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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Solar Generator with lithium battery
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# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 08:37am
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I've been looking at these for a while and wondered what y'all thought. It might be a good thing -- just add a few panels and it would serve my needs. Or not?

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 09:09am
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For 2400.00 you could do Way Better than that !

In my opinion, these packages are way overpriced because they are targeted at the consumer/user as a quick turnkey solution. Just like the "Coleman" Solar kits which are premium priced ($400 for their 100w panel) which is a Head Slap price...

For 2500.00 you could get a BIG RV/Camper Solar kit and even a decent small cottage kit with a lot more Amp Hours, more panels and good sized inverter.

BTW: RV'ers & Boaters have been putting together packages / kits which can suit most Small Cabin folks very nicely... Certifiable to building electrical codes is NOT something RV & Boat folks concern themselves with.

For example my own Solar Assemblage is going to be installed code compliant (as best as possible) but is essentially a hybrid because of my choice of inverter/charger. It will NOT be certified as such...

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 09:34am
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Where are these packages/kits, Steve? I've searched high and low on the Internet and haven't found affordable kits that include the batteries and inverter. Especially lithium batteries. This is about the best deal I've found. It's a 5,000-watt pure sine inverter.

If you've got the the other info handy, please share!!!

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 11:49am
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One does pay for the convenience of buying a pre-packaged unit. If you are looking for best bang for the buck pre packs may not be the best deal. We also have no idea of the quality of the charge controller and the inverter.

My real question centers around whether or not the 100 AH battery is suitable for what you will use? And whether or not the 100 watt panel will recharge your use in one day with the sunshine you have available. Have you an estimate of how much storage capacity you will need?

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 12:53pm - Edited by: groingo
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It gets back to the most important question, how much power do you need for how long based on what you are powering.

As far as anything Lithium, it's too early to tell, best thing on that is to give it a couple of years to work the bugs out as it becomes more main stream and we see how well it really works, if the market truly heats up then there are going to be a LOT of choices many bad and some good, personally I think Tesla is the one to keep an eye on as they are much more quality oriented.

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 01:09pm - Edited by: MtnDon
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The inverter is rather large for the supplied battery capacity. LFP batteries I have looked at often have a maximum discharge rate of 1.5 times the AH capacity. Take a 100 AH battery as they use... x 1.5 = 150 amps maximum discharge rate. Usually that will be rated for a particular duration like 60 seconds or something. What happens if you exceed that discharge rate. The battery is probably damaged somehow. I don't know what for sure but the mfg would not list a maximum if they was not a reason.

150 amps @ 12 volts = 1800 watts battery discharge. That might supply 2000 watts AC inverter output depending on efficiency. So you can see the supplied inverter is a little large. Add some more battery and it would be better. Then you'd need more PV.

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 04:22pm - Edited by: creeky
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nice to see someone putting together packages. tho. Ya. You're paying for "packaging".

what I didn't like is, as MtnDon mentions, the components. A no name 2500 watt inverter. on a 1.3kw battery. that's pretty extreme.

they also don't mention what kind of solar controller is included, or even if there is one.

This makes this product a stay away from situation.

My take on this would be a
balqon 2kw or 160 amp hr 1500
a good quality 30/45 amp solar controller 500
a good quality inverter of aprox. 1kw 300-1000*
stuff 500 (small charger for cloudy days, wires, boxes etc)
500 watts solar panels good quality 350-400

so an extra grand for a real system for off grid. 5x the solar. 1.6x the storage. etc.

Julie in Oregon there's are a number of resellers. Ask around at the RV centers/folks. I've noticed Victron is now in the US. From europe. It's long lasting proven stuff. And the prices I've seen online are really good. Worth looking into.

Also MasterVolt? seems like they're carrying branded european equipment. the reason I like the european stuff is they seem to have gone with a quality first approach.

interestingly: balqon's lifepo4s are rated at c3. so you can charge or discharge at 3 times the rated amperage. so a 160 amp hr battery pack discharged at c3 is something in the neighborhood of 6kw.

of course no one would do that. your cables would burst into a glorious plasmotic display. On the other hand you'd get your 15 seconds of fame. "Home explodes in sun like display of light"

just for reference. I use (2 years now) a 1.2kw inverter. (okay it's a fancy pants TBS, but still). that's fridge. dishwasher. laundry. etc. tho. if I start my vacuum at the same time the fridge is on the microwave clock resets.

* If you're building a small system the Morningstar 300w is still an excellent idea (300 bucks). Or a decent 1000w. Don't get fooled by a high inverter rating. All that means is it eats a lot of power when idle for a capacity you never use.

To anyone going off grid for some time. Get good stuff is my advice.** Amortized. gee have you heard me use that word before. It's real cheap.

**not that I took my own advice. I needed to learn from my mistakes.

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 06:14pm - Edited by: MtnDon
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Quoting: creeky
interestingly: balqon's lifepo4s are rated at c3. so you can charge or discharge at 3 times the rated amperage.

??? but this Balqon page states otherwise....
"Discharge rate continuous 50 amps
Max discharge rate 150 amps (60 secs)
Max Charge rate 50 amps at 3.55 volts"


Which is about the same as what GBS and others state in most places.... but I have also read on somebodys page (elitepower?) that the GBS they were selling had a maximum discharge rate of 3C. So how are we supposed to know what is correct?

# Posted: 19 Jun 2015 08:17pm
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the batteries from the mfct max charge/discharge state 3c.

I suspect it might be the retailer being circumspect. And more realistic.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2015 05:43am
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I should probably provide a little insight on why I'm looking at a prepackaged thing like this, lol. As my surgery recovery DRAGS with this confounded fistula/surgical infection, it's become quite clear that I'm not going to be getting my cabin build started before cold weather sets in. BUT, I've decided that if I sit here in Texas until Spring, I'm losing valuable time, plus the prime selling time for my home.

So, I've decided to sell and move up to Oregon this fall and rent a place within 30 or so miles of my land. That way, I can at least get the site evaluation and test pits done, some clearing, a driveway begun, etc. I've actually found some small cabins for very reasonable rent year-round that include hot water, sewer, and trash but not electric. So I could get somewhat accustomed to cabin living and solar power use if I bought one of these systems and started using it.

Then, when spring comes and I can start building, I can use this little system in the RV on my land, too, while building progresses. And, of course, again in my cabin. It would be an easy, portable thing to take with me and, yeah, convenient.

This is a solar generator meant for emergency power but you can use them for off-grid, small applications by adding more panels and/or batteries. I haven't called them for more info; I've just been looking.

I'll have a propane generator, and a lot will depend on what sort of appliances will be in my rental but I'm expecting to need about 1K/day in power ballpark.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2015 10:08am
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Quoting: Julie2Oregon
.....this confounded fistula/surgical infection

Is there a metal or other implanted device involved? I've been down that road and it can be a beast to beat. Best of luck with that.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2015 10:19am
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Quoting: Julie2Oregon
and a lot will depend on what sort of appliances will be in my rental but I'm expecting to need about 1K/day in power ballpark.

In a rental the refrigerator will most likely be the deal buster. It will be electric and very likely will be an older energy hog. That alone would require more than 1 kWh a day.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2015 05:07am
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Quoting: MtnDon
Is there a metal or other implanted device involved? I've been down that road and it can be a beast to beat. Best of luck with that.

Thankfully, no, MtnDon. What happened was I had some bone tumors removed and for whatever reason the hospital decided I was OK to go home just hours after surgery even though my surgeon at pre-op told me to expect to be in the hospital for 3 days, minimum. He was in surgery when they told me this and they said there was no one I could talk to, so out I went with a 3-hour ride home.

The very next day, I was in the ER in my hometown with fever and chills, in excruciating pain. The incision had opened up some. It's been a mess. I've been on antibiotics for 6 weeks now and going to wound care but a big ole 3-inch-long and 2-inch-deep fistula developed under my incision and it won't stop draining stuff. I'm really ticked.

My docs here said it's going to take a long time to beat this infection and heal this thing. I'm trying to find a lawyer to sue that hospital but no one will take the case until they know the outcome and severity of my situation. Sux.

But I'm trying to think positive that I can get up to Oregon this fall. As far as the refrigerator goes in the rental, I wouldn't use it. I'd unplug it and buy the little energy=efficient freezer I was planning to get for my cabin and use a cooler for my perishables. The cabin rentals are also very remote so I'd be stocking up food in a freezer and just needing a cooler for dairy and beverages.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2015 07:33am
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OK , best of luck. An infection can attach itself to the implant in a biofilm sac and never go away. The only recourse is removal of the implant, then wait till the infection is cleared and then try again. You can imagine the fun that is when they have cut out a complete section of bone.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2015 07:43pm
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Quoting: MtnDon
OK , best of luck. An infection can attach itself to the implant in a biofilm sac and never go away. The only recourse is removal of the implant, then wait till the infection is cleared and then try again. You can imagine the fun that is when they have cut out a complete section of bone.

Oh, man. That's just awful! The thing is, I had my right hip replaced a couple of years ago and it's close to where this surgery was and the infection is. So, yeah, if the infection spreads and invades the hip replacement, I'm in trouble. Hopefully, that won't happen.

It makes me so mad that if they had just followed protocol and kept me in the hospital -- even for a day or two == instead of dumping me out 3 hours after surgery, I wouldn't be in this mess. It was a 5-inch abdominal incision that was just glued on the outside without even any steri-strips to help hold it closed but they expected me to walk around and travel 3 hours home right out of the recovery room. Stupid, stupid, stupid. They tossed me out of the hospital so early that I couldn't even get a hotel room for the night and rest because check-ins don't start until 3 or 4 and I was discharged right before noon!

Anyhoo ... all I can do now is work on my cabin plans. Someday I'll get up to my land.

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