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Scott G
# Posted: 19 Aug 2014 09:27pm
Hi I have an opportunity to buy a very nice woodcook stove. I spoke to the seller and he tells me its in good shape but could use some cleaning. No cracks etc...
It was used 1.5 years ago but was fitted for oil burner. I assume that means a hole in the firebox. My question is can this be restored to burn wood and if so what am I looking at?
The seller assured it could be with a rivet patch or similar but he also wants to sell the thing. Its circa 1940.
Scott G
# Posted: 19 Aug 2014 09:35pm
Thought I'd add a bit more info and a couple pics. Don't have any pics of the firebox yet.
Royal Empress Manufucturer. Record Stove and Furnace Co. It will need some restoring for sure, but I see a ton of potential here and a happy wife on her birthday (along with a large fire extinguisher).
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 07:36am
Beautiful stove. I've always been told that you cannot patch old cast iron that is burned out on the bottom of a wood stove burn chamber. It's like patching worn out blue jeans- the patch is fine but the material that it is attached to fails. This stove might not be burned out in the burn chamber, but it seems to me that it has to be less than new after 75 years of use. I'd look long and hard before getting this, if intending to use it as a regular heat/cook stove. Cracks show failure, but just cause there are no cracks doesn't mean the cast iron is not compromised to an extent.
Cast iron crystalizes with age, in a fire box or not, making it more brittle and harder to repair.
As far as the rivet repair of a drilled hole, I'd try to find a web forum about woodstoves and get advice from a pro. If the hole is not located where coals are, in the bottom, I'd be less worried.
Scott G
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 07:41am
Thanks bldginsp. I hear you on the patch. I'll give this a thorough inspection for sure. Apparently there are no cracks but I'll bring a flashlight and such when I go see it, along with something to tap the surface and try to find weak spots.
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 08:51am
Ive heard of a technique used to test for metal fatique fractures where they put iron filings on the metal and magnetize it. The filings line up on any fractures. No idea whether this works on cast iron. Just a thought.
Scott G
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 09:01am
Hmmm. Could be something to try. Thanks.
I've contacted a wood stove restoration company; I'll report back on what he has to say.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 04:00pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
In my previous life, my suppliers used Magnaflux products to find som very fine cracks.
http://wssproducts.wilhelmsen.com/welding/arc-welding-machines/welder-s-tools/magnafl ux-crack-detection-kit-1/
I didn't check prices, but I can say this stuff worked great.
Beautiful stove... I saw one in use the other weekend at a historical site. The firebox is off to one side, not directly under the oven. The cook explained they had to rotate the oven contents to cook evenly. Not a problem if you don't get distracted.
Scott G
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 04:22pm
Thanks for the info. Yes it sure is pretty, trying not to buy based solely on that- shes gotta cook safe. Ive requested more detal pics from seller; its a 5 hr round trip. Ull keep the thread posted.
Scott G
# Posted: 20 Aug 2014 04:22pm - Edited by: Scott G
Dbl post...
# Posted: 21 Aug 2014 04:29pm
I am wondering how they set this wood stove up to burn oil.It look's a lot like my stove.The fire box is like a little pot belly stove on the left side of the oven.This one has a hot water resivor on the right side.( a very nice feature)I feel it could be fixed up again to burn wood.I don't see why not.Ask if the shaker grates and fire box lining or brick is still intact?I think this would be a fun project.
Scott G
# Posted: 22 Aug 2014 09:52am
I purchased this stove yesterday. They had an oil 'pump' type of system attached to the back, behind the firebox.
Honestly I'm having buyers remorse today. My excitement for this got the best of me. I paid $200 for the stove and upon further investigation after I got it home it's rougher than I thought. The top cast iron is in decent shape, one small crack where the warming oven bolts on. The sheet metal in the oven has some holes along with other spots on the body sheet metal.
I think I"ll get out the Brasso and Shopvac and clean it up to look really nice and try to resell on Kijiji. It would look nice as an ornament/decoration but I think it's more work that I want to invest to bring it back to fully functional.
My wife thought the gesture was really nice but is not interested in a fire hazard in the camp. Can't blame me for trying but I need to use better wisdom... Wanting to escape this ratrace drives me to make some dumb moves every once in a while.
But I digress, thanks for the comments guys.
Scott G
# Posted: 5 Nov 2014 03:25pm
Just wanted to close this by saying the stove turned out to be much more of a project that I could undertake. I did try to resell but didn't find a buyer. Stove ended up going to scrap. A shame but it happens.
Live and learn. Next.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2014 04:46pm
I've had several such false starts working my 5 acres. Good you didn't spend $500 trying to fix it just to find out its not fixable. It was fun and you got a nice post out of it. Better luck next time
Scott G
# Posted: 5 Nov 2014 07:24pm
Quoting: bldginsp It was fun and you got a nice post out of it - lol. Well maybe someone else will think twice after reading this.
BTW: I bought another one and am restoring it. It's in much better condition and the restoration is going well. I'll get some pics up when I'm done.
# Posted: 7 Nov 2014 07:06am
I wanted one of those so badly.. but we insulated the cabin so well tat it would have cooked us right out of the cabin :P
Very nice though!
Scott G
# Posted: 12 Dec 2014 09:48am
Thought I'd post a quick update on the WCStove project.
While I did purchase a 2nd one and in the process of restoring it (stalled progress as of late) we happened upon a 3rd...and bought it. Crazy I know, but for $100, and about a 1/2 mile away we now own this little lady.
Fawcett company, not sure of the year. Only the top is cast so I'm thinking 50s? It's mint. Came from a nice lady that was selling her home and moving into an apartment. She used it regularly to heat her kitchen / living room area. I'm quite sure it will warm up our 400sq' nicely.
I'll post again once it's installed and has cooked a few meals. Can't wait.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2014 10:32am
Scott, now that is a Good Score there guy ! Gee, I wish I could find one like that for the price. I grew up in a farmhouse with a wood cook-stove that had the water heater & top warmer too - was a piece of art IMO... I found something similar recently and they were asking 3500.00 for it ! Eeekks ! Keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal... got suckered a couple of times this fall so approaching all deals with serious caution now.
Scott G
# Posted: 12 Dec 2014 10:51am
Thanks man. Yeah, it was real blessing.
I suckered myself a couple times previous so while this stove was only $100 I spent $500 plus fuel in the F150 driving all over the Maritimes for the previous two. My tuition in wood cook stoves I guess... The 2nd one should work out though, once I get it back together. We'll use it somewhere...would make a great little maple sugar boiler.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2014 02:31pm
third time the CHARM stove it is...nice score for sure
Scott G
# Posted: 12 Dec 2014 03:33pm
Seemed to be. thanks. Can't wait for the first burn...so close yet seems so far.