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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Edgestar 12/120 V fridge
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# Posted: 29 May 2012 17:08

Has anyone here used one of the edgestar compressor 12 or 120 volt refrigerators? Sorry don't know how to post link. I first saw it in one of the side adds on this website for compact appliance
If so which size?
I thought about the chest freezer conversion but thought this would be sinker for my situation.
My cabin is used mostly for quick weekend or overnight getaways. I am running 60 w panels and wanted to avoid toting so much ice to cabin and keeping perishables. I have ac power in a barn to keep fridge cold most of the time but would carry it to the cabin when staying over.
Appreciate the advice
Would like to get feedback from fellow small cabiners.

# Posted: 29 May 2012 17:10

Should say "simpler" not "sinker". Dang autocorrect

# Posted: 30 May 2012 11:12 - Edited by: TomChum

Hi Boris, You can edit your original post if you do it within a couple days.
Use the button: to add links. I'd like to see the refrigerator you're referring to.
Take a look at for more forum tips.

I'm using a Sundanzer 12vDC refrigerator. They call it "solar powered", but what they mean is "12v with very thick insulation". I guess the "solar powered" description is appropriate when you consider that a 120v or propane refrigerators only work if you have a complete functioning system to supply 120v or propane to it.

My main complaint is that it's 'huge' in comparison to my "small cabin", because its well-insulated. My cabin is so small that I almost have to build another little house for the refrigerator. I'd look into propane if I did it again....

More info here: "Solar powered refrigerator"

# Posted: 30 May 2012 14:58

Here is link for 80 qt:
Thanks Tom

# Posted: 30 May 2012 16:21 - Edited by: TomChum

$649.... That's less than my $775 Sundanzer.... (50 qt) If I had to do it again I'd seriously consider the Edgestar because it runs on 120v. And it's a lot bigger inside (80qt). It might not have as much insulation, but that can be added on the outside.

I would use 12v from my inverter, then put the refrigerator in my storage shed with added insulation. (because 12vAC will push long distance much better than 12vDC).

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