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# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 12:56am
Personally, I have a very deep "dis-like" of my power provider which not only has a monopoly on this market but definitely is padding political pockets so it can continue raising rates while it also continues to show record profits....it has bugged me to the point of obsession. Currently I am living comfortably and using 0.59 kwh a day in winter and that is as low as I can go till summer. I used to have a criteria that it must be cost effective if I had to buy something to reduce energy consumption but now its the principal of it....within reason....I'm not a complete raving lunatic....yet!
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 08:05am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
i kinda like my elect----my bill runs around $15 per month @ cabin ( Co-Op elect corp) ---for the well pump, elect for my saws, , air tools etc. kinda spoiled just flipping a light on. I admire you for being off-grid-- i almost bought a camp in the northern maine woods last summer, and the guy went UP on the price BEFORE i got there;-(. it was off-grid and had a well he used a genrator for it and the camp.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 09:07am
I totally understand your dislike to a power company but as far as monopoly it may seem that way. There is laws that electric company's can not inter mixed in the same area because of safety issues to lineman. Your power bill would be more if both company's would both have to biuld line to the same spot. The cost to make power is what it is from the generation plants you have in the area. It can be a a very deadly mix for lineman. As far as what is charged it is all regulated by PSC the margins are very small and electric is one of the most regulaed products in the USA. We are using more and more each day in the US and to keep up with demands cost a lot of money. I do understand and it is fine you don't like the power company. Everyone has to conserve if you want power to go down per KWH. All power company's buy power of the same electric in most cases and that cost is what it is. My best solution to people that don't want a high power bills is just don't used it and living of grid is a great way to start and if more do it the better for everyone.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 09:14am
I was sick of struggleing to maintain the life style that I had.The constant loosing battle of paying bills with my hard earned money.The numerous expenses were always on the rise when my income was always on the decline.What do you do?My decision had little to do with buying my electricity from the grid.It probably costs me more to generate my own electric with the gasoline generator but where I save is on the big price tag items,The rent or morgabe payment.The fuel oil or gas bill.The two,major expenses that now don't exist.I now can live very comfortable within my means with money to spare.It's a nice feeling to know I'm way ahead of the game now and not way behind!
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 09:44am
I have nothing against electricty, and would have it if I could afford the cost of running it the 1/2 mile back to my property. But I can't, so the generator, batteries and (eventually) solar (thank you, MtnDon) will have to do. Having it would make things easier.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 10:00am - Edited by: neb
You brought up another great point. It does cost a lot of money to have line biult in to a piece of prpperty. That is why each person that wants power has to pay his own way to get it there. If the power company didn't charge anything to the person to get power line biult that cost of the line would have to spread out to all consumers that buy power from that PC. An example if I want to buy a new pickup truck why should everyone else pay for my pickup. If everyone pays there own way the other consumers on the PC project doesn't have to pay for it. If all line was biult for nothing the cost of power would be out of control There would knowone that would be able to afford it.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 10:46am - Edited by: groingo
With my utility (PSE) it seemed you would take one step forward to conserve and they would raise the rates next year and wipe out your gain (or sometimes raise the rates up to four times a year) and now it has gotten to the point where you need to find ways to save just to keep energy affordable while PSE flaunts their latest record profits in your face.
In my situation I saw that it was a loosing proposition that the rates only continue to go up with no end, so....I ended it myself....that is the bottom line reason I did it.
I love a challenge as much as the next guy but it was obvious the deck was stacked against all energy users and I made a choice to get out of the loop and take control my own destiny.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 11:10am
I think you made a great choice to do what you did. The PSC must see justice in the rise of KWH price for some reason. These raises have to go through federal channels to get an increase. Like I said we all need to shut of the lights and don't use any power unless we have too. I wish more would do what you are doing because we all need to use less.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 02:08pm
Quoting: rayyy I now can live very comfortable within my means with money to spare.It's a nice feeling to know I'm way ahead of the game now and not way behind!
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 03:21pm
Reckon I ought to post at some point... In my case, I chose to live off-grid accidentally.
When I started out, I was just fascinated with solar power and all of the fun 'gadgets' that went along with harvesting rain water, composting toilets, etc... I honestly assumed at first that I'd be grid-connected. 12 years later(5 of those completely disconnected from 'the grid'), it's become a lifestyle. I think for me, the sense of accomplishing things myself and being dependent on my own abilities cemented my lifestyle.
There 'is' an environmental impact clause to my choices... I do think the way I live is more responsible- both fiscally and environmentally, but it takes a backseat to the simple fact that the way I live is liberating... not to mention secure in the face of uncertain times.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 05:29pm
I'm working on going off the grid out of spite. I'm disabled and decided to learn to be more self sustainable. Find to a little place to putter around with square foot gardening, collect rainwater, keep a few chickens, stuff like that but still have gas and electricity hooked up figuring if things got too tight or bad I'd just cut way back or not use the utility until things got better. I wasn't aware the utilities charged a monthly fee, (taxes, paperwork, service, etc.) of $15 for one and around $25 for the other just to have it connected. I don't like the idea of being charged for the right to pay them money.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 06:13pm
I want to be unplug for the same reason mention above. I have spent time in an unplugged cabin, and found, what other would called demeaning hard work, was a pure joy to do. To heat the cabin, or to cook a meal, you have to gather wood. Get have water for coffee you have to go to the stream. To use the outhouse you have to walk several hundred yards away. To go to the store you have to hike a mile up a 1000 foot gain, then drive to the store. Then you have to pack the stuff in. At the end of the day, by the glow of the fire or Aladen Mantal Lamp, the wend threw the trees and the babaling stream, the peacefully time to unwind is all worth it.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 07:30pm - Edited by: groingo
You nailed it but it is always a good thing to have a backup....I did the same, interesting how it works, now Big Energy is relegated to Backup status in stead of full time....it works and if there is a problem it is up to me to resolve it and that in itself is worth something.
# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 09:18pm
There are several reasons for us.
First, just the desire to be less of a consumer and more self sufficient. We have lived the "keep up with the Joneses" lifestyle and enough was finally enough. Just got tired of working 60+ hours a week to make someone else wealthy so we (me, the wife and our now 4 year old along with 2 dogs) bought an RV, sold all our stuff and hit the road a couple of years ago. We live on much less now so we work for ourselves and both have businesses that do well that we can do from anywhere we have a computer and internet connection.
Second, with the price of oil what it is, the cost of energy is only going to go up and up. I don't think the tipping point is far off where solar will be cheaper than what most of us use now.
Third, I have never thought of myself as a tree hugger but I like the idea of starting to do a few things that are kinder to the earth.
Lastly, while I am not what you would call a "prepper", you have to ask yourself hom much longer this country can go on in the direction it is heading. If the worst does happen, I want to be able to take care of my family without all the things we take for granted now. For this reason our place will be 100% off the grid. Total solar set up with a well for water.
We are planning on starting our place sometime next year. We are really excited about it.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 03:34am
I want to be free.. As free as one can be.. I want to own what I own, and want to owe nothing to nobody. But fact is, you can do that anywhere.. It doesn't have to be a cabin in the woods. The cabin is just because I want it. We've been doing away with the grid for awhile now. Just because you have city water, sewage, electric, and gas.. Doesn't mean you have to use it.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 08:37am
i must say you folks really impress me.I'm so glad that we all have simular views on this subject.Living simpler,healther,happier,less dependent,more reliant,earth friendler life styles.I'd like to leave this world to our grandchildren and future generations in better shape than it is right now.If we all participate and do our part it can be obtainable.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2012 05:20pm
Quoting: simon Just because you have city water, sewage, electric, and gas.. Doesn't mean you have to use it.
So true
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 02:05pm
Most of us will never "BE OFF THE GRID" True, we can cut down on our consumption & use a lot LESS energy. But what good would would it do? The energy companies would immediately raise their prices in order to maintain their pre-concieved notion of what their profits should be! We would all then be in the unhappy situation of paying the same (Or more) to utilize less energy than we had been using in the past. (Pass me that sharp knife so can slice my jugular!) LOL
Cotton Picker
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 02:58pm - Edited by: groingo
I am proud to say I am off the grid because the Power company no longer sends me a bill and I did it by changing my lifestyle and not so much depending on technology, I went back and looked at the past and have blended it with the best of today, no huge expenses just making some changes in how I do things which also makes for a more inventive mind because a lot of what an Off Grider needs can't be bought, most has to be made. As far as paying more for less, that's one big reason I made the cut, every time I conserved they wipe out my savings with another rate increase so I just drew the line and said, I will no longer cross it.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 03:22pm
Quoting: groingo every time I conserved they wipe out my savings with another rate increase so I just drew the line and said, I will no longer cross it good for you....i know exactly what you mean by that...it is soooo true!!! i feel the same way about our internet provider.........but here i sit....
# Posted: 5 Mar 2012 03:56pm
Actually I may need to thank the Power Company because if they hadn't been so greedy and such jerks I never would have made the move....it did take nearly ten years with me making a move and then they counter with rate increase then I counter, just no winning or incentive to conserve for the sake of conservation and doing the right thing, it became a survival thing as they continually reached deeper into my pockets while they continually recorded and still post record profits!
# Posted: 6 Mar 2012 12:20pm
Moral objection to use of fossil fuel, its not sustainable, and the destruction and risks like BP in the gulf are getting greater as we seek out harder to find sources. I'm off grid for moral objections to the big energy companies way of doing things.
# Posted: 16 Mar 2012 12:29pm
I would love to be off the grid completely. Problem is, our cabin is in an area where jobs are hard to find. No matter how self-sufficient you become, you will always need to have enough income to pay your land taxes, or they will come & take it away from you!
# Posted: 16 Mar 2012 03:15pm - Edited by: MJW
@Anonymous....there are so many things you can do that each create small incomes. Several small incomes add up to a nice income.
My wife and I each have businesses that we run but we also have "small" internet businesses. We have a few Amazon affiliate sites that were set up a year or so ago that each bring in $50 to $100 a month that is totally passive.
We also do affiliate sites with Clickbank products and that produces a small income each month.
We have each authored books on things we know and love that we sell on the internet.
These are things that you set up once and require little/no maintainence.
We also have a couple of other things that bring in income.
If you look around, you will find that there are so many ways to make money from wherever you are, you would never look for another "job" again!
# Posted: 16 Mar 2012 08:31pm
MJW, Is there a site that gives info as to how to get into these online businesses? This sounds great but I am so leary of "work from home" sites due to the scams out there. Thanks
# Posted: 16 Mar 2012 10:10pm
Quoting: tnky03 Is there a site that gives info as to how to get into these online businesses?
I, myself, do not know of any of the work from home websites. As for Amazon, all you have to do is sign up at their website and get an affiliate id (which is free) then build websites using the id to promote their products. If you don't know much about the internet or websites, there is a learning curve.
I learned how to build Wordpress websites by watching YouTube videos so anyone can do it. If you know your way around MS Word, Wordpress is pretty simple.
You can do the same with Clickbank products as well as Adsense. Lots of websites make money using these things. The site we are on now is a good example.
# Posted: 17 Mar 2012 12:01am
Thanks so much for your reply. I'll have to check this out. Anything to help along the way to a cabin getting built. 
# Posted: 28 Apr 2012 06:38pm - Edited by: Natasha
Few reasons..(u can think I am crazy if you choose..don't bother me)
1. I believe that God has brought our family to a place in the wilderness to be ready for the "End Times". He is teaching us how to survive in the wilderness, with out modern day convenience.
2. I am sick of paying GREEDY utility companies an unfair amount of money just to have electric and water!
3. I don't want my children growing up with how the world raises there youth today. The children of this generations are full of bondage, selfishness and are completely spoiled and not properly raised. I want my kids to have morals, and be grateful!
# Posted: 28 Apr 2012 06:58pm
Natasha I think that a great answer. I havent got there yet but I am making my plans. House is going up for sale and my life style is gonna change. I an sick of all my money going to house payments and electric and water bills. It is time to be set free.
# Posted: 28 Apr 2012 07:45pm
I just like the scenery and the peace and quiet. I have no bones to pick politically nor with Big Power. Just like hanging out in the great outdoors. I am a habitual tinkerer. Thus my solar, wind, water etc. projects. I am a engineer by education and training. But being an engineer sometimes gets in the way of good tinkerin' 
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