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# Posted: 18 May 2013 07:44pm
I am testing out the fan on my Dickinson heater and having some trouble, hoping someone could help me out. The heater says it is 12V and I am going to wire it into a 120volt cabin. I bought a transformer and hooked it up to a an extension cord through the transformer. When I turned it on all that happened was a whirring sound but no fan. Does the propane for some reason need to be connected? The manual says to connect the red and "black" wire coming out of the heater but as you can see from the photo it is a red and a blue. Any suggestions? Does it matter which wire from the transformer is connected to the wire out of the heater?
# Posted: 19 May 2013 01:02am
looks like an AC transformer I bet the dickinson needs 12v DC. you will need a DC transformer. read your manual to find the power requirements (amps) for the fan and get a transformer thats able to output that amps.
# Posted: 19 May 2013 06:20am
I was going to say the same thing. Without DC the motor won't know what way to turn.
# Posted: 19 May 2013 09:33am
Did you try hooking it up direct to a battery just to see if it works?
Also, after checking the manual online, it's a 12v .17 amp fan motor, so almost any 12v wall wart will work. (ac adapter for rechargeable ...) Noted too: in the wiring diagram both the wires (black and red) are listed as 18g. But the picture you posted shows two wires (blue and red) of very different widths. Check to make sure the blue wire is attached to the fan.
http://www.dickinsonmarine.com/Manuals/Propane%20Heater%20P9P12%20Manual.pdf page 10 has the fan wiring diagram.
and completely off topic. a hummingbird is feeding at a hanging basket about three feet away from me. my first of the year.
# Posted: 19 May 2013 09:56am
Quoting: creeky so almost any 12v wall wart will work.
you have to read the fine print on the wall wart sometimes they are 12v AC which is your same problem wall warts from lighting are sometimes AC because a lightbulb doesnt care if its ac or dc but a motor cares. most 12v dc wall warts are 500ma or 800, some up to 1000ma so all of these can run your fan because .17amp is 170ma. Lots of wall warts are 5v so read the fine print for 12v dc you can use a multimeter tester to be sure you know which is + and - sometimes a 12v wart will output 16 or 17v dont worry if the fine print on the sticker says 12v DC then its the one you want where to get one if you junk drawers not full of them? Go to salvation army they have piles of them, or to a used computer store or repair or you can go to a department store and look for a multiadapter usually they have a 12vdc option
# Posted: 19 May 2013 10:00am
hey bostonman you are making me afraid of when its time to hook up the gas you be careful OK? can you get some experienced help this can cause more trouble than a whirring sound
# Posted: 19 May 2013 01:39pm
Aaahhhh, 12 volt DC, sneaky. Thanks, ok looking into that. I found this online:
http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/WINLAND-ELECTRONICS-Vehicle-Alert-Power-Supply-20G30 5?Pid=search
And I'll also look around to see if one is lying around. Thanks guys!
Quoting: Truecabin hey bostonman you are making me afraid of when its time to hook up the gas you be careful OK? can you get some experienced help this can cause more trouble than a whirring sound
What's making you afraid Truecabin? I've already hooked up and been using a propane fridge, burner top, and water heater. I will admit I'm inexperienced but I'm trying to learn! You guys are my experienced help! Thanks for all the help
# Posted: 19 May 2013 01:41pm
The manual seems off from the actual heater. There is no mention of a blue wire in the manual and the drawing is not what you actually see, so just a little confusing....
# Posted: 19 May 2013 04:39pm
Wow 44.90 for a wall wart it there will be a hundred of those in the 50cent bin at salvation army or 12.95 at a dept store the only difference is you have to cut the end off and strip the wires your self. look for a junky rechargable drill or vacuum they are often 12v dc.
# Posted: 20 May 2013 10:45am
Yeah, I don't plan on buying that one online just making sure that's what I'm looking for. How did other people here wire their Dickinson's?
# Posted: 20 May 2013 06:26pm
so you're good with propane but learning about electricity. 
so as truecabin notes, sally anne or similar will have a 12 v dc wall wart typically used for computer type applications ... sort of assumed :thinking you'd know it was dc as that's what the manual states.
just to reiterate though, check that the blue wire actually attaches to the fan. it may be for thermostat or speed control ... and attaching the two wires to a battery will tell you if the fan works.
# Posted: 21 May 2013 06:33pm
Ok, thanks everyone. I might have rushed asking but I appreciate all the advice.