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# Posted: 8 Mar 2015 09:06pm
My neighbor has a new 250 gallon tank with regulator for sale for really cheap. Right now I'm using 20# bottles for the hot water heater, stove, and soon a fridge. My question is if I mount this on a trailer and take it the 4 miles into town would the propane company fill? Are here rules against this?
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 12:16am
That will be a DOT certified tank, the type we see installed all over the country. You cannot do what you want to do legally. Actually it would be the propane dealer who would break the law if he filled it. The only big tank that can be legally filled and moved on trailer or truck is one with ASME certification. Those are commonly found in large class C and A RV's. Unlike DOT tanks, ASME tanks never need to be re-certified as long as they have good paint, no visible rust and no visible damage. I paid $500 for a used 80 gallon one. Some, like the one I have can be used to fill the portable cylinders like 20, 30 or 40 pounders. I have it on a trailer chassis.
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 11:27am
Every State, Province have their own rules so check with your locality first. Anyone who fills propane can tell you what the local rules are. My local propane supplier told me that they are limited to max 100# tanks if brought in by a customer and that anything over a 100# tank would require on-site filling by truck.
The other point they made a very clear, was that you cannot lay down any of the tanks, they have to be transported standing upright (empty or full). From my understanding it has to do with the safety valves which could have problems if out of orientation...
I found 100# tanks @ TSC, on sale for $129.00 which around here is a pretty respectable price. + propane of course... 
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 11:54am
Thanks guys. I figured it was unlikely. I'll go with my original plan of a couple 100#ers,
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 01:47pm
Quoting: Steve_S From my understanding it has to do with the safety valves which could have problems if out of orientation...
Correct. The safety valve could release liquid propane if the cylinders are laid on their side. That could be a big disaster.
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 02:30pm
I use the 100 pounders and I keep a hand truck at the cabin to move them around. I strap them to the hand truck and wheel them up to my truck and get them filled. The are not too bad to handle with the hand truck.
# Posted: 9 Mar 2015 10:02pm
From what I hear from neighbors, where my cabin is the gas company will only come once per year and it just happens to be the most expensive time of the year to buy propane. Once they come they will only fill your tank all the way up. No buying $200.00 worth. Full fills only.