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# Posted: 20 May 2013 08:37am
I'm looking to install an inline whole house water filter on my cabin that is supplied by our rain cistern. Does anyone have any recommendations? We are using the water to wash dishes and shower but would like to filter out as much bacteria as possible.
# Posted: 29 May 2013 12:06pm
I think you could be using a household type filtration system if you have the same pressure a household does. Charcoal to an end filter such as .5 micron. You could use a little bleach or pool shock in your cistern from time to time....which the filters will remove any residue of when designed and executed right
# Posted: 29 May 2013 02:18pm
You could use Hydrogen Peroxide in the tank and its not nasty like bleach and has no smell...some municipalities are switching to peroxide instead of harmful bleach!
# Posted: 29 May 2013 02:56pm
Are you on the grid? You could use a UV light purifier, as one option, but you need some power for that.
Peroxide, yes, also real good for cleaning the cistern and keeping stuff from growing in thar, and it dissipates naturally over a few days - go to a hydroponics store and get the 30% stuff, not the weak 3% stuff you get down at the pharmacy. Hydroponics growers use it to keep their reservoirs sterile. Just be careful not to get any on you 
# Posted: 3 Jun 2013 08:16am
Yes, I'm off the grid but I have a generator that we use to power the cabin.
# Posted: 3 Jun 2013 10:29am
We use a big berkey for drinking water. They also make a shower head filter.
# Posted: 3 Jun 2013 10:39am
Don't use asphalt shingles on your roof. The oil from the shingle will contaminate your water. A metal roof is the best option. Be sure you have a flush system in your collection path to keep bird droppings, debris and other unwanted materials out of your cistern. Make sure the cistern or holding tank is not clear, black or buried is the best. Sunlight promotes organic growth. That is about all I have gleaned from other discussions on this forum. Here is a recent solution posted on another forum, by a knowledgeable person. The UV sanitizer would require power, how much I don't know. I would put in a three stage filter, (I use a 3 micron particulate, a 3 micron carbon, and a 1 micron particulate in that order) and finally a UV sterilizer sized at least as big as the GPMs of the demand pump. The accumulator tank can be placed anywhere you want, and it doesn't have to be very big. (all my filters, sterilizer, pump, and accumulator are all housed under the bathroom vanity) To prevent freezing, some heat tape on the water line riser, and a little insulation wrap will do the trick. Use PEX for the water riser. In the event the heat tape should fail, the water will freeze, but PEX tubing can expand without rupturing.