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# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 09:36am
While browsing the local Walmart I saw the "Battery Saver" unit that's a solar panel that can charge your car battery using the 12v accessory plug. That got me thinking, would I be able to plug this into my Auto Power Pack? It's one of those all in one 12v, 120v, compressor, booster ect.
I then saw this on Insturctables http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Qwik-Solar-Step-by-Step/?ALLSTEPS
Any thoughts?
# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 09:55am
you do need the solar controller. your 12v solar panel may range as high as 17v. so you need something to keep your battery voltage from going too high.
however the 7amp solar controllers are super cheap. 5 bucks or something. i just gave one away or I'd have offered it to you.
I have a nice morningstar "prostar" if you want to get started. $50 bucks and a cold beer. Meet up in Merrickville?
Just watch the cost on this stuff. It's one thing if it's free or you already own it. But oft times you can actually buy a much better, more robust, larger system for less than the prepackaged retail product.
# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 11:05am
I may take you up on that offer.
One things for sure, when I am done with the rat race in 4years, 6 months and 6 days, first order of business is to enroll in an electronics course.
# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 11:28am
ah. just start doing it and look it up online as you go. worked for me 
# Posted: 19 Aug 2015 12:19pm
I agree with creeky. You can get everything you need online. I did my own setup at my cabin. I then paid a electrical contractor to come up and inspect it. Cost 50 bucks. By the way he said I did everything perfect, but the piece of mind was worth the 50. Whole thing was 1/3 the cost of what was quoted by the installers. Plus I made it to be expandable in case I choose to live there full time.
# Posted: 20 Aug 2015 02:47pm
You didn't say what you expect to do with the Power Pack. If all you are doing with it is charging cell phones and other small electronics, maybe occasionally using it to pump up a tire or jump start a motor, then a set up like the instructables figure should be fine. If you want to power more, then you will need a bigger system.