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# Posted: 2 Aug 2013 12:26pm - Edited by: groingo
This generator was loaded with careless design problems all of which have now been corrected, starter problem resolved, fuel overflow tube resolved, excessive residue in oil gone, now starts first pull from dead cold and as insurance the oil is now 25% Lucas Oil Conditioner to be safe.
Now that I have figured it out I think we will be ok, now watch, we won't have any power outages this winter!
Would I buy another Powerhouse brand generator....in a word NO, too many careless shortcuts needed correcting and I just hope I got them all.
One thing that does concern me is that this thing shows it is both ETL and UL approved for safety, but with the fuel overflow draining into an interior area with exposed high heat from the muffler and more exposed electrical wiring and the high possibility of the BOOM syndrome as it came makes me wonder if these "Certifications" are legit....fortunately mine now drains to the outside of the machine so no worries.
# Posted: 3 Aug 2013 09:21am
well. raise a glass to gettin 'er done.
# Posted: 3 Aug 2013 05:17pm
Quoting: groingo One thing that does concern me is that this thing shows it is both ETL and UL approved for safety, but with the fuel overflow draining into an interior area with exposed high heat from the muffler and more exposed electrical wiring and the high possibility of the BOOM syndrome as it came makes me wonder if these "Certifications" are legit....
The chinese can copy all other products, they can certainly reproduce a ETL and/or UL rating stickers too. 
# Posted: 3 Aug 2013 05:57pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech The chinese can copy all other products, they can certainly reproduce a ETL and/or UL rating stickers too.
Funny but there is actually a case right now in Springfield, MO where a local store was found to be selling lamps with counterfeit UL tags.
Read all about it here.
It is a big deal.
# Posted: 3 Aug 2013 06:54pm - Edited by: groingo
Having dealt with ETL and UL before and knowing they do not require verification that the product being tested is the product being manufactured because they have no way to oversee production after the product is approved, all you can do is cross fingers and hope for the best, the game is thoroughly rigged making the UL and ETL labels mean virtually NOTHING, and this is ETL and UL's out should if ever go to court, oversight is not required.