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# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 01:10am
So after lots of reading and checking, I'm giving up on bringing power in - going off-grid. I can deal with that - found a solution for pumping water (assuming I can find water ) with solar.
Next is septic. I haven't been able to get a perk and mantle done yet (winter) and I found a thread here about composting toilets - I think I can deal with that as well. Sure a lot cheaper. Then just dump the "compost" somewhere?
Final issue is grey water (showers/sinks). What do you all do with that? Just a (grey) leach field (depending on county and permits - if obtained)?
Thanks, John in Northern California - northeast of Sacramento.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 07:31am - Edited by: VTweekender
For your compost, fence off a small area of about 6 ft x 6 ft for a compost area/bin, dig down about a foot and loosening soil, empty there and turn it all with a pitch fork on occasion adding leaves and sawdust. For your grey water, you can dig a good size hole about 7 to 8 ft deep and 4 ft wide, fill about 3 ft with sand then another 3 ft on top of that with any 1" crushed stone , run your pipe into the top of the stone , cover with top soil, makes a good leach pit. Note, if you go and get a permit you will have to submit an engineered designed grey water field, and it will be much more elaborate and expensive.
# Posted: 9 Jan 2013 07:21pm
I will take a picture of our grey water system this weekend and post in next week.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2013 12:43am
Thanks all.
# Posted: 29 May 2013 02:32am
Quoting: VTweekender For your grey water, you can dig a good size hole about 7 to 8 ft deep and 4 ft wide, fill about 3 ft with sand then another 3 ft on top of that with any 1" crushed stone , run your pipe into the top of the stone , cover with top soil, makes a good leach pit.
Anyone have experience with this type of grey water system in the winter?
Frost level is about 4 feet here and I was wondering if there would be a freezing issue particularly in the run of pipe draining my sink /shower to the field itself? 
# Posted: 29 May 2013 08:05am
If you are permitted (and plan on checking) a grey water pit then the local municipality will be able to tell you what the requirements are. In my are the rules are:
52. Isolated dwelling without a pressurized water system: Where a privy serves an isolated dwelling which is not supplied by a pressurized water pipe and which is inhabited less than 180 days per year, grey water must be purified by a seepage pit built in accordance with the standards in paragraphs c and d of section 32, paragraphs c and d of section 34, section 35, and with the following standards: (a) the disposal site must be of high permeability or permeable soil; (b) the bedrock, underground water or any layer of impermeable or low permeability soil must be at least 1.2 m below the surface of the natural ground; (c) the seepage pit must be 1.2 m in diameter or 1 metre square and must be 60 cm deep; (d) the walls of the seepage pit must be built of (i) unmortared concrete blocks in which steel rods are inserted; (ii) unmortared stones between 15 and 30 cm in diameter; or (iii) latticework wood beams.
Note that a seepage pit here is only allowed for a seasonal dwelling without a pressurized water system. I cannot speak on the winter use issue but I don't see why it would not work for limited use in the winter assuming a proper pipe slope, some insulation around the pipe and possibly a slightly deeper pit with insulation around the upper section and the top. none of this might even be needed.
Couple of photos of our pit: Pit without cover
|  Solid cover
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# Posted: 29 May 2013 08:40pm
Just thinking about the traditional leach fields they build here in Wisconsin....the pipes are never more than a few feet below the surface so freezing must not be an issue if the pipes slope properly to drain and not allow any water to pool and freeze in the pipes.
# Posted: 30 May 2013 01:39am
Thanks for the replies! Exactly the info I was looking for.
We'll be using it for mostly weekend use. With a couple of longer stays a year.
I'm just starting out on the planning for a water system in the cabin. So much great information on this site!
# Posted: 11 Sep 2019 04:20pm
I need ideas for a gray water sump system. Totally off the grid. We do not need a pump. Fremont County, Idaho does not allow dumping dish water on the ground. It has to go into a sink waste disposal. I have a diagram, but not a clue how to get the chambers, nor concrete lid that is required. I can send the link as an attachment if anyone would like to see it. Otherwise, has anyone built something like this off grid?
# Posted: 11 Sep 2019 08:19pm
I have diagrams with measurements from the Ontario building code on leaching pits and requirements for my area. Not sure if it's acceptable for your area.
# Posted: 12 Sep 2019 06:26pm
We ran our grey water into 2 plastic barrels ,with lids, with lots of holes drilled in the sides. placed in a large pit . buried it all in washed 3/4 stone. It has worked well for about 15 years. No inspection. old243
# Posted: 18 Sep 2019 02:37pm
Thank you for those replies. I'm still working on it.
# Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:10pm
I know in our county in northern Wisconsin that you need either a septic system with leech field or a holding tank installed by a master plumber to be in compliance with regulations. Unfortunately, neither is cheap.
# Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:23am
You should call fremont countys building inspector to find out what your allowed to do. Asking online will only get you suggestions not something that will pass an inspection.