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# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 01:57pm
anyone tried one of these ? http://www.harborfreight.com/2500-peak2200-running-watts-47-hp-125cc-portable-inverte r-generator-61169.html?ccdenc=eyJjb2RlIjoiODI5OTcxNzEiLCJza3UiOiI2MTE2OSIsImlzIjoiMzk 5Ljk5IiwicHJvZHVjdF9p%0D%0AZCI6IjEwMTIwIn0%3D%0D%0A&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=431 5a&utm_source=1012&cid=mEmail_s1012_c4315a
# Posted: 19 Oct 2015 04:00pm
As the one reviewer said, he measured true output to a consistant 1900 watts, but at 2100 it kicks-out the overload. (And to remember to reduce output for higher altitudes.) Plus it has no econ switch to disable the throttle-down mode, which makes it a poor A/C or refridgeration choice. But it looks like it's similiar to the Chinese Kipor brand, I found to be fine for certain applications, but hardly equal to the quality of Honda or Yamaha. Just my opinions.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 10:39am
Everyone knows my position on generators. Get a good quality unit (like the Honda EU2000i) and you will only have to buy it once. In the end/long run, you will find it to actually be cheaper and much more enjoyable to use then the cheaper route, ie no trouble, if you do, parts are available etc.
Cheap generator parts are made out of unobtanium after about 1 to 2 years down the road.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 10:48am
I agree wholeheartedly. I'd still be running my old Yamaha inverter with 1600+ hours on it if it had not been for the lightning strike. 
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 11:25am
Another good place to see how most any brand generator is doing just type the brand name and forums into google, that will get you a pretty good idea as well.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2015 08:01pm - Edited by: FishSeeker
I'm with Toyota on this one. I have a Honda 3000 to charge my batteries and 2000 for other purposes. I've got 1200 hrs on the 2000 and it starts first pull every time, is so quiet and I get around 10 hrs on a gallon of gas. You can't go wrong with a Honda. I paid $900 delivered.Ive always done the same with all my purchases, either at home or for the cabin. Always name brand. I may pay a little more in the beginning but I also never have to replace my stuff as my friends go cheap offbrand but have to replace more often and usually end up with nothing but problems. It's the old addage of you get what you pay for.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 05:52am
Late 90,s my first one, I had a Coleman portable geny but it wasn't a modern (electronic)geny.It had to run at a high RPM to make the 60 cycle needed for 120 volt A/C.It was heavy,bulky and noisy.I also had bought one of those little Harbor Freight 2 cycle cheapies.That too,was a waste of money and time.And then a few years back I bought a Generac 1600 watt.It looked good,was modern and sleak but that's where it's performance ended there.It was a bear to start and noisy and the recoil wore out from tugging on it so much.Thuss bring's me to the Honda EU2000I.Choke,one slight tug,unchoke and she is purring like a kitten everytime,everyday.Fresh oil every 100 hours and she is good to go!Expensive?yes but worth every penny.
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 10:03am
Quoting: rayyy Choke,one slight tug,unchoke and she is purring like a kitten everytime,everyday.Fresh oil every 100 hours and she is good to go!Expensive?yes but worth every penny. Well, that's it.
I have the HFT 3000. Had it 10 years. Quite faithful. Two cranks. Noise level of a jet engine.
Got the HFT 8750 Elect start Powers everything I have. Might was well run a hose line to its tank from a filling station. Thus I shut it down when not running equip.
For sensitive elect and general household power, I have the Ryobi 2200. Quiet enough. It's been pretty faithful, and for $550 have considered getting a 2nd one for winter backup.
after reading T-Tech's homilies for what seems decades, and now rayyy's simple three sentences, I'm getting the Honda, and the Ryobi can be the backup.
Won't settle on 'pretty faithful'.
I have to have my power, especially in dead of winter.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 11:41am
Gary you won't be disappointed with the Honda. Ive had a Honda 3000 for 13 years now. I couldn't tell you how many hours on it. Quiet, cheap to run and easy electric start! Minimal issues with it. Last winter I paid $100 to clean the carb and a tune up otherwise I do everything else myself on it. The savings in gas alone will help pay for itself over the cheaper ones.
Gary O
# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 09:01pm
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty Gary you won't be disappointed with the Honda I'm sure of that. T-Tech doesn't tell stories. An everbody else has chimed in. It's a no brainer for me now.
Next summer w/be a toss up 'tween gettin' the Honda 3000 or going full bore on solar. Depends on the market and maturity of the products.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2015 09:34pm
UPS just delivered my new EU2000 with propane conversion kit installed. Going to cabin next week and given it a work out.
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 06:43am
Because the honda eu2000i doesn't use a gravity fed gas tank it has a fuel pump inside so I've got my Honda set up to where you don't have to take the gas cap off and lug up and hold a heavy gas can over it to fill the small tank every day.I've got a 3/16" rubber hose gas line coming off the honda's gas cap about 2 feet long with a filter on the end of it and a sliding cork/plug.I just slide it out of the empty and drop it into a full,stand alone gas can.The Honda will draw all 5 gallons out of that gas can with out you lifting a finger as it is running and using it up.No need to ever take the gas cap off!Makes life a lot easier.You don't ever have to worry about running out of gas at the worst possible time.
# Posted: 22 Oct 2015 09:07am
Notes, with propane, you dont even have to winterize it for long term storage. And oil change intervals are reduced greatly. Rayy, yes, there is a source for the cap you speak of for a remote tank is available and makes it super nice. The Honda just keeps giving. 
# Posted: 23 Oct 2015 07:42am
You will have to keep us posted Notes.I'd be real curious on your new propane powered Honda.
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 07:13am
The Honda EU2000i is now on sale for $899 at my 'local' (50 mi away) hardware store
Guess what Santy is getting us for Christmas?
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 07:53am
An FYI for folks, if your interested in converting your Genny to Propane or Natural Gas or even dual/tri-fuel, have a look at Century Fuel Products, Conversion Kits.
I haven't used these kits but am considering it for one of my Genny's. I'm not sure if there is another company that makes so many conversion kits for the variety of generators out there.
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 09:59am
Central Maine Diesel A friend who designs and installs offgrid systems uses their conversions. He is particularly happy with the Hionda EU3000i conversion they sell. They are more into selling you a new already converted unit from little Hondas and Yamahas to large stationary units.
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 10:25am
Quoting: Gary O The Honda EU2000i is now on sale for $899 at my 'local' (50 mi away) hardware store Guess what Santy is getting us for Christmas?
Gary, this is perfect for you and Cabi. You will love the fact it can run just outside the cabin (pay attention to exhaust direction and any open windows), little to no noise, do it for 8 hrs on a gallon of fuel and you will feel like you are on the grind when inside. Super clean AC too. Perfect choice. 
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 03:18pm
Quoting: FishSeeker Always name brand. I may pay a little more in the beginning but I also never have to replace my stuff as my friends go cheap offbrand but have to replace more often and usually end up with nothing but problems. It's the old addage of you get what you pay for.
"The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of a low price has faded from memory." Aldo Gucci
Replaced a noisy, gas guzzling, off-brand, generator that literally shook itself apart -- with a EU200i, some 13 years ago!
A "neighbor" upriver has a remote fuel tank for his Honda. The size of the fuel tank is such that when it runs empty, it is time to change the oil.
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Nov 2015 11:16pm - Edited by: Gary O
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Gary, this is perfect for you and Cabi
I'd previewed the EU2000i last week at the hardware store On sale for $899
Upon initial viewing I could tell a big difference in comparison to my Ryobi 2200;
The huge screw securing the panel to the brass insert Vs The two tiny screws and sheet metal nuts
The unimpeded access to the oil filler cap Vs The one tucked away in a corner, hiding behind some sorta overflow/vent tube.
The door dedicated to covering the spark plug Vs I'm pretty sure there's a spark plug....somewhere
The extremely easy pull (my great gramma could do this....'course she could crack walnuts with her hands....) Vs The shoulder workout and occasional snap back that tends to dislocate a finger or two
The weight Vs The heft
The sound....of everything Vs The sound....of everything and the genny
And it fits nicely in the truck
Yes, I bought it tonight (the Ryobi decided to crap out at around 1p today)
No, I don't have a shop bench to tinker with it Yes, I'll get it repaired (possibly the float) Yes, it'll be our back up
Yes, this posting is brought to you by Honda With special thanks to Toyota tech
Yes, it's an early Christmas at the cabin

Yes, I'll be adding to the comparison list
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 11:23am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Gary, I do not work for Honda Power Equipment, but I should be getting a cut off of all the sales I have made for them. 
I just know a fine piece of machinery when I see them and as a life long mechanic by trade (33 yrs now) and type A personality (very picky on everything) I know quality when I see it.
I look at it this way. I have done all the leg work, research and testing and saved you guys lots of money by allowing you to buy the best generator the first time around, thus saying people money.
This is one of those cases of "its actually cheaper to buy the more expensive one" (this can apply in many other areas of our lives too)
In your case, you are 100% off the grid and a super dependable generator is much more important now vs an "ok" unit.
Make sure the Ryobi is further than a stones throw away form you. Reason being, after running the Honda, you will want to throw rocks at the Ryobi. And will be tougher to repair it for backup with rock damage too. 
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 11:58am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Make sure the Ryobi is further than a stones throw away from you. Reason being, after running the Honda, you will want to throw rocks at the Ryobi. And will be tougher to repair it for backup with rock damage too Good idea (laughing....hard)
May sell it come summer. Get a 3000
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 05:22pm
Gee Wiz Gary.... for the cost a of a 3000 Watt Honda Genny you could buy a decent "little" Solar System that would run most if not all the goodies you have now... possibly not the pump you have but still... Something to ponder over the chilly months...
That SolarBlvd place has some pretty darned good deals in the 12V system and even their Off-Grid kits are pretty decent. Check it out on this link: Solarblvd.com Solar Panels & Systems
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 08:48pm
Quoting: Steve_S for the cost a of a 3000 Watt Honda Genny you could buy a decent "little" Solar System that would run most if not all the goodies you have now I know Keeping my options open I have a propensity to be the last buyer of anything pre obsolescence. Case in point; I believe I bought the last film SLR camera. DSLRs dropped like a rock nanoseconds after I bought it. It's like the sales dept said, 'OK, he bought it! Start the sale!'
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 08:58pm
Quoting: Gary O May sell it come summer. Get a 3000
Gary, that brings up another option. A Honde EU2000i "companion" and have 4K watts, but does require a parallel kit (hooks both EU2000i together), its under $50 for the parallel kit. Good news is, you get more wattage, each generator by itself is lighter than the 3000, you can run one when 2 are not needed and you get a dependable backup all in one swoop. 
Gary O
# Posted: 29 Nov 2015 09:16pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech A Honde EU2000i "companion" and have 4K watts Interesting
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:56am
Not sure if everyone has seen this set up for venting your exhaust. Copy_of_eu20_800x492.jpg
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# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 01:37pm
Quoting: Jebediah Not sure if everyone has seen this set up for venting your exhaust.
I have one. Bought it after a few homemade attempts didn't work as well as I thought they might.
it's not a cheap add-on, though, but it sure does the job. Mfg is www.generator-line.com.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 03:21pm
Thanks for the site info. I had never seen these before.
# Posted: 31 Jan 2016 05:01pm
Neighbor whom bought a new Honda EU3000is and sold me his 150 hour EU2000i (I have a spare now) just had me install a large wheel kit and a wagon handle on his EU3000is. Anyway, he had the selling dealer install a wheel kit on the new 3000is. I removed it and asked him what he wanted me to do with it. He said to see if I can sell it. It was brand new, retailed for $105 and I figured I would ask if anyone in here would be interested before I put it on ebay. Its used, but like brand new. Has 2 large wheels at one end and swivel casters at the other with the parking brake on the swivel casters. The item description is: Honda 06424-ZS9-000AH Reliance Swivel Wheel Kit for Honda Generator EU3000is. I told him I wanted to give my cabin buddies first crack here.
$50+ shipping.
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