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# Posted: 7 May 2015 11:01pm - Edited by: groingo
Here in Washington State we basically didn't have much of a winter and this is what are streams are looking like....the one shown with all the gravel, all that should be under water and running like a Banshee but as you can see little more than a trickle, how bout you?
# Posted: 7 May 2015 11:40pm
Here in California our beloved gub'ner Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown famously stood in a high altitude meadow in March when it should have been covered in 8 feet of snow, but was bare grass, and did a photo-op press conference to drive home to all the lawn-waterers that we have a drought. Maybe he can moonbeam us some water.
# Posted: 8 May 2015 04:57pm
not as bad as what you guys are seeing. but the river barely broke the bank this year. and it's already lower than summer.
i'm kinda glad. i have a lot of clean up and this way I can get the tractor in and out without tearing up the property.
# Posted: 8 May 2015 05:35pm
Our Adirondack mud season ended sooner than we expected and we are headed up on Sunday to open our camp. Considering the amount of snow that they had in the northeast this year I'm happy that it dried up quickly. It's pretty dry around here these days. For the first time I received a fire alert on my weather app the other day due to the dry conditions. Mowed my lawn today for the first time and got totally blasted with dust! But rain is on the way. I think it'll be a combination of the Midwest tornado weather and the SE tropical storm combining to make for a wonderful week for us at camp. Thank God I have my retractable awning over the deck so I can sit and enjoy the big nasty if it does arrive. 
# Posted: 9 May 2015 12:10am
water is up 10 in. average in the great lakes , two good winters with lots of snow in the east , guess we are lucky . our creek is about 9 ft. deep this spring it it mirrors the lakes as we are only 3 miles up river .
# Posted: 9 May 2015 09:19am
My cabin is on the river and I had to walk another 200 yards further to do some fishing. It is very low here but has came up about a foot this past week. It may rise some here but not even close to where it should be. Heading there now to fish.
# Posted: 9 May 2015 05:33pm
My cabins in Washington also on the Cascade River. The river is definitely running low right now but Boulder Creek that runs right next to the cabin comes from a glacier 9 miles up the mountain and it's always running good.
# Posted: 10 May 2015 09:34am
Front range of the Rockies in Colorado. Been raining for a week (weird here) and then got 6-8 inches of heavy wet snow last night (fairly typical here). I'd loan y'all some further out west if I could.