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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Anyone used hyundai panels?
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# Posted: 8 May 2014 03:10pm - Edited by: groingo
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Have been looking at Grapes but these are also grade A and nearly identicle specs for quit a bit less...(234.00 vs 375.00) plus I can get them locally.

# Posted: 8 May 2014 03:32pm
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IIRC the Hyundai panels are NOT made in China if that means anything to you. The panels are from Hyundai Heavy Industries also if IIRC, and not Hyundai Automotive. I believe they have been making panels for almost 10 years now.

Local trumps most distant shippers in my book, especially in small numbers.

# Posted: 8 May 2014 03:36pm
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ISO certs, 10 years warranty defects, 10 yr at 90%, 25 yr at 80%. Seems like a good deal. 40% less. I'd Google to see if people report unusual problems w/Hyundai panels.

# Posted: 8 May 2014 05:17pm - Edited by: groingo
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Did some checking for problems and found nothing, in fact all I found was g ood news, people like them because they work and Hyundai is good to work with but the last review summed it up "you can trust them".......words seldom hear these days!

# Posted: 8 May 2014 05:31pm
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Son of a bi--- !
You saw the website, big building tons of stuff right... .wrong, it all has to be shipped up from California... .Washington is just a guy on the phone so there goes the savings, gonna go outside in the rain and cool off!

# Posted: 8 May 2014 05:40pm
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If you want more panel for less money check out this link. It is a special they have going on.
I have gotten other great deals from them before.

# Posted: 9 May 2014 09:35am
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You can check the local paper also. Or kijiji. In the states I think you use Craigs list.

That'll hook you up locally.

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