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# Posted: 23 Feb 2015 12:08pm
has any one tried Solar Vacuum Collectors. Was thinking about it as a heating to keep the cabin warm when we are not there. we are looking for other alternative heating source then propane heaters.
We are in at our cabin every weekend winter or summer. At some point we will be living out there full time.
evacuated tube solar collectors are Passive Tracking. The round absorber surface of the evacuated tubes passively track the sun throughout the day, so no mechanical tracking device is required. This allows optimum surface area exposure from 7am to 5pm which covers the majority of the solar radiation each day. The Apricus evacuated tubes receive >20% more solar exposure compared to a flat absorber, allowing more solar energy conversion to heat each day.
has anyone out there tried this yet. Solar Vacuum Collectors 1
|  Solar Vacuum Collectors 2
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# Posted: 23 Feb 2015 04:31pm
I looked at those countrygirl. they do create heat. the set up I saw was outputting boiling water. a unit like your picture 2 was over $1k and, of course, can't be relied on when the sun don't shine.
are they still so expensive?
have a look at builditsolar for quite a bit of info on diy solar heating.
# Posted: 23 Feb 2015 05:56pm
It's about $6000 for in floor heat DIY for what I need. Look like it performs well even on not to sunny day, as well snow doesn't get stuck to them. Think I'll keep an eye on pricing. Think in the next five years it may drop in price. There are lots being but in up in norther manitoba right now. Mostly on native reserves were other resources are limited, or fly in fishing camps. When to a ware house distributed check it out. It is very interest.
# Posted: 24 Feb 2015 09:56am
ah. so that's the whole system. whew. quite the sticker shock. still. you'd get hot water out of the system as well.
# Posted: 2 Sep 2015 04:35pm
Ok we are putting in the solar heating tubes this October. I'll keep you posted how it goes. plane on having 2 Solar Vacuum Collectors racks, 2 radiators, hot water holding tanks. $7000. We are all in. cant wait to see what it does.