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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / So, you want a generator, does the ETL or UL listing make it better?
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2013 06:51pm - Edited by: groingo
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Well, after buying the worlds smallest gasoline power generator and finding some questionable design issues I got in touch with both UL and ETL who test and evaluate products for fitness and safety.

This Chinese generator is ETL C.22.2 and CARB/EPA approved and has been verified while both my Honda and Yamaha were only CARB/EPA approved yet both clearly better designed?

Bottom line is the only requirement for testing to sell in the US is the CARB/EPA certification, no other is required so when I asked Honda and Yamaha why they had not gotten UL or ETL C.22.2 Cert. they simply said, we didn't have too.

So what is the C.22.2 standard, it just certifies that the electronics were manufactured to a minimum standard as with all certifications by ETL and UL all are based on a minimum standard.

So, do the Certification labels on the product actually mean anything?

In a word NO, as they are based only on the unit tested and do NOT apply to any thereafter...why, because the testers have no enforcement powers and therefore cannot perform ongoing random testing so all they can do is HOPE they build what was tested.

So what is the best way to know just how good a product is?

You are in the right place, a forum of users is where you will typically get the best information to buy a product with, so don't be fooled by the shiny stickers, they are only worth the price of printing.

After making my own safety related changes to my little friend
we are good to go.

Final note: In December 2016, many of the current standards are due to be removed....go figure.

# Posted: 17 Aug 2013 07:46am
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Thanks for doing the research and providing an informative summary. I was surprised to read that once a product passes the testing there is not additional followups. I work for a medical device company and our systems are audited annually.

# Posted: 17 Aug 2013 11:15am
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Quoting: ShabinNo5
Thanks for doing the research and providing an informative summary. I was surprised to read that once a product passes the testing there is not additional followups. I work for a medical device company and our systems are audited annually.

You're absolutely right, Medical grade products are regarded as the highest level, even higher than NASA and Aircraft grade but I guess the Consumer doesn't rate that kind of consideration, with consumer grade products it's all hot air and mirrors.

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