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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Solar Install?
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# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 12:50pm
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I am really struggling to figure out how to purchase a small solar setup. I have read lots of good posts on this site but none of them really layout how to connect all the components together. I have zero electrical background so I am definitely a newie when it comes to wiring things up. My cabin is located away from a major centre so i really don't want to pay anyone to install it. I have looked online for local solar companies but not much pops up in western canada.

Any suggestions?

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 01:31pm - Edited by: ICC
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do you know the system size and components you want yet? the capacity of storage you want? you need to know the total end use power requirements with some degree of accuracy. if you've already done this, great. now to equipment selection.

you can find kits all over the place and some might be good value for those with zero experience, but you have to trust the vendor.

there are many here who can supply info as far as what connects to what and in what order. the harder thing is to get actual how to connect and with what if the user has zero knowledge. you can probably get it done safely with lots of study and note making. again, how to tell the good info from the rest is the hard question. the internet is full of examples of poor practice. sorry, i have no link to a site that gives a total newbie everything they need. partly because there are so many variables from one system to another.

the following link is a long document, not really aimed at the DIY person, but still useful as a learning tool. it's US based so some code issues may be different for Canada.

North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP)

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 02:12pm
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read everything homepower magazine has to say

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 04:03pm
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This system:

is a 51AH battery connected to a 1500 watt inverter all self contained. It will accept a solar panel connected to the 12V charge plug. Honestly, you could build a better system for the same money, but this takes very little know-how to be up and running. Xantrex is a quality brand.

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 07:47pm - Edited by: Dillio187
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my only problem with that system is the inverter is way too big for the battery. You could run that battery flat in no time with 1500 watts.

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 09:39pm
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Just thought of another idea. Steven Harris is a frequent guest on the survival podcast. He recently had some shows about building a battery backup system to power stuff. He's not much into solar but the battery system he discussed is 90 percent of the work. He is selling a DVD that shows you how to build one...if you are a newbie I bet it would be very helpful.

No affiliation with this guy whatsoever...

# Posted: 25 Apr 2013 11:25pm
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IMO.and every one is different,the basic electric needs are 12 volt led lighting ,a12 volt radio or tv or both for public safety info ,a12 volt to usb converter ,to charge cell and computer , a 12 volt water pump. If used wisely these things do not use a lot of power.
This week at canadain tire they have some good starter componants
on sale . 30 watt soler panel, encludes small charge controler,and two batteries,ether the golf cart ones or deep cycle marrine .300$ would get you started and should get you through any long weekend !!!
these things and 25$ worth of wire and fuses would match what i have and I am very happy with it . for 150$ more you could add at any time a 1500 watt pure sane inverter to run a vacume or small tools

# Posted: 26 Apr 2013 12:41am
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Gomer is right, the Xantrex deal is "plug and play". He's also right in that you can build a better system for the same money but if you want simple, that's the way to go.

# Posted: 27 Apr 2013 12:11am - Edited by: spencerin
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If you are looking for the connection setup, here are the basics, starting with the solar panel -

1. the solar panel connects to a charge controller via solar cables (electrical cables designed for solar systems)
2. the charge controller connects to the battery bank (parallel-wired)
3. the battery bank connects to the inverter via heavy gauge wiring
4. you plug in your appliances to the inverter
5. you have power!

This is the basic, simple connection configuration.

Here's a link to a post I put up that shows what I bought. There's a lot of info out there that can get confusing, but I am an amateur and did it myself with these items and it works great.

# Posted: 22 May 2013 09:03am
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That xantrex unit is the exact same as the one that canadian tire use to sell, i owned one for about 5 years then the batteries went had 3 21ah batteries inside, it worked great for everything

# Posted: 23 May 2013 07:59am
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If you want something a bit bigger/better than the all-in-one Xantrex posted, I'd suggest checking out Northern Arizona Wind & Sun.

Your questions will probably be better answered in their forums. The shop has what seems to be great prices and they will ship UPS to Canada.

Good luck!

# Posted: 23 May 2013 09:56am
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I 2nd that Rossman. Great site.

Al Burton
# Posted: 23 May 2013 12:24pm
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LONG time lurker, first time poster. Oilerfan, I live in Calgary and might be able to help you out. I am in the oil and gas industry and have all types of Solar available at very reasonable pricing. If you do some research and decide what your requirements are I can get you some pricing. I don't normally sell equipment but I have learned so much from this forum I feel the need to give back! Looks like now that I have posted once I will need to get more involved

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