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# Posted: 19 May 2012 02:04pm
I have read a few fan/circulation/vent threads here and I thought I would share my thermostat controlled solution for the budget minded.
Originally I just wanted a thermostat controlled fan for my battery bank. Come on @85'ish and off under 85. Of course with no parasitic power loss I looked around and could not really find anything pre built for reasonable money so i just built my own.
I bought a .32amp 4" computer tower fan from Radio Shack for $6. WalMart Honeywell Pro 1000 battery powered thermostat for about $15. This thermostat will handle a load up to 1amp with no relay required and batteries (2 AAA) will last a year or better. So no parasitic draw. The fan will flat move some air and does a great job. Set the temp you wish your fan to come on. Flip the Cool/Heat to Cool. Fan to AUTO. Your fan comes on @ your pre set temperature.
My simple wiring diagram.

If you have a fan over the 1 amp thermostat threshold add a $5 auto 12v relay.

Just thought I would share if anybody ever needs it. I was sorta surprised how expensive thermo fans were. This solution is inexpensive and reliable. Hope it may help somebody.
# Posted: 14 Aug 2012 11:17am
You just helped me Sarge! Thanks a ton - this is exactly what I've been looking for, for the past 3 hours!
# Posted: 14 Aug 2012 07:05pm
If that thermostat can be set up for electric heat (fan on when heat is on) you can use the same setup to distribute heat from a woodstove. Put the 'stat on the cold end of the room and when it warms up the fan shuts off
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 06:25pm
Very nice,I,too have a fan with a bi-metal thermostat wired in .You set the dial at what ever temp you want to kick the fan on at.voltage doesn't matter because it's all mechanical.My is 12 volts dc.When the temp droppes down at night the stat shuts the fan off which is set at 70-72,what ever you want..