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# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 09:49am
Hauling 10 gallons of water from the creek(bad)Stopping to pet the horses (good)Trugging through the mud(bad)Stopping to listen to the birds(good)The sound of high winds ripping through the woods(bad)the sound of a gentle flowing breeze blowing through the pines(good)Cutting,splitting,stacking wood (bad)staying toasty warm all winter(good)When the creek is flooded up like crazy(bad)when the creek is babbleing along nicely(good)Cold,wet windy day(bad)warm dry sunny day(good)Having the smoke from the camp fire blowing in all directions(bad)Grandkids roasting the marshmellows for everyone(good)Having your hotdog roll off into the ashes(bad) scrapping off the ashes and eating it anyway(good) Comeon cabineers,help me here.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 11:03am
Can't easily order out for pizza (bad)...getting creative and making your own pizza from scratch (good)
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 11:21am
Unexpected visits by building inspector(bad), fresh country air(good), poison ivy(bad), bbq'ing in the outdoors(good), nosy neighbors(bad/good), driving there(bad), driving from there(bad)
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 11:35am
I enjoy everything about my place but high winds do keep me up, I live for bitter cold weather oddly enough that is when I enjoy being outside the most either splitting wood or taking the camera to get some pics.
When I'm not doing that I am constantly trying to come up with ways to improve what I have so I am always thinking.
I enjoy watching the birds outside the kitchen window when suddenly a Mouse pops out of the ground in the middle of them to grab some food or watch the squirrels decimate the deer's salt lick!
Am always taking notes and making a list of things to improve on for the most part.
So while I am living so "Green" I also spend some time scouring Craigs List for things that make no sense or don't need like my latest purchase....a 1990 Firebird Trans AM GTA, but thats for another time.
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 01:44pm
Here are the Goods: There are no stores nearby so no shopping (save LOTS of money); watching the deer and birds from the front porch; sitting by an open fire outside and roasting marshmallows; having the kids and grandkids come to visit and spending time talking instead of shopping and watching tv; no cell phones; meeting LOTS of interesting people; watching the stars at night from the hot tub; quiet; sound of rain on the roof; gardening and eating and canning our own produce; getting waved at by people in cars you pass on the way to the next town even if you aren't sure who they are; time slows down and you don't need to rush (excellent); cooking all your meals from scratch (no processed food); no restaurants to eat at (saves money and home made food is better); exploring out in the bush with Hubby and Molly (my favourite!!); doing whatever you want without worrying about what the neighbours think; not worrying about break-ins; knowing all your neighbours; spending 3 hours on your weekly shopping trips to the next town - not because you have so much to buy, but because you spend so much time chatting with people!; knowing if you are ever in trouble, your neighbours will help you; never worrying if your clothes are in style and if you might have worn the same thing too many times; much lower cost of living.
My Bad list seems just slightly shorter *S*: Poor health care, sometimes the tourists get rowdy (bad but temporary); mosquitoes and black flies; cottonwood stickies on my floors (temporary); cougars and bears (a gun can fix that).
# Posted: 11 Mar 2012 04:31pm
Quoting: groingo my latest purchase....a 1990 Firebird Trans AM GTA, but thats for another time

# Posted: 12 Mar 2012 07:43am
really cheap to live in, good, no bills, good, nothing convinient, bad
# Posted: 19 Mar 2012 08:12pm
24 miles to the store (bad) 800 ft gravel but icy drive way (bad) No one can find my place (good) the power is off (bad) I have solar power & battery lights (good) scream & Hollar need help(bad) no real nosey neighbors (good) no cell service( no big deal)No 911 (don't really care)no mail service (i don't really care), no cable tv, (I don't care) Schwans ice cream delivers (good) Gorgeous sunsets, near by farm cows mooing talking to me-gorgeous Sky's at night (Priceless) almost 29 years here, nothing much has changed, still here, me & the bob tail cat. sparky1
# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 03:47pm
The Schwans man,that's awesome.I love those orange creamcycle icecream bars.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2012 12:21am
take the good with the bad. lots of room to roam.no neighbors or home owners assocations breathing down your neck like where we live where u cannt even have a clothes line.lots of fresh air.lots of good water.no health care close by makes u try to watch closer on issues concerning health and speaking of health.sit in town and watch tv day in and day out or get outside in the wilderness and hunt for wild foods or pick up firewood.hang out clothes in the fresh mountain air and sunshine.deers for meat. seems like nothing but good good and good.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2012 11:17am
having to fill the out house hole(bad). having a flush toilet(heaven).
# Posted: 30 Apr 2012 03:39pm
I'm so in love with going to our place and you know what they say about love being blind right? That must be true cause I can't think of a single "con" other than the $$ spent on gas to get there!!!!
# Posted: 30 Apr 2012 10:01pm
Still in the planning stages so I will have to try to look ahead.
Bad (short list) distance to a hospital, maybe bad weather preventing travel, distance to grocery store.and job when semi retired.
Good (long list) No noise and neighbors. Beautiful stars in the sky at night. At peace with nature. Deer jerky, fried goggle eye fillets, fresh homegrown tomatoes and watermelons, sun tea. Canoe trips down an Ozark stream. Sitting on the front porch holding my wife's hand while listening to the frogs and crickets chirp. Owls, whiporwills, and wild turkeys. Snow geese flying over telling you when spring begins or when fall is over. Small utility bills, no debt, small taxes. Wild turkey at Thanksgiving. 21 wild turkey sandwiches in December. Digging worms for bait.
Smallmouth bass making my drag squeal. Bow hunting for whitetail deer. Foggy mornings. A soft breeze blowing through the cabin during a summer evening. The smell right before a needed rain. I could list more but my before mentioned wife needs the lap top.
# Posted: 1 May 2012 08:07pm
Able to walk around naked without nosy neighbors (Good)
# Posted: 3 May 2012 05:55am
lol,,,good ones,folks.I don't know about walking around naked though,bevis,with my luck company would come to visit about then.But I sure do love it here.
# Posted: 3 May 2012 07:54am
Quoting: rayyy ,with my luck company would come to visit about then Exactly....LOL....that is the kind of luck I'd have too!!!!
# Posted: 3 May 2012 10:52am
plus-we dont want to scare off all the forrest critters!
# Posted: 3 May 2012 11:44am
# Posted: 3 May 2012 12:22pm
Quoting: Bevis Able to walk around naked without nosy neighbors (Good)
hahaha....Be careful with that...A good friend of mine (who owned some remote property in Ontario) loved to garden in the nude. One day an army helicopter flew by....Then it few by lower....lower...lower....She looked up and saw a bunch of young, new recruits with their faces plastered to the window. She was furious and called the base to complain. They didn't come back.
# Posted: 3 May 2012 04:04pm - Edited by: trollbridge
Hattie...shhhhh.....had a similar experience once with my husband years ago LOL!!! A little hanky-panky in the marsh behind his parents house gave someone in a small aircraft a thrill!!!! 
# Posted: 3 May 2012 04:38pm
ha ha.one time me and the mister and the daughter who was a teen at the time...waded across this stream with lounging chairs and gar had an ice chest on his head to get across.we had all kinds of stuff.we were going across the stream to lay in the sun and have a peaceful picnic. my daughter had to go poo.well there she goes.i am her lookout...here comes some fellows in a boat laughing and pointing and yelling we see your butt.well we crossed the stream carrying all that stuff and thought we were alone out in the boonies and right down the way on the side we parked was a park where u could do all we were wanting to do.sunbath,swim a little and have a picnic.we went to all that trouble,if only we had gone a bit further...we would have seen there was a ton of people seeing everything we were doing.so watch out.some one is always there when u least expect it.lol
# Posted: 3 May 2012 05:10pm
Yepppp,My experience was when I was fishing at a favorite fishing hole way back in the middle of no where,casted out my favorite luer and yep! right into a tree on the other side.Didn't want to loose that luer so I stripped down to my undies,swam across and shimmied up that tree to fetch my luer.And sure enough being back there all alone, 3 canoes full of people come paddeling around the bend.I stood out like a sore thumb up in that tree in my undies.
# Posted: 3 May 2012 06:40pm
Quoting: rayyy I stood out like a sore thumb up in that tree in my undies. hee hee.
# Posted: 3 May 2012 06:59pm
Ha HA!!!!! This surely makes me think there has to be many more stories out there.....pretty entertaining reading!
Hey Bevis...something tells me you have a story you could tell.....
# Posted: 13 May 2012 06:32am
Gardening in the nude,,,hummmm,,,the sketers would have a field day,feast with me.lol. i must admit,the con's are getting fewer and the pro's are getting more numerous with each passing weekend.I got my countertop in yesterday.One more piece of the puzzle done.Today,I'm gonna do some gradeing out in the pasture so my poor horses won't have to be standing in the mud.
# Posted: 28 May 2012 04:20pm
This subject needs a psychiatrist to get it all out. Independance is the main title, but what's the why? I think for the last thirty years or so this country has prospered from separation and specialization of our jobs. Then comes hard times. You find out the skills your missing to exist without enough money to hire a mechanic, carpenter, plumber, etc. It scares you and to feel better, you must learn to do things yourself. Basic living. A garden, hunting, building, whatever you need. It;s nice to feel you actually might get by on your own. In the woods you can do it yourself. And it's quiet.