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Gary O
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 01:01am
Glad this thread was resurrected
gonna go out and hug my Honda EU2000i right now
12-16 hrs a day, ever day for looks to be 2 or more years now
I don't even think about it for a month only then to change the oil
Thank you again, Toy tech...for being so adamant
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 10:38am
When you hug your Honda, Gary, keep your nose away from the muffler. Been there. Done that. Ouch.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 11:28am
Check the electric generator depot. They had good prices on them. They also had free shipping in US. Not sure what shipping was to other countries but they do ship worldwide.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 08:17pm
Another vote for the Honda EU2000i, simply the best. Runs everything at my cabin including all my power tools (table saw, mitre saw, circular, drills etc. ) and my log splitter and my iota 55 Amp for my solar. Flawless and dependable
Starts every time and is super quiet. this is one piece of off grid cabin equipment that if you spend the extra little bit of $ you really get so much value.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 09:12pm
I have a Champion 2000 watt inverter generator. Got it on sale for a fraction of the price of a Honda. Has worked very well. Our camp is recreational so it doesn't get a ton of use except for running the AC when it gets hot. If I was using daily then I would get a Honda.
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 10:33pm
My "coleman" runs a honda gx390. 7 years. Still starts first or second pull.
There is a tip with the genny. Occasionally the stator will freeze up. Give it a few guns of the motor to free up.
Oh. And change the spark plug more often than once every 4 years.
# Posted: 1 Mar 2017 04:39pm
I have gone that route,Bough a 1600 watt generac and a Coleman 2400 watt both were noisy,very hard to start and didn't last long.I recommend a Honda eu2000i.It's a perfect size for me,not overkill to big or to small to run big loads.Starts up every time with one tug.with fresh oil changes every 100 hours,you can't kill the thing!
# Posted: 1 Mar 2017 08:30pm
Quoting: Gary O Thank you again, Toy tech...for being so adamant
Hey, you know I wouldn't steer you wrong. And stop calling me Atom Ant...
Oh, nevermind, its Adamant. 
# Posted: 2 Mar 2017 09:34am
I had a Generac for the first 7 years in the desert. It was cheap, very reliable, but noisy! Just got a Honda 3000 this season, and what a difference......quiet is the word...so quiet that I sometimes forget to turn it off! It was $1999 online, but they had financing available, so for $150 a month I have the best generator I've ever used....and it runs for a whole weekend on a couple gallons of gas..simply amazing!
# Posted: 3 Mar 2017 11:16am
A year ago replaced my 89 year old moms 5 year old Honda 2000 with a Champion 4000 watt with electric start and a bit more capacity.
Here' s the kicker when it comes to Honda, I sold the 5 year old low hour 2000 for $50.00 more than I paid for it new....not many generators can do that and with the money from the Honda I bought the Champion and had nearly $400.00 left over!
The Champion has gotten low use and only had one small problem with the electronic automatic choke not resetting so converted the choke to manual and starts second try every time plus the Champion has its own feather duster to keep it nice and sparkley!
# Posted: 4 Mar 2017 12:23pm
I need a feather duster.
My coleman uses the honda motor. I have had no problems. As mentioned.
It is loudish. But it's 8500w.
I got it onsale when coleman went out of business. It was 1k cad.
# Posted: 14 Mar 2017 01:43pm
I got my Honda 2000 in November 2014 because of this forum...especially Toyota and Don. Thank you Gentlemen. At the time there was $50 off special going on. MtnDon posted $899.00 with the 50 off so I got one from his posted link at http://www.electricgeneratordepot.com
My wife has fish tanks that need power 24/7 and I had been using a hard starting-temperamental harbor freight 2 cycle 900w. It was a pain and used 1.1 gal of fuel in 6 hours but was much better then running my Powermate PM0675700 7,125 Watt 301cc 10 HP Yamaha MZ 300 that used much more fuel. So I upgraded to the Honda and very glad i did. I haven't had to use it much but I love it and I know it's reliable which give me peace of mind.
I have a 10 circuit transfer switch for Big Genny but really only need Big G to run my well pump. I wanted my honda to be more useful so I added a Reliance Controls TF151W Easy/Tran single Transfer Switch at my boiler to power boiler efficiently with out pulling Big Gen from the shed. If your heating system is on a 15A circuit the TF151W is good to go. Because of the other installed trans switch this needed to be installed anywhere between fuse panel and boiler. Worked out great.
I have modern appliances that have circuit boards so at this point I think I'd only use Big Gen for the well pump when needed.
Besides the boiler and fish tanks I've run both modern and wringer washing machines, power tools, electric chainsaw, smaller air compressor and computer network with the Honda. Highly recommend.
# Posted: 15 Mar 2017 08:29pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: ChuckDynasty I got my Honda 2000 in November 2014 because of this forum...especially Toyota and Don. Thank you Gentlemen.
Nice to see you were paying attention, you know we wouldn't steer you wrong. Once a Honda generator owner, you throw rocks at everything else.
I went and bought the EU6500is also, (been replaced with theEU7000is EFI) this runs my entire house (I have it wired into the full panel) and it runs my electric hot water, electric range, furnace (15A gas unit) runs my electric dryer, septic pump and does it all with ease and in eco mode. Kicker is, this is rated for the same noise level as your EU2000i. Now on all those heavy loads, I cant run more than one real heavy load at a time is all, but I can run them all. Comes at a cost, over $4000
# Posted: 18 Mar 2017 10:51am
I have been using the Eu2000iC for the last 4 years. Runs everything i need, not all at once but does what I need. Last year I got one of those generics in 1000 watt just to run the battery charger. Louder and less fuel efficient. She quit on me the other day. So I search Craigslist and picked up a lightly used Eu1000i to replace it. Wow, there is no comparison. I am sure my little used one will last 3 times as long as the New generic would. And she runs for ever on a tank of gas.
I know the Yamaha is just as nice, but for me, if it does not say Honda Eu**** on it, its not worth my time to bring it home. Just my $.02
# Posted: 19 Mar 2017 12:01am
Quoting: offgridjunkie ut for me, if it does not say Honda Eu**** on it, its not worth my time to bring it home. Just my $.02

# Posted: 21 Mar 2017 09:10pm
OK, Echo is a great brand, I see they show a 2000 watt inverter generator. I just stumbled upon it. I love Echo power equipment too. I would still roll the Honda EU2000i, but for those looking for a lower cost, but still high quality, maybe something to consider?
I have not seen nor put an eye or a hand on one of these units.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2017 09:28pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech OK, Echo is a great brand, I see they show a 2000 watt inverter generator. I just stumbled upon it. I love Echo power equipment too. I would still roll the Honda EU2000i, but for those looking for a lower cost, but still high quality, maybe something to consider? http://bearcatproducts.com/products/generators/ig2000/I have not seen nor put an eye or a hand on one of these units. Its a Kipor IG2000 in different clothing, likewise with the Polaris Inverter units.
# Posted: 21 Mar 2017 11:49pm
OK, so its not made by Echo. I thought i stumbled onto something good. I have been looking for large semi pro woodchippers and this popped up.
OK, I still endorse the Honda EU2000i 100% for cabineers. 
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Mar 2017 12:04am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech I went and bought the EU6500is also, (been replaced with theEU7000is EFI) this runs my entire house (I have it wired into the full panel) and it runs my electric hot water, electric range, furnace (15A gas unit) runs my electric dryer, septic pump and does it all with ease and in eco mode. Kicker is, this is rated for the same noise level as your EU2000i. Now on all those heavy loads, I cant run more than one real heavy load at a time is all, but I can run them all. Comes at a cost, over $4000 Great...now I gotta git one $4K ain't so much for all that
# Posted: 22 Mar 2017 12:21am
Quoting: Gary O Great...now I gotta git one $4K ain't so much for all that
Gary, electric start too. Start it up in the comforts of your cabin. 
Gary O
# Posted: 22 Mar 2017 12:26am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Start it up in the comforts of your cabin It'll be hummin' here by summer of 2018
# Posted: 22 Mar 2017 06:30pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech OK, so its not made by Echo. I thought i stumbled onto something good. I have been looking for large semi pro woodchippers and this popped up. OK, I still endorse the Honda U2000i 100% for cabineers. I am a Honda guy, my car, atv, motorcycle, most of my generators are all Hondas and Im a certified Honda OPE Tech, but I do have and have had a bunch of Kipors. Apart from the surge capabilities I would put one head to head with a Honda anyday, best part of them is they don't walk away when your not looking like Hondas!
# Posted: 23 Mar 2017 06:16pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: hamish I am a Honda guy, my car, atv, motorcycle, most of my generators are all Hondas
Toyota certified tech here. Toyota doesn't make generators or I would own one. I do have a Honda self propelled walk behind, 2 of the Honda EU2000i, a Honda EU6500is. All my vehicles are Toyota except the RAM diesel.
Honda makes the finest power equipment on the planet because Toyota doesn't build them...... yet. 
# Posted: 1 May 2017 04:54pm - Edited by: Willie1959
Been off grid for 17 years . Current generators are Onan commercial units 4500 watts 1800 rpm units, a new Honda ep2500c cold weather $899.00 excellent unit runs inside my shed, inside a sound encloser 37 dbs at cabin for sound level and a used Ryobi 2000 watt inverter generator for battery charging. I have 2.4 kw of solar and 1000 watt wind turbine. Best generator is a tossup between the Hondas. I have had gone through two Honda 3000 inverter models just worn out. The Onan commercial units one currently has 3800 hours love them because they have full pressure lub and filter and are cheap on kijjii.. Do what I did separate circuit inverter only for the electronics only and run everything else on inverter/ generator power. Get an automatic transfer switch for the main feed to switch to generator power when running. Put an hour meter on all generators .
Gary O
# Posted: 2 May 2017 09:58pm
Quoting: Willie1959 The Onan commercial units one currently has 3800 hours love them Good info, Willie. Onan has been a bastion for a very long time.
Oh, and welcome to SCF I imagine you have a lot of input being off grid for 17 years
# Posted: 10 May 2017 09:56am
Wish I could have bought a Honda but the price difference was just too great for me to justify. I did just buy a Champion 3100W remote start for $799 from Cabelas. After using $522 of points my cost is down to $350 after tax. Looking forward to using it on the property and when we start construction, hopefully later this year.
# Posted: 10 May 2017 01:38pm
Quoting: 95XL883 I did just buy a Champion 3100W remote start for $799 from Cabelas. After using $522 of points my cost is down to $350 after tax.
You'll do fine with that Champion. I had the 2000 watt model that I bought second hand and it worked great. When I did have an issue, Champion support was fantastic and sent me replacement parts free of charge.
I recently upgraded to a Yamaha EF2000is which I am loving. Much quieter and starts like a dream. It was a good deal otherwise I was looking at the model you bought.
# Posted: 11 May 2017 08:39pm - Edited by: paulz
The small town where my cabin is just had this 10kw backup generator replaced under warranty, it leaks a bit of oil. I suspect it's the crank seal but it's very minor. Briggs did not want it back, so..it's in the back of my truck. There was talk of giving it to me but now they're saying I may need to cough up $500. Looks like a $3k item at HD. It's propane powered, the electrician said they cost a lot more to run than gas.
Don't really need it but shouldn't pass it up. Should I?
http://www.homedepot.com/p/Briggs-Stratton-10-000-Watt-Automatic-Air-Cooled-Standby-G enerator-with-200-Amp-Transfer-Switch-040450/207044686?cm_mmc=Shopping%7cTHD%7cG%7c0% 7cG-BASE-PLA-D28I-Generators%7c&gclid=CjwKEAjwl9DIBRCG_e3DwsKsizsSJADMmJ11p5E0wOgRUR7 qxhlDUeUxpX3hZcBu8pUPqVtC4aGgkRoC0Bzw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
# Posted: 1 Aug 2018 05:26am
I purchased a Propane Generator from Central Maine Diesel a few years ago.
20 HP Honda engine, Italian generator head. Paid about $2300 plus shipping via Paradise Freight which was a few hundred. I see the price is just a bit higher now... But the one I want most is cummins.
Recently it blew a capacitor. Central Maine sent me 2 for the price of one even though it is out of warranty. $39 total for two.
I looked at generators on island but a similar Honda at Quality electric was close to $6000 and it wasn't even a 13750kw. More like 8 or 9000kw if I remember right.....
They have many generators at great prices but this is the one I settled for. Quiet, no smell, propane lasts forever........
# Posted: 1 Aug 2018 08:50am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: shelleyWalern I purchased a Propane Generator from
Oh, you did not shelley, you are spamming. Pretty sneaky though.
OK, back to our actual thread, Gary, that EU6500is has been superseded with the EU7000is, same genny, but EFI! Price is about the same too.
The Honda EU2000i has also been superseded by a EU2200i
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