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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / ISO Recommendations for AC Water Pump
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# Posted: 2 Jul 2015 07:26am
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Greetings. I've been using a Shurflo Revolution 12V pump to push water to my cabin kitchen sink and shower for a few years now. It's worked okay, but now I'm looking into getting an AC pump (even though I am told they're less efficient than DC pumps).

I'm looking for a quiet pump, at least as powerful as the Shurflo Revolution, and robust. Of course, it should be a demand pump so it's not running all the time.

Does anyone have any recommendations for AC water pumps that fit this bill?



# Posted: 2 Jul 2015 09:20am
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Spillenger Shurflo makes a 115v pump. I think it's the 2088?

Seems identical to the revolution but a different motor. so you could easily swap it over.

I have both the 12v revolution and the 2088. the nice thing about the 115v is it seems to be a little more powerful.

both are amazing pumps. i've now frozen both of them and they still run. tho the revolution did leak for a bit (frozen solid once / partially once). but amazingly healed itself.

not sure how that happens.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2015 09:33am
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Thanks, Creeky. Is this the model you're referring to?:
Shurflo 2088
Shurflo 2088

# Posted: 2 Jul 2015 04:10pm
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yup that's the one I have. and what a great price.

ps: froze mine. of course. my experience is in no way a warranty implied or otherwise.

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