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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Very low voltage light panel
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# Posted: 27 Apr 2012 11:30

I recently got a small sample of a flat yet flexible light panel material to see if it might be usable in a small home.
The sample is 3 inch square and uses a 9 volt battery to operate.
Long story short, this tiny paper thin light panel will illuminate an outhouse sized area nicely.

Next step (ordered yesterday) is the 18 inch square panel which will be of different construction yet paper thin with a power requirement of one tenth of an amp or about three volts....this panel will be used for work space lighting or more depending on light output.

The neat thing is, the panels batteries or power supply could be very minimal and the panels themselves can be placed anywhere even on a curved surface with simple Velcro.

What I am looking for is good usable light and reducing the power requirement needed to use and or recharge.

This light material is very similar to the illuminated number panels used on Lemans race cars so you can see the numbers at night.

# Posted: 27 Apr 2012 12:47

wow that does sound pretty neat, do you have a link to the product we can check out ?

# Posted: 27 Apr 2012 22:41

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