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# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 02:00pm
For you Honda owners, what oil are you using when you clean and re-oil your air filters?
The Honda manual just says "clean engine oil" leading me to believe they mean the same oil you use in the engine.
I am using Mobile 1 synthetic 10 w 30.
I recently, however, watched a video which said while most people use the same oil to oil the air filter, this is wrong and can damage the engine. The video says you should use a specific oil designed to be used on air filters.
Anyone care to comment on this? What are you using?
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 02:32pm
Quoting: MJW this is wrong and can damage the engine.
thanks mjw for my laugh of the day
for a comment ive been using motor oil for 40 years whats new is special air filter oil and less money for you do you know what the oil does? it catches the dust going thru the filter. if this can work on a motorcycle riding in dust so thick you cant breathe then it works 1000x better for a genertor that doesnt even move
if Honda says you can use engine oil why would you ask anyone else?
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 02:58pm
I use 80/90 weight. it's thicker and doesn't settle to the bottom of the filter like some engine oil can.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 03:54pm
Quoting: Truecabin thanks mjw for my laugh of the day
hahaha...glad I was able to give you a chuckle.
Well, I have been using the same oil to oil the filter but they do make air filter oil so I thought I would ask. I am new to generator ownership and still learning.
There is a saying that there are no "stupid" questions. Guess that saying is wrong. 
Thanks for sharing your experience.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 05:10pm
No such thing as a stupid question. Just use what they recommend. Wring it out well, so it wont settle. We race motocross and have the actual spray on oil filter oil. I know K&N makes it and its available at your auto parts store. Advantage for the spray oil from a can is its jsut not nearly as a messy of a job. You will find your Honda has a 3 stage air filter, such a superior design.
Did I mention how superior this entire generator unit is?
# Posted: 11 Jun 2013 05:54pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Did I mention how superior this entire generator unit is?
Err....yes, you have...hahaha. Once or twice. 
You ever get any stats on how long one of these things will last running 10 - 12 hours a day, 7 days a week with regular maint?
I have read anywhere from 15k to 40k hours. That is amazing.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 09:57am
mjw sorry for laughing but following the honda owners manual does not caus engine damage lots of companies make new products because people who have more money will pay more money so why not?
oil in a spray can is more convenient if you want to spend 10x as much and then its better i guess but not for the engine
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 03:34pm
No problem, Truecabin....glad to get your comments and experience.
Just want to make sure I treat these things right. They were pretty pricey. 
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 06:01pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: MJW They were pretty pricey.
They are pricey and many people avoid them for just that reason. Quality comes at a price. Its so worth it. For those who own one, you will show your freinds how nice and quiet they are, and be one of Hondas best salespeople. 
I cant tell you how many people went and bought one after hearing mine run, or not hear it run would be more like it.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2013 07:41pm
I picked mine up on Craigslist 2 years ago, and it's served me well ever since. Money well spent.