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# Posted: 2 May 2014 12:59pm
Here on Western side of Washington we had a couple of cold spells lasting a total of a couple of weeks, other than that it has been pretty mild and uneventful. My resident critters kept me entertained though they always guarantee never a dull moment and they are spoiled, so much so they are raising their young within 20 feet of the cabin... .I guess that makes me the uncle.
How went yours people?
# Posted: 2 May 2014 02:33pm
worst winter in recent memory. The cabin was snowed in most of the winter, and I haven't been back to it since early March due to moving. Hopefully soon!
# Posted: 2 May 2014 03:41pm
Here in Manitoba Canada we had worst winter since 1898.
the average temperature in December was -20.5 C, followed by January (-20.0 C) and February (-19.9 C). Then came March, which averaged -12.5 C, almost seven degrees colder than average.
But wait, there's more. The average number of days the temperature plummets to -30 C is 12 in for this area. This year, "there were 30 of those suckers!"
Not cold enough for you? Then consider that despite the length and depth of cold this winter, the snowfall now stands at 155 centimetres, well above the average of 100 cm.
The fun didn't end there Frozen pipes leave hundreds without water! It is reporting an average frost depth of 7 feet and the expectation is that the frost will finally leave the ground sometime in June!
We went to are cabin all winter even at -40C, just went through lot more fire wood. We can say we live through the coldest winter in 100 years! Me Crosscountry Skiing at -35C
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# Posted: 2 May 2014 04:52pm
It was really cold south of Buffalo NY. I lost two chickens from the cold, and we barely went snowboarding. I am all for winter sports, but it really was too cold to go down the hills this year.
We had two blizzards this year, and the temps were in the single digits for what seemed like months even though it was only for weeks. We also had a record for negative temperatures here.
I remember a day that it had gotten above freezing, and it felt like spring to me even though it was only 34 degrees out there.
# Posted: 2 May 2014 06:15pm
It was a cold winter but we had no snow. 2009,2010 and 2011 were three very hard winters here. Record snow fall and windy those where worse then this year for my area.
Like I tell people we have 9 month's of snow and ice and 3 month's of tough sledding/ LOL
I made one more winter and that is good!
# Posted: 2 May 2014 06:26pm
Record snow totals in Michigan... And record cold...but now the daffodils are finally blooming and the grass is green!! I'm making my first trip up to the cabin in the morning...i hope the roof held all the snow!! Spring had sprung��
# Posted: 2 May 2014 07:07pm - Edited by: bobrok
After enduring upstate NY winters for 60+ years I have finally had enough and thrown in the towel. We spent most of the winter in Florida.
# Posted: 2 May 2014 07:55pm
sort of an odd winter. minus 35 below several days...but not much snow this year. we were not there when it was this cold. we move there next year.then we will surely have more to report.
# Posted: 2 May 2014 10:27pm
In Northern MN, we had a lot of snow and really cold. So cold we didn't even get out to play in the snow until it was almost over. Just sit inside and wait it out. That was tough, I like the outdoors. No record lows, no 40 below, but no warm days. It seemed to be 10 to 20 below forever, and 120'' of snow or more. It's not done yet! Our lakes are still froze and they will be for fishing opener.
# Posted: 3 May 2014 07:23am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
As some of you may already know I am a OTR semi driver. This was my 13th winter on the road. It was by far the worse winter weather wise.
DH and I drive team.I'm the night driver. We spent many days in truck stops and rest areas waiting out blizzards and road closings this winter.
We've also seen the tragic aftermath of accidents caused by the drivers that won't stop and just want to keep rolling and driving as fast as they can to make money.
We are very glad winter is over!
# Posted: 3 May 2014 03:07pm
Yes, I agree with most posts here. I won't go into low temps and snowfall but this Winter was brutal in New Brunswick. We finally got to go to the cottage yesterday and we could not drive down the cottage roads due to too much snow in the wooded areas. The ice was still in the lake and it took about 4hrs to get the cottage warmed up. We had to lug everything through the woods - no fun. I won't be going back for a few more weeks.
# Posted: 3 May 2014 04:41pm
Likewise. Very cold. I thought I had lots of time to chop wood. Was I right. Went through all my chopped wood by mid December. Had thought it would last thru January. By Feb. my muscles had muscles. I broke in March and fled to Florida. Out on the beach I kept getting second looks. Like, "who's that old bald guy with the six pack and cannons?"
 Got back from Florida just in time for a flood that broke the 100 year mark. Came right to the door. But not in. Very polite. Here's a pic shot from my front porch early in the flood. That's me paddling in three feet of water. For reference the creek usually runs behind that line of trees.
# Posted: 4 May 2014 06:04am
nw Mn was windy/cold. snow was not terrible deep but it was just not a fun winter to be out.
# Posted: 4 May 2014 10:27am
It was a brutal winter at home in western Pennsylvania and at my farm in north east Ohio. Lots of cold and snow. We survived though and I'm back to cutting grass at home and building at the farm.
# Posted: 4 May 2014 05:14pm
We too ran out of wood. Since we have no furnace we have been stuck burning wet wood that we just unburied out of the snow a few weeks ago to split. What a pain in the butt.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2014 11:26pm
We had 3+' of snow, pretty cold, but I don't mind that. ( Where we live, not cabin). Luckily, we had extra wood this year; without it we would have been screwed as we basically rely on our wood stove. Hurricane Irene a few years ago and our neighbor's property keep us wealthy for heat.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2014 08:14pm
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 08:56am - Edited by: ILFE
Quoting: groingo How went yours people?
Living in Southeast Asia, I usually have to suffer through winters in a hammock. 
# Posted: 14 Feb 2021 05:14pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Instead of starting a mew thread i thought i’d just use this one.
Anyway, right now we’re at -25 C or so here in Alberta. I consider it pretty cold. So I was surprised to read that it’s now nearly as cold in Texas as it is here.
US cold snap: Why is Texas seeing Arctic temperatures? - BBC News
“Parts of Texas hit 0F (-18C) on Sunday, and weather warnings are going to stay in place through the week.â€
... Similarly Lubbock, Texas, will only reach a high of 9F (-13C). These temperatures, Mr Chenard said, are "40 to 50 degrees [Fahrenheit] below average".
# Posted: 14 Feb 2021 05:53pm
I was just seeing that TX stuff this aft! Gonna be a lot of froze up pipes down south. Here In south central WI, USA we've been deeply unseasonable cold for over a week; the High today was -1*f after -13*f this morning (sorry, I dont do C...). Until the deeper cold and some more snow yesterday I did 8 consecutive days of snowshoeing 1.25ish mi. (ha, I dont do K either). Surprisingly Im kinda getting used to it. Report indicates the same through Tue and a slow rise, maybe +20ish*f come next Sat. So, yeah, surviving, and well.....but not at the off-grid cabin!
# Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:37pm
Generally in this part of NY we get a week of 0* at night and below 15* durring the day. Looks like that wont happen this year. We do have snow on the ground for longer than 2 weeks so that's nice. It is suposto rain/ice tomorrow.
I enjoy the snow..il never move south.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:59am
Almost non stop snow since friday, took Kubota out and cleared entire cul de sac and all neighbors driveways. Only to wake up Sat with even more snow than originally. So did it again, then more snow Sunday, but a warm snow and we are melting off now. The snow was 14" at the highest, french bulldog was so cute playing it in, it was as deep as he is tall. He loves the snow. And likes eating it too.
Plows made their way out Sat eve and early Sunday, main roads are passable now. Headed to work today. Should be OK, see temp is 34, baro is 29.4 and dropping still
Ham radio weather station shows lightening, but I dont think so.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2021 09:58am
Who are these 'winter people' I'm supposed to be surviving? You guys? You're not that difficult. 
Was a little nippy out here yesterday, had to roll up the truck window, but only on the freeway.
This summer, when we're in a drought and on fire, I'll be the one singing the blues.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:11am
Our daughter just got home from working in the arctic. The weather all last week had them near 100 below 0 wind chill with -50 ambient temperatures. She works outside.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2021 11:20am
I went camping this weekend with some friends to test out gear for an up coming hunting trip. It was -26F when we were breaking down camp Sunday morning. Plus, we had a 50 mile snowmobile ride to get back to the road. We all survived.
# Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:40pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Latest new below.
Still cool here but this follows two months of amazingly warm weather in December and January with very little snow on the ground. Even now we still have very little snow.
Winter storm: Snow, ice hits 25 states; power outages in Texas; tornadoes
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/02/15/winter-storm-texas-power-outage s-south-ice-snow/4487366001/
# Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:22pm
Quoting: paulz Who are these 'winter people' I'm supposed to be surviving? You guys? You're not that difficult. Actually those winter people sound pretty scary: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18007535-the-winter-people
# Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:37pm
Oh my god, this thread is 7 years old, that's when I had some hair!
Eddy G
# Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:32am - Edited by: Eddy G
Southwestern NH near the VT border here.
I don’t know if the weather guys agree or not but i can say for sure that this was the most snow we’ve had in the six years we’ve been here.
I’m guessing we’ll have snow on the ground until late April maybe even May...But it is New England so a heat wave could come in a make us forget it ever happened... The MUD will remind us....Until the mosquitoes come... May not sound but I really do love it up here
# Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:09pm
Quoting: groingo Oh my god, this thread is 7 years old,
It takes some folks longer to thaw out.
Upstate NY was a good winter, started late ended somewhat early but a good solid amount of snow with great conditions for snowshoeing. Got to test my -30 F bag one weekend in the ADK's!
I miss it but can't wait to switch on the CC and inverter for the Chevy Volts instead of humping 8 Trojans!
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