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# Posted: 29 Apr 2012 10:20pm
i dont want the powers that be to come snooping around our place. i want to do things simple at my pace. i want to do things cheaply. i dont want the beautiful land to lay there with out me in it and in nature cause i am sitting inside with the tv hooked up and i am glued to it.i see our lands and families around us.all inside.no one outside.so sad.
# Posted: 25 May 2012 10:22am
The nearest power lines are two miles away. The cabin is seasonal, spring & summer. Love using oil lamps,getting up with the sun and getting in bed at dark and reading with head lamps. To be able to afford a cabin the costs have to be low.
# Posted: 25 May 2012 10:35am
Quoting: silverwaterlady Love using oil lamps,getting up with the sun and getting in bed at dark and reading with head lamps. so true silverwaterlady.so true.love it and cannt wait to get away from all the electronics here in town.just quiet.the rush of the wind thru the trees.thats about the only noise at our cabin.so wonderful.
# Posted: 25 May 2012 10:53pm
We had a bat visiting outside our bedroom window last summer. The sound of its flapping wings woke me the first morning we were there. Scared me because I thought it was inside! I was glad it was outside eating bugs. Our cabin is on a lake so we are rocked to sleep at night by the sound of waves lapping the shore. On calm nights the cricketts and frogs sing us to sleep.
# Posted: 28 May 2012 07:37pm
silverwaterlady.we have the train going by and cows mooing.lol.
# Posted: 28 May 2012 08:26pm
This morning at the cabin i awoke to a variety of birds singing and a rooster cock a doodle dooing from his home down the road.... lol..... this was a new sound for my lab who cocked her head and looked at me with questioning eyes. Much better than the typical alarm clock...... sirens.... or neighbors slamming their doors at five am. LOVE the cabin !!!!! 
# Posted: 28 May 2012 09:39pm
we have been using solar for just about a year now. We are not off the grid so to speak, but trying to cut electricity costs, and have back up power. We got a letter from the power Co. 3 weeks ago stating that there would be an unavoidable increase of 9 %. Our power bill has been $61.00 for the past 4 months. More than half of that charge is for just having the meter box and a yard light. Actual charge for power was less than a dollar a day. Just got the new bill in......it increased $13.00, and I compared the KWH to the previous bills and we used less, but now have to pay more???????? I did the math and the bill should have only went up about $5.00 and some change....... ...........looks like I will be adding more solar panels!!!!!
skootamattaschm idty
# Posted: 29 May 2012 12:43pm
I agree with silverwaterlady. It would cost a lot of money to run electricity to my cabin. All my lights are propane as well as the fridge and stove/oven. Water system is 12v. I have a generator to run electricity if I need it and to charge my batteries but I find myself using it less and less. I enjoy the peace and quiet when no generator is running and I would not like the site of hydro poles and the path required to be running through my property. I do plan to install solar to keep the batteries charged therefore requiring even less use of the generator. With the price of gas, it will pay for itself soon enough,
# Posted: 6 Jun 2012 06:35pm
We recently got some land and are thinking about putting a small cabin on it , and going off grid. We feel the same as some of you guys do. So tired of spending hard earned money on Power and Water. We want to just be STRESS FREE and live a peaceful life on our land without the worry of a Power Bill or Water Bill coming in mail . Just to have water on land it is 625.00 just to set meter. We are just not gonna pay that . Mother Nature is out there waiting for us. My grandparents did not live the way people do today and they were perfectly fine. Grew there own garden, poduced own water, had out house, and oil lamps. My Papa taught me Early to Bed -Early to Rise Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy , & Wise .. Now I know why because they lived off grid and had no stress. Thank you I am new and just venting.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2012 05:58am
I think people in the old days had stress. Just about different things than we do.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2012 03:23pm
that is a point but my grans never showerd it around me
# Posted: 8 Jun 2012 02:57pm
We are similir in story to silverwaterlady and skootamattasmidty. Off grid as the cost of running power currently would be very expensive. We currently have propane powered "things", lots of batteries and 12V, gas generator and now a solar generator so we do not have to hear the gas generator.
I do not miss having no electric but I still yearn for water delivered to me and not hauled in.
# Posted: 24 Jun 2012 10:13am
Right now I have 2 campers on my vacation spot in northern WI. I haven't been hooked up to the grid for 3 years as the Co-Op we have charges $44 a month to be hooked up, and you have to be hooked up for the full 12 months. Combine that with a $400 secerity deposit, it's a tad to much for my finances right now. I am looking to build a small 16 x 24 cabin in the next year or so and going with passive solar and a bank of solar panels (if I can ever figure out how much energy I need to produce) with a battery bank. Gas generator as a back up. I don't get up there as often as I'd like or use to but hoping that changes shortly. So far I have close to $6000 stuck into an electrical hook up I don't use. (I could have had my cabin built for much less than that) It is nice to have the grid but not at the expence
# Posted: 24 Jun 2012 08:16pm
I didn't even ask for power. I just like the thought of no wire conections and monthly bills that go with it. It would be nice to have internet, but even that isn't available yet. I barely get cell sevice.
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