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# Posted: 17 Oct 2012 03:27pm
On October 11 I pulled the plug on the grid mainly because my Power Utility is incredibly corrupt from bogus meters to billing software based on Gambling software so they can change rates and input on the fly by cell signal.
So today I get a notification that according to their records out of 1.4 million customers I had the lowest power use of all connected users and that they would like me to tell their customers how I did it so they can too!
All I could figure is the award went out before I pulled the plug.
I sent them a reply basically telling them I will share my methods any and all but NEVER under the umbrella of PSE!
If I were to give talks it would be entitled "How PSE is ripping you off" based on PSE's Own Records!
Owen Kellogg
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 09:15am
Congratulations! There's no better way I can think of to "stick it to the man" than to live an independent, self-reliant life.
BTW - What's "PSE"?
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 10:15am
Very cool! Our electric company is actually considered a co-op. Therefore every month we pay their minimum since our usage is so low.
In fact, one month we were charged a surcharge for not using enough. I asked the lady, "you mean if I had a radio plugged in wasting energy that my bill would have been lower." She hesitated because it dawned on her how silly this is...but she agreed.
I guess they are businesses that need to make money, but that one just didn't make cents!
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 10:38am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Owen Kellogg BTW - What's "PSE"?
I suspect its Puget Sound Energy. He must live in the same area as I do.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 11:39am - Edited by: groingo
Yes it is Puget Sound Energy and on May 21 2010 they implemented the new billing changes that are adding 1.7 million dollars (on average) a month to their bank account all because of a new billing software, not because you are using more energy but that they can now manipulate the numbers with Government backed impunity and yes I did consider a class action lawsuit but figured they have the Feds behind them and much deeper pockets so I will get on with my life because I have a workable solution which I am glad to share with anyone!
Owen Kellogg
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 01:32pm
Quoting: groingo they can now manipulate the numbers with Government backed impunity and yes I did consider a class action lawsuit but figured they have the Feds behind them and much deeper pockets so I will get on with my life because I have a workable solution which I am glad to share with anyone!
This is why I cringe when I hear someone say "capitalism doesn't work". This, my friend is nowhere near capitalism. In fact, it's a textbook example of fascism - corporate ownership of the government.
Capitalism doesn't "work", because we've never tried it.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 01:41pm - Edited by: TomChum
Good for you getting off the grid.
The petroleum distributors do the same in the Northwest with gas pricing. They charge each gas station various regional prices based on the amount of money they perceive to be in the area. When you see higher gas prices, it's not the station owner raking it in, it's the supplier. The owner gets the same few pennies per gallon regardless of the price, it's SET by the supplier's pricing scheme. Every few years the newspaper exposes this Gas Cartel, and they quickly drop the gas prices and people quit fussing. Then it ratchets back upwards again. People blame it on government regulation, just like the energy industries want, and forget completely about the energy cartels controlling it, even when it was just a few weeks ago. But yet petroleum profits continue to skyrocket.
I'm NOT wondering how this happens or how they are able to pull it off. When an industry has so much money, they can afford to do "many things", and erase the public's memory too.
In the paper today, I see that they had a gas pipeline shutdown in Canada. Shutdown for environmental reasons, of course, and the shortage causes a price increase, by simple market rules of supply and demand. Yup, gov't won't let us build any new refineries. Uh-huh. And by the way, "damn environmentalists" causing your higher gas prices.
Uh-huh. Higher prices = more money for THEM, less $ for you.
It's working exactly how they want it to. We pay MORE. Groingo, what you are doing is the only way, but there has to be a LOT of people doing it. The ONLY thing they will respond to (in dropping their prices) is when they have more energy than people are willing to purchase.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 03:59pm - Edited by: groingo
The real reality hit came when a local paper did a story on me and my concern about PSE, 18 people responded all agreeing with me that something needs to be done but when these people were asked if they would like to participate in a class action suit against PSE AT NO CHARGE, they fell quiet, one said simply they are afraid of the government and what might happen to them if they did....AFRAID OF THE VERY PEOPLE WE ELECTED....sad but very true.
# Posted: 19 Oct 2012 09:44pm
I have a ballot initiative to have my county take over the PSE electricity network. (public utility district). as a kid, I grew up where there was a PUD. Seemed to work well. But I'm not real excited about govt taking over (confiscating the network) either. I send in my ballot in a few days. Its the only thing I'm stumped on.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2012 01:02pm - Edited by: TomChum
Yes that's a tough one. It almost seems like it has to go back and forth between Gov't and private. When private starts to rip you off it has to go Gov't. Then when Gov't bloats it with inefficiency it has to go back private. I can't imagine any way else it could work, each means has it's end, but as long as there remains a way to change it up whichever way it goes bad, I guess that's all we can hope for.
The only thing I have to go on is "follow the money" and try to guess where the money's coming from, what are the strings attached, and who will benefit from the demands? Like the recent tariffs on imported Solar panels? Who could that possibly benefit? It benefits a few hundred workers and raises the cost to millions of people who could be gathering their own electricity. Oh and incidentally, it lets PSE and other energy industries use our gov't to protect their market (to SELL power to you). Yeah thanks gov't you got my back.
# Posted: 20 Oct 2012 01:35pm - Edited by: groingo
I think you're talking about the Snohomish County takeover, the problem with it is many fold, first it is Government controlled which means it will bring in a lot of money which will then go into the General Fund and be squandered on everything BUT the power system then being that they are just buying infrastructure....poles, lines and right of ways, they still have to buy the power from either PSE or BPA, neither are shining examples to be sure.
The problem with not owning the source of the power is you are left at the mercy of those who do and with Government ownership, you don't have to look far to see how it will get screwed up in short order.
When PSE was bought by an investment group from Australia and Canada who have a long track record of buying a business then stripping and selling parts off then leaving the remains for whoever or for the Government to buy out, either way PSE is going to get worse before they get better and they were very bad to begin with!
# Posted: 20 Oct 2012 11:18pm
Well, I have concluded I will vote no on the take over. I know anytime govt gets involved in anything, its gets more expensive, runs with less efficiency and cost more. I suppose its the lesser of the 2 evils.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2012 02:15am - Edited by: TomChum
Wait just a sec. When gov't wastes money inside our borders, there is a chance that we can get it back. Paying a state worker $35/hr to hold up a stop sign for example. At least that guy goes downtown and buys stuff. He buys a pickup and some local business puts food on the table, and some goes to his retirement, and maybe some goes to Detroit. That money is still circulating inside the USA.
Between gov't waste, and politicians selling our assets over the border, keeping it local is the lesser of 2 evils (to me). Money that goes to Australia/Canada, is simply, GONE. Consider if China were to buy our powerpoles and infrastructure that your tax money put up, would you let them sell that off too? Or take it back and try Gov't again? A lot of broke states want more control so they can do exactly that, sell off public assets. They can't get any more tax from you but they can sell your stuff ( or your grandkids stuff) if you don't mind. Try and guess who benefits when public assets are sold to private? There's a Politician or a lobbyist trying to convince you it's the right thing to do for your country. Sure it is! They are skimming, somehow, to push these deals thru.
Agreed Gov't doesn't have a good record for efficiency, but foreign entities owning our infrastructure, and selling energy to us is not efficient either, and rubs me the wrong way. There are no votes that can ever fix what they screw us with. This is a case where I'd prefer to take it back, as there's still hope that the US can retain the asset and the profits local.
Or at least waste the profits locally. 
# Posted: 23 Oct 2012 06:28am
RGEC Rio Grande Electric Coop is the same way in Texas. The problem is.. with the heat over 100 so often in the year, trying to find a reliable and cost-effective way to get enough electricity, cost about as much as getting it from them.. i.e. 20k - 50 k no matter how you slice it.
My cabin alone would need an A/C that pulled like 30 amps.. and then some lights and fans etc.. by the time I got through looking at how much solar I would have to set up, and then the costs "I" would incur having to upkeep it etc... it was easier and almost the same price to pay them the 20k and have them install electricity.
It was that or burn up in the heat each year or not use the cabin 3/4 of the time...heh..
We got lucky... the infrastructure for the electricity was only about 25k...for most people, it is over 40-50k.
# Posted: 23 Oct 2012 11:47am
I am sure what is behind the PSE Snohomish County takeover is due to the past few years where Snohomish County had a lot of storm Damage causing power outages and the PSE crews were stretched too thin so it took longer to get them back up and running than they thought it should so they thought it better to just take over the infrastructure themselves since PSE was not paying enough attention to Snohomishes problems and they will be better prepared to handle their own disasters rather than be put on PSE's HOLD list which actually makes sense plus you have to remember PSE's goal is to sell off pieces of their already over stretched company which has been a large part of the latest owners plan all along.
Bottom line, the infrastructure is worth more in pieces than as a whole, but if government even local government, you loose all control and accountability period.
Off grid, I assume my own responsibility and destiny and nobody else, so now I can sit back and laugh at the whole PSE dumb show!