SE Ohio
# Posted: 25 Aug 2015 09:57am
Hill Jilly,
The least fumes will come from an electric range 
Combustion will leave by-products, some worse than others. I would not use any Coleman fuel or gasoline based stove at my cabin, as these put out often lethal levels of CO (carbon monoxide). Burning charcoal also puts of CO, so we leave our grills outdoors.
So burning alcohol will have combustion by-products, as will burning natural gas, propane or kerosene. These fuels are often used indoors non-vented with no ill consequences (we have a two-burner kerosene stove). One can crack open a window for a little fresh air if need be. If your place is drafty, all the better! But there will be products of combustion/fumes if you choose combustion. Alcohol might be the "cleanest"?
If you have a wood stove for heat, be aware that when the fire burns down to embers, CO is released.
A good bet is to have a working CO detector. Cheap insurance.