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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Regeneration kit for propane fridge?
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# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 16:09

I bought a 3 way fridge on the weekend and the guy I bought it from said to buy a regeneration kit for it to make it run better/more effeciently. He said its for replacing the argon(?).

Has anyone used/heard of one of these kits before and know where to get one?

# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 21:00

ABSOLUTELY NOT,,do NOT attempt to add anything to it,
they are Amonia absorption.

if it's not working ---do a Burp---upside down 24 hours--NOT OPERATING
-then upright 24 hours---then Level try it--

# Posted: 5 Jun 2012 10:26

I just wanted it to run more efficiently...

He said it was completely self contained, do you know anything about these kits or are you just telling me not to do it because its amonia..?

# Posted: 5 Jun 2012 13:43

These fridges work very differently from the normal type as spark1 has noted. You can check out Explanation for some basic information or google for more details. If the ammonia has leaked out then it is likely cheaper to track down another fridge than try to replace the boiler section.
How do you intend to power this? 120v is the best performance (but why use a 3 way if you have 120 all the time), 12v will deplete your battery in no time and propane needs no power source but takes longer to cool. All of these modes simply provide heat to the boiler. There are no moving parts. They must be level to work properly - this is very important. I've seen Sparky1's trick described many times but have not yet had to do it.
They also need to have good air circulation through the back section (from bottom to top). Lots of RV people even add a fan and baffle modification to encourage air circulation from the bottom through the top of the coils.

If your running on propane then there are a number of things that need to be looked at to keep everything going smoothly. The burner flame is very small (like a pilot light but on all the time) so things like dirt, carbon or spiders can block things up.

Finally keep in mind that these types of fridges have a limited ability to cool based on ambient temperature so do not expect performance like you would get with a standard 110V fridge.

# Posted: 5 Jun 2012 16:00

Thanks for the explanation! I think I will just leave it alone since apparently I have no idea about this sort of thing I will however look for spider webs, that seems easy enough lol

# Posted: 6 Jun 2012 10:18

this type Refer MUST be vented to outside air, burning Propane produces Carbon Monoxide.spiders Love Propane.
Yes I have been a RV er for almost 40 years seen many Fires from 3 way reefers, due to leaks, Etc; My motorhome has had (2) recalls.
I have a 5 cu.ft reefer in my Trailer but only used on 120 Vac.
another one in my shed,,,120 vac only.

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