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# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 01:31pm
Ay ideas or products that make it easier for women to use the bathroom with out making a trip to the out house? We. We get a lot of snow at camp and the trip to the outhouse in the dark is not her favorite. Any tips or suggestions would be great. She is a trooper and does not mind but if I can make it easier on her she would want to go up to camp more often.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 01:41pm - Edited by: groingo
I can't say enough good things about my Coleman Portable, five gallon holding tank, solid construction, big seating area, feels like a regular toilet and even flushes with water, easy to empty and has worked very well for me full time for over a year now and for $69.00 that is just icing on the cake! http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=coleman+portable+toilet&view=detail&id=DBD3F50743 EBE2FEE359C10C87A55FB5052FB2D4&first=1
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 03:01pm - Edited by: Steve961
Check these out: Shewee
I'm still trying to talk my wife into using one of these since I do have an indoor urinal. The outhouse is reserved for #2.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 04:29pm - Edited by: trollbridge
My recommendation is a 5 gal bucket with a toilet seat on it-made for camping ( luggable loo)...a little water and a little blue juice...a separate garbage can beside it for TP... whalaa...no more going outside at night or even during the day when it is cold and snowy or rainy. In our little cabin (back in the day) we used the bucket method too at night, but we just cut the bottom of the bucket off and set it next to the cabin. It was WAY better than squatting...
Here is our newly "built in" indoor bucket. A private spot and built into a bench-way more stable so we don't need to worry about it accidentally getting tipped over   potty bucket bench w/ extra storage.
|  bucket hole and garbage can hole
|  discreetly tucked away
|  |
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 04:38pm
thats a great idea, I am in a one room cabin so the idea of privacy must be abandoned before coming inside.thanks
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 05:01pm
I have the "luggable loo" seat and bucket set up in my bathroom to use as an alternative to the regular commode in the next power outage. I plan to line the bucket with heavy duty, odor locking trash bags and put some cat litter in the bottom. Some people use peat moss instead.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 11:23pm
If you want your wife to be happy at the cabin than don't expect her to be happy with a tolit seat on top of a five gallon bucket. Get a nice porta potty. The holding tank is self contained. It costs more and is more sanitary. West Marine(their brand) had a nice one with a push button flush and a five gallon holding tank.
# Posted: 4 Dec 2012 11:57pm - Edited by: TomChum
I read somewhere that if you put your woodpile BETWEEN the outhouse and the cabin, that you will have this benefit:
If a woman is headed for the outhouse, and there is a man ANYWHERE who might conclude that she is headed for the outhouse, she will just pick up a piece of wood, and go back to the cabin. Only if the coast is 100% clear will she actually use the outhouse. A crafty but lazy guy can just make hisself seen once in awhile and keep the cabin well-stocked with firewood.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 07:49am
all great points and Tom Chum thats awesome. the location of the wood pile will be on the way for sure.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 11:16am
My wife uses a PETT toilet indoors in the winter. Super convenient, folds up and stores during the day. Compost-able bags. Not really expensive, and no nastiness to deal with.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 12:47pm - Edited by: TomChum
Quoting: wakeslayer My wife uses a PETT toilet indoors in the winter.
Ha! My girls currently use a pet toilet too, otherwise known as a "tree" (hiding behind it). This is problematic in the winter because it melts a yellow hole in the snow, then if you wake up to new snow, they kinda have to start at the center again, or migrate around the tree into view. Not a problem for a guy, but they punish me for this offense by borrowing my fuzzy slippers, so it's my problem too. Be it known that there is to be "no discussion on the matter" so I can't offer any solutions.
I think they might like to have a plastic device but they don't want it sitting around visible during the daytime, they wouldn't allow me to moving it in & it out at night & morning; furthermore I'd have to avert my eyes as I dump it......in the snow somewhere. Lots of operational procedures and problems there too.
I'm interested in a solution that makes the girls happy, when the girls are happy I'm happy.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 03:46pm
I don't know anonymous...as the wife, l couldn't be happier with my "pee bucket"!!! It is WAY better than going outside during the night and walking to the outhouse by moon/flashlight; especially in the middle of our cold Wisconsin winters! As Martha Stewart would say..."it's a good thing" 
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 04:42pm
Glad your happy with that and yes it is better than a hike to the outhouse. A porta potty is the closest thing to a real toilet and would be a easier transition.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 05:31pm
Yes...each have positives and negatives. I wonder what would keep the porta potty from freezing and cracking during the winter months? Do you use "juice" that has some sort of antifreeze? That's the nice thing about the bucket---easy to empty at the end of the weekend and not a worry... I think a lot depends on the woman too...I'm pretty easy to please, and find it to be a very workable solution. Some women are a bit more fussy about their modern conveniences...I guess it would also depend on how "regular" she is and what time of day she finds herself having to venture to the outhouse. Lol 
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 05:48pm
TomChum. This is your solution. I remember them changing the name about a year ago. We actually have two of them. One in the main cabin and one in the bunkhouse.
The Go-Anywhere model is what used to be called the PETT toilet.
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 05:50pm
Tom Chum youre so right, the easier I make this on her, the more I(we) be allowed to go! I know that consuming large amounts of wine is probably 75% of her problem. Im not going to take that away from her,she puts up with my hunting and fishing. I might try that luggable loo or other toilet. thanks to all
# Posted: 5 Dec 2012 11:52pm
We use windshield washer fluid instead of water in the winter and buy the single drop in formaldehyde free blue stuff from Walmart. Been doing this for decades with no problems on freeze up.
# Posted: 6 Dec 2012 12:48am - Edited by: groingo
Ok, for the ultimate in comfort for the Mighty Coleman Portable, nothing provokes more creative language than a cold toilet seat so, you run down to Walfart and pick up a toilet seat cover, (Carpet for the lid), take the lid cover, put it over the seat, cut out the center, tape or velcro onto seat and presto.....no four letter words flying when you come in for a landing, nice and warm and easy to wash and maintain too!