's in NY State.
I will have to go for a visit to pick them up. 
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 03:29pm - Edited by: KelVarnsen
I haven't heard of thermal electric generation on a small scale like this. Very cool. I decided to do a quick search and came across the StoveLite. You can put it onto a wood stove to charge or generate light. You can also charge USB devices from it.
I also found DevilWatt products for generating electricity from your wood stove.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 05:06pm
Wilbour, is the light you have the HLC, the JOI or some other make?
Amazon's $45 sure sounds better than Lee Valley's $105! No shipping to Canada, yet Lee Valley says it is made in Canada!?
Kel, that stove light looks interesting -- when it becomes available again. Any idea on the price for this unit? As an aside, it is listed as putting out light comparable to a 30w incandesent...
On a similar note, anyone have experience with the Mpowerd, inflatable, solar powered, Luci Light? I've tried them, but need more time with them before giving a thumbs up or down.
Lots of options out there!
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 05:32pm
My original lantern is the Joi. It works well but the new ones from Amazon.com are the HLC ones. They will charge a phone.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 06:33pm
Wilbour, thanks for putting us onto this light. Certainly something to think about. We don't need lights in the summer, however, as an option for charging a phone...
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 06:49pm - Edited by: MtnDon
I don't see why I would want to (Buy &) burn a candle to make electricity when there are solar cells.....
The wood stove top items that include a rechargeable battery.... heat is the enemy of rechargeable batteries, extreme heat is an extreme enemy of a rechargeable battery. ... I have a problem with that....
Probably just me...
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 08:51pm
Quoting: MtnDon Probably just me... Yup, just you 
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 08:59pm
Seriously, i like the idea of turning a 3 cent candle into a reading lamp. Also i carry my phone with me all day and like to charge it over night. I could find a solar cell battery pack that will do this but having a lamp that does both is nice. The beauty of a candle is not requiring a sunny day or batteries. The candle could have been frozen all winter or under water and will still work (once you take it out of the water ). No battery can outlive the potential energy of a candle.
# Posted: 26 Nov 2015 09:15pm - Edited by: Topper
Quoting: MtnDon I don't see why I would want to (Buy &) burn a candle to make electricity when there are solar cells.....
Certainly true. However the same logic says; why bother with solar? When you can plug a phone into a Honda. Or the cig lighter in a car, boat, 4-wheeler, snow machine or the like.
Where we live, a candle will work on December 21st, when the sun is above the horizon for a little more than two hours.
Just my 2 cents.