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# Posted: 20 Jul 2013 08:58pm
Has anybody here tried this? Doesn't sound like something that could be used as a primary heat source, but I like the idea of using such simple materials to provide some supplemental heat. Since I haven't seen any two designs the same so far, I was kind of curious to hear anybody's suggestions on what you would do to maximum heat output if you were to build one. This is a long video, but gives a good overview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLNViUsRCVU
# Posted: 21 Jul 2013 09:17am
there's a really good test of these systems on http://builditsolar.com/Projects/SpaceHeating/Space_Heating.htm
see the section on testing done in 2010-11.
The nice thing is they tested a solar heater made with window screen and it performed exceptionally well and is far easier to build than the pop can style heater (which also tested well). have a look.
i have the bits to build mine. but with temps in the mid-30s (90sF) I have other priorities...
# Posted: 21 Jul 2013 06:36pm
Wow, great website. I had never heard of a screen collector, but that's really got my attention. Gonna have to try that as well as the pop can collector and see how they compare in my environment.
In the back of my mind though, as I'm researching this stuff, I'm wondering if my tiny cabin would even need an external solar collector. My north wall will be the only one without large windows. I'll basically be living in a sunporch, so as long as the sun is shining I'll get lots of natural warmth. If I plan a good heat sink inside to hold onto that heat, that would essentially be the exact same process as an external solar heat collector. Plus, I wouldn't have to power a fan. Do you think the heat collectors are overkill in my instance? I guess it's free heat, though.....might as well make use of it!
# Posted: 22 Jul 2013 08:01am
I'm quite lazy, so the screen collector is my project choice. just have to get the table saw going. so I have to build a workshop. after I get the washroom done. which means moving my tool storage area. which should go in the workshop. 