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# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 02:31pm
We are preparing to move into our small cabin this coming summer and have so much to do. One of the things I'm working on is a genuine real flush toilet. I realize that a septic tank and drain field system can be built from 55 gallon drums and pvc pipe but I've heard the system is kind of small using drums. I'm curious if anyone has used IBC totes as tanks rather than 55 gallon drums to allow more volume?
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 03:24pm
Septic Systems and drainage systems are something that has to be done properly. Should they fail or work improperly, you can contaminate the land, waters and more resulting in tremendous issues - including compromising your health and those around you. e-coli, cholera etc is not something to "play with".
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 03:31pm
So, what are you using Steve?
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 03:39pm
Grey Water system and dry composting for the humanure. No need for big commercial, chemically driven composting systems either.
Some Counties/Regions have issues with Grey Water / Composting toilets but most are catching up and shedding their inherited phobias and fears. Waterway & Lakeside installations of course have certain extra needs to deal with if using Grey Water or Composting.
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 03:46pm
Quoting: LastOutlaw We are preparing to move into our small cabin this coming summer and have so much to do. Hey, LO, we are too! Ain't this a scream? My Email is in my profile. I'd really like to hook up. No pressure, but give it a thought. cheers, fellow doer
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 03:48pm
Quoting: Steve_S dry composting for the humanure My motto; eat less...poop less
but yeah, dry composting
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 04:00pm
Wouldn't be legal in the US or Canada but here's how to do it.
Barrels would work better than totes I think because they are taller than wide which makes the separation work more efficiently I think. I went with this http://www.dry-flush.com/ but cabin is only a weekender for me. I did toy with the idea of an underfloor black tank and RV flush toilet, which wouldn't have a field but would need routine pumping and disposal. If I was going full time I think I'd try to spend the money and put in a real system.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 04:18pm
there used to be a good youtube video. but it seems to have gone missing. ruggles you beat me to the wikihow. looks like it would need to be pumped out fairly often.
amazing how things have changed. my dad stayed at an rv camp where every rv was hooked up to a 50 gallon barrel. probably metal. dad says the barrels were emptied annually ... but.
the old town i lived in pumped their waste into the creek.
i like the moldering toilet (URL. I have the commercial model. But a home made model could be bigger.
Also known as the clivus multrum. lots of designs online. looks like a pretty easy build.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 04:23pm
and I'll add this link too. URL
it's a complete "humanure" build from start to finish. refreshingly free of attitude. and low cost to boot.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 04:28pm
Quoting: Gary O My motto; eat less...poop less
My wife tries that now due to having to use the outhouse...lol.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 05:19pm
Quoting: Steve_S Never ever use a Steel Drum for anything sewage / septic.
yep never do that...lol ....I used a old steel diesel skid tank ( 300 gallons) at my old hunting camp...it's only been they 26 years and still works fine....lol ....sure you want something that lasts longer..lol
I would use a steel tank and infiltrator sections..no gravel to buy or haul....if you were my neighbor...that would be Kool!!! good luck on your move --full time~~
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 05:25pm
This guy did a dry composting system and made it transparent so the sun would speed up the cycle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6jsMx9yGnw He also reports his county monitors it and so far they have no objections. Maybe municipalities are catching up.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 05:44pm
My county doesn't meddle much. No building codes. I'm way off grid. 1 hour on dirt to the cabin from pavement. I feel for you folks in Canada and California. I couldn't live with that much Gov. intrusion. I'm moving to my cabin as it is to get away from that crap. The city I live in now has turned very liberal and meddling. Taxes are skyrocketing. Laws are becoming unbearable. Way to many people that shouldn't be here at all and I'm tired of paying for them. My taxes last year on 15 acres and cabin were almost $150.00 I can shoot and hunt on my land and my neighbors lands as well. Fishing right down the hill. Rock climbing right around the corner, 4 wheelers are the main mode of transportation. This is where I will retire and die. Maybe be buried in a shallow grave right there too if I'm lucky! LMAO!
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 05:53pm - Edited by: LastOutlaw
Ruggles and Creeky. My plan was to build something similar to that drum system but use 2 ibc totes instead of 2 barrels in order to hold more volume. being an hour off pavement and rough roads with 2 water crossings I doubt I will be able to get any company to come pump out. One tank will overflow into the second tank then leach lines into the drain field. The only real concern with utilizing IBC totes rather than plastic barrels is whether the IBC totes will degrade faster. I'm thinking as they are underground, degradation will be very slow as sunlight is the worst thing for plastic. I realize I will need to fill the tanks with water before I back fill to cover them to keep from collapsing.
Turkeyhunter... I'd be fine with you as a neighbor as well! Toyota, Don, Creeky and Ruggles too!
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 06:15pm
But even with a septic field the tanks eventually need to be pumped as solid waste continues to build up even with natural bio-degrading. I have an 1800 gallon septic tank at my primary residence and have it pumped every 5 years. A little overkill but I watched my neighbor have a back up in the winter and I'd rather pay the extra money than have to go through that.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 06:30pm
Yes, I had a 1500 gallon tank in Ga. It had to be pumped out after 10 years use.
# Posted: 1 Feb 2015 08:31pm
There are plastic septic tanks, why not go with one of them?
# Posted: 2 Feb 2015 10:49am
those totes are a pretty good size. and they're so cheap used. I see your reasoning. i wonder if you could pump out yourself every two/three/five years...
i know, there's a city around here that experimented with spraying their "manure" in the winter time onto fields. once it freezes all the bad stuff dies. (and the next year you have a real rich field).
i don't know. do you get cold winters? and maybe somebody knows if a trash pump could pump out a septic box. you can rent those pretty easily 'round here.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 01:57pm - Edited by: LastOutlaw
I would think if you could pump it out yourself into another tote on a trailer then you could go to a dump station in a state park or rv park to dispose of for a price.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 02:24pm
That makes sense. I'll bet one of those Macerator pumps from the RV world would do the trick.
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 04:02pm
Since the RV macerator pumps are meant to be used to drain a sewage tank in an elevated RV I wonder if they have much ability to lift sewage from a below ground level tank?
# Posted: 3 Feb 2015 04:42pm
I'll look into that... thanks guys.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 09:53am - Edited by: salmonslammer
Just go to any rental mart and you can get gas powered trash pumps that will pump any septic tank pretty dam quick 