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# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 11:30am
Hey all, Do any of you use a device to separate your urine in your composting toilets? In my design, I'm going to use one and am looking for ideas. Ecovita sells one that looks great but costs well over 100 bucks for what is basically a plastic funnel. If so, pics would be great!
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 12:00pm
Typically you need the moisture to promote the composting process unless your living on beer or have a really bad bladder.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 09:30pm
I recently purchased a C-Head composting toilet with the optional external urine diverter. My preference is for urine to be separated to control odor and allow for faster drying of the solid waste. I'd rather have the composting process take place outside in a composting pile. I'm currently in the process of evaluating it and will post a full review when I get some more feedback, specifically from my wife.
While the original C-Head did have a urine diverter, it was only diverted to an internal 1-gallon jug. What I wanted was one that could be diverted to my drywell. So, I talked them into making a version that would do just that. What I found is that a lot more goes into making a good urine diverter than just a funnel and some tubing.
First, the diverter has to be properly designed and located to keep the liquid and solid streams completely separated. Second, it needs a draining system that can deal with a backup in the tubing (i.e. a bubble in the tube). Third, it should have some way to deodorize and clean the urine diverter. This last one is important as urine can have a strong odor and can also build up deposits which will affect function over time.
I've included some pictures of the C-Head that should hopefully show what I'm talking about, although the pictures are a bit darker than I expected. P1030094_small.JPG
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# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 10:58pm
That bathroom is cool! Love the shower. Mine will deposit underneath the cabin for solids and a leach bed for liquids. That set up looks just like what I need. Thanks
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 11:24pm
I use a rectangular plastic funnel screwed into position, stuck into pvc pipe and diverted into a buried bucket of limestone gravel. with holes drilled in the bottom. works fine, no odor. I use another one as a stand alone urinal
# Posted: 27 Sep 2015 10:38pm
Steve961 Hey Steve, Nice installation! Can I use your photos on the website?
Sandy Graves