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# Posted: 3 Jun 2015 12:39pm
that guys videos are okay. he could do a little more trimming on the yakkety yak. tho. i liked his home made berkey for sure. I'm not so sure about an orange tractor. cough red rules. cough.
well. no sign of the peppers so off to the local garden center. now I have six sweet one hot peppers, a chinese style eggplant, thai basil and assorted sundries all looking very fine.
my potatoes came roaring back after the frost that killed the first set of leaves and my tomatoes appear to double in size every time I look at them. yellow beans are up also.
wild harvest this year has been good. lots of asparagus. nettle, plantain and dandelion leaves excellent. but not one morel. probably just my old guy eyes can't see 'em.
don_p sounds like you got it going on. making money from your garden and a giant chainsaw. dang man.
cabingal3. nothin' beats woodland mulch. i usually age my cow poop for a couple of years but I think if you're mixing you will like. mostly I age to kill the weed seeds. lots of grass seed in there too.
thx for the reminder pookie. i'm going to plant some basil seed right now, yup, this very instant and see what happens.
# Posted: 3 Jun 2015 03:37pm
Quoting: creeky thx for the reminder pookie. i'm going to plant some basil seed right now, yup, this very instant and see what happens. May the force be with you Creeky 
# Posted: 3 Jun 2015 04:20pm
all love pookie. 
# Posted: 3 Jun 2015 07:00pm
Lol so funny creeky. u crack me up. well, my garden was coming along great up here in Michigan.. .. Today I got home from work and a bunny got thru the fencing and ate my spinach and beans !!! Darnit. Caught him in the act.
# Posted: 4 Jun 2015 05:34am
Quoting: naturelover66 bunny got thru the fencing and ate my spinach and beans He sounds delicious 
# Posted: 4 Jun 2015 12:20pm
Many changes over the past ten months and haven't been on the site much. I have enjoyed getting my garden started and so far it's doing well. I have enjoyed lots of fresh lettuce, spinach, and snow peas. KY has had a very cool spring and lots of rain. I mulched my potatoes with straw and they are blooming. Looking forward to lots of yellow squash, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beans, corn, zucchini, watermelon and fresh herbs! So good to see many familiar names here and lots of new folks. Happy Spring!
# Posted: 4 Jun 2015 03:25pm
I remember the last time I had a garden, the stuff would break ground and next day it had been snipped and the top just lay on the ground....turned out to be a Towhee bird and it was a territorial thing, so I had to put netting over top of the garden till the plants got big enough, then came the moles, field mice, Blue Jay's and of course a very resourceful rabbit and that was before the deer showed up. With that I took the fence down and told them have at it and never had a garden again.....beaten by Varmits!
# Posted: 5 Jun 2015 08:10am
dang varmits.
moles ate my tent. i loved that tent. why they decided they loved it too I will never know.
I have a guard robin. she patrols my garden fending off, well, bugs mostly.
tnky03 you'ze and I are growing the same stuff. Except I don't have a watermelon. Hmmm. Gotta fix that.
# Posted: 6 Jun 2015 09:36am
Creeky! U got that right! I put woodland mulch on my strawberry plants! Wow! Overnight they are happy happy! I put pinwheels in my garden! It seem s to keep the critters away! Today I rake our meadow for dried grass to put over my new seedlings! Water is short so I have to keep seedlings not dried out!
# Posted: 6 Jun 2015 05:03pm
Voles are our unbeaten rival thus far, we keep the deer out with a 9' fence, the mesh is too tight for bunnies but the voles are tough to turn back. I think it was year before last I followed a row of missing kale to the end where there were still a few left with one wiggling, best I could tell he was laying on his back down in the tunnel inhaling plants while doing the backstroke under the row. They took one or two bites out of every sweet potato. Not in the garden but I mowed down by the creek, refound the new elderberries and released them from the weeds. They'll have a tough time with competition but it would be nice to have a good stand of them along the creek. Blueberries look like we'll have a good crop this year. We got too much rain as the cherries were finishing up and they aren't very good this year. The black cherry in the back yard is the most popular tree with birds at the house I'm working on.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2015 08:48am
good grief. cherries. that's months away.
last year I got 3. not sure why the birds didn't eat them ... probably had bugs in 'em. but they were delicious.
and voles. that story reminds me of bugs bunny cartoons. why ya can see the little fellow pulling the shoots down.
I found a shrub I can't identify. I have 4 kinds of flowering shrubs going down to the creek. But along the creek I only have trees. So I found this shrub growing in the ditch. Beautiful flowers. Wet area and mostly shade. Perfect. And one stalk of dried reddish berries on it. I've harvested the berries and will try to sprout.
Good luck wit yer elderberries.
# Posted: 25 Jun 2015 11:32am - Edited by: creeky
Ha. Pookie129 I bet you thought I wuz kidding when I said I would go out immediately and plant Basil.
Here's the proof. I can't believe it took the seeds some two weeks to germinate. So long that I planted store bought prestarted Basil just in case. But looks like there will be some pesto in my future.
and guys with fat fumbly fingers should probably not plant the basil. i planted two kinds. one kind i swear the envelope had seed in it. i tore it open. and then it didn't contain seed anymore. oops.
Also here's my first yellow zucchini. I've never grown zuchs before so I'm very proud of this effort. I've been told the flowers are a delicacy. So i'm going to try it tomorrow morning once it's a little bigger/open.
and a watermelon. It too was started at the store: took awhile to get going. not real impressive but I imagine it'll be a bit bigger come harvest. basil.jpg
|  1styellowsquash.jpg
|  watermelon.jpg
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# Posted: 25 Jun 2015 10:40pm
i had lettuce growing to almost edible size.we were gone today and i come home and the lettuce is half eaten.it looks like probably a rabbit cause the lettuce was in a container on the ground. we are also battling ground squirrels.they have set up a home and made holes where my green beans are. i am going to get my air rifle and pick them off.i hate to cause they are cute but all the work i have done to have a garden. got some baby squashes.so happy.things are going well but a continual battle with the critters.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2015 12:15pm
beautiful photos creeky of your garden veggies.wow.look at that rich soil!! those veggies look so healthy and good!..watermelon.oh yum.. well here is some of mine. let me tell u.its been a battle.this morning Gary O was outside and he said "the deer are here!' i tell u nothing gets me out of the chair faster than the thought of the deer(three of them) cleaning out my garden. so between almost loosing the garden to a surprise temp of 28 degrees,ground squirrels and deer and pumice soil.i have something to show for it...but we are going to town today.i could come back to the whole garden nibbled down to the nibs! mostly i can see me coming back to my green beans gone.agh. mater plants
|  squash
|  rhubarb
|  squash that froze and i thought was dead.came back.
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