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# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 07:58pm - Edited by: MJW
For those of you using water storage tanks, what are you doing to prevent algae growth?
We have 2 - 300 gallon tanks we are using, going through the water in 5 - 7 days before refilling.
My well pump guy recommended using chlorine tablets at every fill-up but I am reading that they can leave a residue in the bottom of the tanks. That doesn't sound good. 
I am also uncertain about adding straight chlorine bleach as most things I find on it recommend as much as 4 cups to every 100 gallons.
Our tanks are housed in a well shed that has limited light exposure and so far we have had no problems with algae. I just want to be proactive on this instead of reactive.
I am not sure if this would even be a problem as we go through the water fairly quickly.
Any recommendations short of painting the containers? I prefer to be able to actually see what is in them even if it is algae. 
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 08:38pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: MJW For those of you using water storage tanks, what are you doing to prevent algae growth?
Keep out sunlight. Build a shed around them (you have done that). They need to be in darkness. Cover them over with black vapor barrier, like used under a crawlspace. Tape them on it tight. So no sunlight. Total darkness.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 08:49pm
I use 2 tablespoons of 5 % liquid bleach once a week in our 55 gallon tank of filtered rain water .I have never had a problem with algae .4 cups sounds like too much to me . we only use 25 gal. a week. Maybe he meant 4 cups in all 600 gal.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 09:24pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
We use unscented Clorox bleach. 3/4 of a cup to 250 gallons. The tank is in full sunlight and we have never had any problems with algae. We fill the tank twice a week. I use Clorox because it has a higher concentration of sodium hypochlorite at 6%, off brands will have less.
MJW check out my water tower thread.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 10:17pm - Edited by: MJW
Thanks everyone...I appreciate the input.
Just... is your tank clear or black? Do you have it in a shed or have all light blocked out in any way?
SWL...our primary use for our water is dishes, showers and washing clothes, too, but I would like to be able to drink it if needed. At the dilution you are using, would is be safe to drink if needed?
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 10:36pm
I do not like the use of chlorine (bleach) for purifying water. It does do a pretty good job at killing bacteria. What I do not like are some of the more or less unmentioned possible ill affects. These include producing toxins when reacting with some other chemicals or substances. Some research indicates certain cancers are more prevalent in people who drink chlorinated water. Even the hot vapors in shower water can be harmful when we breath them in while showering. Possibly worse than drinking the water. Si I err on the side of caution.
We use chlorine in some of our collected rain water. The tanks that get stored for extended periods receive a dose of 1 US gallon of Clorox brand 5.25% to 3800 gallons of water. I think that is 8 drops Clorox regular to a US gallon or a half teaspoon per 5 gallons. Those proportions are for water that is clear. Cloudy dirty water should be filtered first.
Then if we use that water in the home we run it through charcoal filters to remove the chlorine. We also run that water through a UV system that kills bacteria and even protozoa like giardia.
Most of our water is underground so light is not a problem. Above ground we have some dark green poly tanks. That's as good as being underground. Don't leave a tank almost empty with just a few inches or less of water for prolonged periods. That is a recipe for bad things to happen.
We use swimming pool strength hydrogen peroxide for cleaning tanks and piping. Strong and dangerous stuff; be warned. Rinse well.
# Posted: 29 Jun 2013 10:58pm
Quoting: MJW clear or black
we have a food grade 55 gal. blue tank sitting out side with very little direct sunlight .we boil it for drinking only . every thing else we just use it out of the tank.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2013 12:30am - Edited by: silverwaterlady
One can get sick from bacteria in shower water that is untreated that is why I treat it with Clorox the shower is outside and since I am not using much chlorine I'm not going to worry about it. I'm sure most people know not to mix chlorine and ammonia together, that it causes a dangerous gas. That is why one should never use anything with chlorine to clean a outhouse or pour bleach down a smelly drain.
I have two fresh water creeks on my property. That is where we get our drinking water. I filter it in our Big Berkey.If the springs dry up in the summer I fill five gallon containers at the IGA.My BIL drank the water straight from the lake. He lived to be 85 years old. I would never do that and he thought it was funny that it bothered me!
# Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:55am - Edited by: MJW
Thanks again.
We pump our water directly from our 349 ft well with a beast of a generator to our tanks about once a week. It takes 45 minutes or so to fill them a few inches from the top.
We use a smaller 110 shallow well pump to pump it from the tanks into the house on demand.
With this set up I cannot think of any way the water could get contaminated, at least not until it gets into the tanks but they are completely enclosed with the tops off only when being filled.
Again, we use the water within a week so it isn't sitting for much time in the tanks. I will drain them down to a few inches left before refilling them.
I have attached a picture of the shed we have them in. It is very dark in there when the doors are closed (99% of the time) but it is not absolute black.
We are very happy with this set up but I just want to make sure I am being safe with it. Shed Housing the Tanks
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# Posted: 30 Jun 2013 11:08am
As already mentioned you can use peroxide rather than chlorine, if you get the industrial 30% solution. It breaks down into oxygen/water so there are no residue concerns. It completely breaks down in a couple of days and will completely sterilize your water.
Do not get this stuff on you or it will bleach your skin, even if just for a moment!
# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 09:11am
I use a Granular clorine made for swimming pools (Calcium Hypochlorite). I read on some rain catch web sites that it does not have some of the harmful chemicals that regular bleach has.
# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 01:20pm
Quoting: MJW I just want to be proactive on this instead of reactive. if you decide to eat chemicals most dont kill you right away thats proactive
do you get your water from the same place? keep a gallon sample of the water that you bring in - in a cyrstal clear jug and in the same dark shed and pay attention to it if it doesnt grow anything then maybe dont worry about it
# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 01:23pm
and get a camping water filter for your guests
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 08:23am
for those using the 30% hydrogen peroxide to treat your water tanks, what is the amount or ratio you are using and how often are you doing it? I have a 275 gal. tote that will just be used for showering and dish washing
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 12:31pm
I have a 2550 gallon tank and do not plan to use it for drinking, just showers, cleaning, and a toilet.
I assumed I would drop a gallon of clorox into it..
# Posted: 24 Jul 2013 01:07pm
Yea, I saw the ratio for clorox that people use above, but didn't know if that same ration could be applied to hydrogen peroxide. and also how often it needed to be done. Our place is only used a handful of times a year. Maybe Rossman can chime in
# Posted: 9 Sep 2015 08:56am - Edited by: margaritaville
# Posted: 9 Sep 2015 10:35am
# Posted: 9 Sep 2015 04:58pm
Saw this one was brought to the top for some reason and thought I would give everyone an update.
Been using our tanks for over 2 years now adding a 1/4 cup of Clorox to each tank every 3 or 4 fill ups (about once a month)
So far they are still clean as new...no algae. When the tanks are filled the water still looks a pale blue like a photo taken on a Caribbean beach. 