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# Posted: 23 Jan 2014 10:17pm
I was walking though my local Home Depot this evening and happened by a free standing wood stove and thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a portable wood stove? Something that would only take up room when you wanted it to and could be relocated when not in use.
Alternatively, maybe a wood stove that sat outside and the heat would circulate inside but wouldn't take up any room.
Sometimes my mind wanders off. If you see it by itself make sure it's ok, please.
# Posted: 23 Jan 2014 10:20pm
The Kimberly Stove is portable. Check out the videos on YouTube.
# Posted: 23 Jan 2014 10:37pm
That looks really cool except for the price tag. $3500 is a little steep for a little wood heater.
# Posted: 23 Jan 2014 10:48pm
Bzzzzzt, how about a radiator type system, but instead of steam, have coolant in there. It can circulate by convection, no pump etc. So you start your fire outside, it heats up water, then convection moves it through plumbing to a radiator on the inside and radiates heat in the cabin. But it takes from the cozy fire inside, plus having to go outside to stoke it up.... 
# Posted: 23 Jan 2014 10:56pm
You can do a wood boiler but has pros and cons. Google outside wood stoves. http://www.instructables.com/id/outdoor-wood-boiler-from-junk/ Here a portable small wood stove that I can pick up and walk away with it. It is 12x24 inch and all pipe fits right inside the stove. This is a pack stove if you are thinking of something like this. 
# Posted: 24 Jan 2014 08:37am
The outdoor boiler neb mentioned is homemade, there are also manufacturers that make them for residential use. They can heat the home by radiant heating coils in the floor, perhaps by forced air ducting (I'm not sure) and they provide hot water too. You have to feed wood into it several times a day of course. Great idea but expensive to install at the outset.
# Posted: 24 Jan 2014 09:43am
Quoting: bldginsp Great idea but expensive to install at the outset. Yep. I have talked to some that have had them and they really like them and have some what differant set ups. The stove isn't the big cost but how you want to heat (hot water) etc. The people I talked to say that it is a very cheap way to heat a home if you do the work yourself and biuld your own fire box.