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# Posted: 1 Sep 2009 08:16pm
hey all I've been building my cabin now for around 7 months on weekends. I'm getting ready to start thinking about winter and I am considering using a pellet stove for heat I have the place wired up through an 750 watt inverter and a 125 amp hour battery I charge at home and haul out. Has anyone tried heating there place with a pellet stove off the battery.... Some of them run around 125 watts once going but draw more at the start. I'm having trouble figuring out how long I can run the pellet stove on the battery or even if it's worth the while. Thanks Sam
# Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:56am
I see your post is a little old, so I am not sure if I would be any help. You can purchase a pellet stove with a back up battery option. That way you could wire straight to your 12v battery and not need the inverter. The DC backup uses a lot less watts than the AC does. I think its about 23watts.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2009 10:46pm
shoot woulda been good I ended up spending the ridiculous amount of money on the double wall stainless stove pipe. I did see the battery back up, but no one would narrow down the wattage. just said it would run for around four hours on its own battery back up... Oh well this way I'll have some more juice for lights and radio
# Posted: 27 Oct 2009 07:16am
Where's your cabin at? Do you have a solar system, or just running off batteries. I just got the solar up and running at my cabin in upstate NY. Its great to walk in and turn on the lights. It sure beats the lantern
sammy b
# Posted: 1 Nov 2009 07:40pm
my cabin is in wv near the cheat river. no solar system yet but i charge the battery when I come home and truck it out with me. http://picasaweb.google.com/kerryOkikayaker/PropertyInLenox#
# Posted: 2 Nov 2009 07:33am
Checked out your cabin pictures. Very nice.
# Posted: 3 Nov 2010 07:54pm
I am going to bump this old post because if you folks are still around and have done anything with a battery powered pellet stove I would like to hear more. Thanks.
# Posted: 19 Jan 2012 05:43pm
Quoting: bobrok I am going to bump this old post because if you folks are still around and have done anything with a battery powered pellet stove I would like to hear more.Thanks.
FWIW I'm bumping this again hoping to attract attention/comment on non-electrically operated pellet stoves (if they exist, that is). One more try. Thanks.
# Posted: 22 Jan 2012 10:52pm
Pellet stoves need constant blower and use a feed auger system. Although it would be possible to have a mechanical driven unit I can't imagine anyone doing so.
# Posted: 23 Jan 2012 06:41am
There are pelet stoves that can operate on a dc battery.
http://www.pelletstove.com/ http://www.walltentshop.com/RileyPellet.html http://www.pelletstove.com/french/europa75.html
# Posted: 23 Jan 2012 12:34pm
@dk1393 - thanks for those links! Very much appreciated.
# Posted: 30 May 2012 11:52am
I am really glad I stumbled onto this! Thanks for the links, does anyone else have any advice/info? I have no electricity in my cabin(which is actually my house) and I need something reliable as it gets extremely cold here during the winter (-40.. Fort Mcmurray, Alberta, CA).
Lets keep this topic going!
# Posted: 30 May 2012 01:56pm - Edited by: TomChum
There are pellet stoves that operate by gravity. $1100-$1400 http://clarrypelletstove.com/pages/theroosevelt.html
Search on Google for "gravity feed pellet stove", there are lots of people building auto-feeders to feed a 'normal' stove. I suspect it might make some noise each time it does its 'feeding cycle'.
There is a YOUTUBE video showing how it works. The pellets come down a chute, eventually blocking itself. When that pile burns away then more pellets slide down, again plugging the chute, and stopping. And the cycle goes on. A gravity feed pellet stove on Craigslist for ~$1200
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