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# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 04:34pm
had a car stereo in the cabin for awhile but recently put it back in my van have all kinds of expensive stereo stuff at home its in the basement not used dont listen to music as much anymore because my hearings bad it not as enjoyable but i like to listen for owls thats all I get
also rain on the roof
everytime i walked away from the cabin and heard music it seems not right for a cabin but if i had a real banjo player sitting on the porch now your talkin
# Posted: 13 Dec 2013 06:51pm

# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 02:22pm
nice. thx all for the replies.
i have 2 nature faves. 1) bobolinks. for two days after their babies fledge they sit in this trio of trees I have and sing their heads off. bobolinks have incredible voices. every note is a chord. And 2) grey tree frog mating call. so sweet. it's unbelievable. (did I just hijack my own post?)
but it's -23. the only sound is the roar of the wind. i guess i could go out and listen to the sound of my teeth chattering. but i prefer to sit in front of the fire with Nat King Cole singing christmas carols.
cabingirl3. maybe i could take up banjo too. we could be a duet.
morock. a rasperry pie. mmm. sounds delicious. i'm still trying to get my arduino board to run the tractor. or do anything besides blink lights.
hey steve. what t amp did you get. i'm kinda thinking i'd get better detail if i had just a bit more powerful amp. (sounds suspiciously like two foot itis?) er. two foot itis is what happens when you've owned a boat for more than a year. "if only I had another two feet I could ..."
# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 02:44pm
I use a solar powered ipod stereo and it works great
# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 05:27pm - Edited by: Steve961
What I have is an Indeed Tripath TA2020 at 2x20 watts of power. It's $40 delivered, but it doesn't come with a power adapter which will raise the price to $60 or so. It's not bad, but there are a few songs where I wish it had a bit more power.
Indeed Tripath TA2020 on Ebay
What I would like to get is a TOPPING TP22 at 2x30 watts of power. It's $100 delivered, but it already comes with a power adapter, has more power, better connectors, and a switch for two different inputs. The Pioneer speakers we have do need a bit more power to really sound good.
TOPPING TP22 on Ebay
# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 07:03pm
Ipod with IHome rechargeable portable speaker. Music is nice when you are working on the cabin.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2013 08:17pm
My truck radio....with Sirius.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2013 08:58am
I see INdeed improved a few things compared to my 20 buck amp with power supply. the Topping looks super clean. but no input jack just the rca plugs.
went on a jazz binge last night. i still have ella fitzgerald singing in my head.
Flying Wrench
# Posted: 17 Dec 2013 05:10pm
Here is a system I recently came up with:
It is a set of PC speakers that use a USB as a power source. I am using battery backup USB charger that is meant for cell phones or similar players. The music source can be any music player that has a 3.5mm audio jack.
The backup charger can be charged from multiple sources, including an automotive 12v cigarette lighter jack, a wall outlet, or a solar battery charger.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2014 10:59pm
serius satalite radio wired to a set of low buck computer speakers powered by a selectable 3-12v cigarette lighter plug. and for serious thump, a cheap auto stereo with usb coupled to a cheap speaker box and fader wired to outside speakers
# Posted: 27 Jul 2014 11:08pm
I scored a freeplay solar and windup radio at the local thrift store. The sun helps us rock out during the day and we wind it up for 20 mins of tunes at night. Nice thing is to give it a full wind as we go to bed and it shuts off when it's done.
# Posted: 27 Jul 2014 11:12pm
Quoting: creeky nature faves. 1) bobolinks Where are you that you hear bobolinks? We had them this spring but now they are gone  We are on Wolfe Island
# Posted: 27 Jul 2014 11:20pm
i dont want music. i want queit and silence and the chirp of a bird or the twitter of the squirrels.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 10:44am
Hey wilbour. I'm in eastern ontario. My favorite season is the spring when the fields around me fill up with the bobolinks. They're so cool, the males with their bright yellow Mohawk hair do. But ya. They have a long migration I understand, so once the kids fledge they're off. I miss 'Em not least because suddenly the horse.deer fly population booms after they go...
Still haven't upgraded my amp, but been rockin' the streaming media this summer. Finally figured it out.
Right now I'm listening to the rain on the tent. Cabin gal I spend more time listening to the wind, the birds, the frogs etc. Once in awhile tho... gotta crank up the tunes.
Interestingly, robins like the blues and heavier rock always brings in the sparrows. Don't know why.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 11:07am
I have a "block rocker"...it has an ipod dock, 2 mic inputs for guitar and vocal mic, an aux input (RCA) and a built in AM/FM tuner. Works great and works on a rechargeable battery. I get about 12 hours on a charge, so its good for 4-5 days at the camp. I haul it back and forth.
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 11:07am
here is the company link:
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 11:56am
Nothing. I have never had music there at all. My music is the absence of all noises except the wild outdoors. 
I'm not anti music, I just never even thought about it when there. I suppose I should bring a radio just to listen to local news if there is ever a crisis while there.
I always bring my HF ham radio gear, is that music??? 
# Posted: 28 Jul 2014 03:39pm
I always bring my indigestion- is that music?
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 04:49am
Logitech UE Boombox (built-in rechargeable battery and BlueTooth), my iPhone, and a Rhapsody account. I am blessed with strong cellular service so I can hotspot or just use cellular data to stream or download anything. I pretty much play music constantly unless it's movie-time. Spotify is great too. I would give up a lot before I gave up my Rhapsody account. $10/month worth it to me
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 12:23am
We sing and listen to the wind
# Posted: 31 Aug 2014 12:03pm
I just listen to nature but when the owls and jays get carried away I slap my shoes together.
Gary O
# Posted: 2 Sep 2014 10:21am
Just like to listen to the birds, chippies, coyotes, and the breeze thru the trees.
and the quiet
When cabi cooks up a mess 'o refried beans, I have been known to yield a purty good rendition of camptown races....if I bend my leg just right.........
# Posted: 2 Sep 2014 10:37pm
I have a Bosch job site radio. A little rough on batteries but there's nothing like listening to Bob Uecker and my Brewers by the fire.
The radio has speakers on four sides so if we are working anywhere around camp you can hear it well.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2014 10:39am - Edited by: groingo
When cabi cooks up a mess 'o refried beans, I have been known to yield a purty good rendition of camptown races....if I bend my leg just right.........
In what key would you do that one?
# Posted: 3 Sep 2014 10:55am
I'm sure the wife will have some sort of device at our cabin (once we build it)...I prefer live music. We have lots of friends that play guitar/banjo/ect. They will likely be regulars at the cabin. I barely play a "little" guitar, but I make and play Native American flutes. I have put together a tiny little AA powered configuration using Ipod speakers and a tiny Zoom guitar effects pedal for reverb...really makes the flutes sound great outdoors. I use this on kayak trips, and I'm sure I'll use it at the cabin.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2014 10:01pm
Quoting: bobrok ting: Salty Craig Most of the time I just enjoy the silence. I do not need music or a distraction to be happy. I am quite at peace with only my thoughts in my head.
We complement that with singing.
(quote=bobrok) 78s are readily available. The record companies made millions of them. They have no value unless they are certain kinds of early jazz, blues, and a few other things. But it's fun to listen to Bing and Benny Goodman occasionally. If you happen across an original Polydor Skip James, let me know.{/quote)
I'm in the process of cleaning out my parent's apt. and came across some wonderful 78's. Paul Robeson for one. Some of them are only one-sided. It's amazing to think about technology changes in a lifespan. And potential for good use of it. But that's a different forum perhaps.
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