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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / New member (sawdust composting outhouse Q)
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# Posted: 27 Sep 2013 09:27pm
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I grew up off the grid in NY and my husband and I just bought 10 acres to do the same with.

Our land is in Angelica NY.

We are having the Amish build us a small cabin to put on the land.

I am having a hard time finding info on a sawdust composting outhouse, which is how I found this forum

# Posted: 28 Sep 2013 09:40am
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This is where I read up on it. Works great. We use peat moss.

Good luck with the cabin

# Posted: 28 Sep 2013 08:57pm - Edited by: SandyR
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Thanks, from reading this I was able to I find some books that looked good and I ordered them from Amazon.

# Posted: 29 Sep 2013 01:27am
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Welcome! The folks here are helpful. Feels like one, big, happy family.

# Posted: 29 Sep 2013 03:59pm - Edited by: CabinBuilder
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FYI, One of the earlier treads on the composting outhouse topic

# Posted: 1 Oct 2013 02:06pm
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Sandy, that's just what we did, bought 12x40 from Amish and are finishing the inside ourselves. I love our little place. We have used sawdust and peat, just add a cup of each. This has worked great! Next spring I should have some great fertilizer for my trees and flowers! Do share pics of your place when you get it.

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