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# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 02:04am - Edited by: TomChum
OK I can report that the EU2000i starts and runs a 15A tablesaw (Bosch 4100) without even bogging the slightest. Just perfect, I'm happy. So easy to start, so quiet.
I always dreaded starting the 5000W coleman (10HP) because I can't even hear myself think with that thing blasting -----> all I want to do is turn the durn thing off!
Have not tried the welder yet but the welder runs off a 20A circuit without blowing the breaker so I'm fairly certain the 30A (2x EU2000i) will be able to run the welder.
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 08:53am
I told ya Tom, finest little gennies on the planet! Good deal on the 15 amp table saw too.
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 10:08am
I guessed wrong. I sure thought it would bog down ripping a 2x4 by length at least, but if it works, good.
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 12:15pm
Quoting: analogmanca I guessed wrong. I sure thought it would bog down ripping a 2x4 by length at least, but if it works, good.
You know, I would have said the same thing about bogging down. I'm glad to hear of your success.
You know, perhaps if I were to sharpen my saw blades they wouldn't...hmmm...just a thought
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 12:33pm
As I get more experience I'll be able to report better. As of now all I have is:
"15A tablesaw startup = no bog" ----and "ripping a (lightweight & dry) 2x4 with a new blade" = no bog. ----and Starting my compressor (rated 10.5A) - and - (with 100+ psi already in the tank) the EU2000i responds with an initial "overspeed". This is a cool generator!
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 12:53pm
and so we welcome another member to the Honda lovers club
# Posted: 4 Jun 2012 02:34pm
My biggest bog comes from my worm drive Skil saw on start up. But I alwasy run the gennie in "eco" mode. Still starts and no bog when getting into the wood, just start up and barely on my shop vac start up. My pancake compressor doesnt even bog it.
# Posted: 17 Jun 2012 10:03pm - Edited by: TomChum
Ok I made a new plug for the 30A combined EU2000i pair. I thought it would cost about $15. Guess how much it costs, in 2012 to build your own? $44 30A Plug gang for EU2000i combo
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# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 10:52am
Perfect Tom. Thats exactly what I was talking about. I have a guy who wants to buy my EU2000i and I may sell it and get the Companion model and build that exact same cord. You used the exact type of box, cover etc that I would of. And even added the screws with nuts on the ends of the plug and not relied on just the center screw to hold the outlets in place. Great minds think alike 
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 11:36am - Edited by: TomChum
Yup when you think like a screw all you see is threads! 
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech EU2000i and I may sell it and get the Companion model
TMT I'm confused......if you sell your EU2000i, what will you pair the Companion with?
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 03:46pm
I'm not pairing anything, just selling my EU2000i to buy the EU2000i companion. The companion doesnt have the 12 v charger, but has more amperage. But the fact I have been able to run every tool I have already, might keep it.
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 05:12pm - Edited by: TomChum
I agree that the battery charger function on the EU2000i is not very interesting. I'd prefer to run a 12v, 40A smart charger from the 120v side than mess with 8.5A of unregulated 12v.
But I would not get a "companion" only. It will only have one useful outlet.
The Companion (2000w / 1600w continuous) produces the same power as the Normal (2000w / 1600w continuous) except without the 12v battery charge option.
 Here's a pic of the COMPANION's output.
The upper printing tells you that it's 13.3A continuous (= 1600w). This is same as the 'normal' EU2000i
The lower printing tells you what you get when the companion "at Parallel operation" with a 'normal EU2000i. The standard outlet at left is a 20A outlet. I suspect it has the full output, but it is a "20A rated outlet type". The right outlet is a "30A rated outlet type", and you get full output there too (up to 4000W = 33.4A during parallel operation)
Other interesting note.... DurationPower makes an adapter that allows 2 or 3 EU2000i (normal) generators to be combined for up to 6000W. It does not require the 'companion' model. To me this kit is almost better than the honda "pair', you can have 2 normals, with 2 normal outlets each (or 3).http://durationpower.com
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:00pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I was looking at that 30A 110VAC RV plug, rated for 26.6 amps. I wanted to make a cord like you did and figured I could get more amperage to a duplex outlet. Though, my EU2000i has been running absolutely ever power tool I have with ease, ie compressor, table saw and my Skil worm drive. It runs all my other stuff with ease, ie shop vac, and all other electrically powered tool.
The 30A RV plug with the output rating of 26.6 amps, is that its actual output? This is what I was basing it off of. I assumed the extra loss was from the goofy battery charger which I have no interest in.
So those numbers are for parallel operation only?
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:14pm
Yes it's 13.3A, the 26.6A is with 2 generators "At Parallel Operation"
# Posted: 19 Jun 2012 10:48am
OK, then I'm scrapping the Companion idea and keeping my EU2000i. 
# Posted: 27 Jun 2012 11:01am - Edited by: TomChum
Quoting: TomChum As I get more experience I'll be able to report better. As of now all I have is: "15A tablesaw startup = no bog" ----and "ripping a (lightweight & dry) 2x4 with a new blade" = no bog. ----and Starting my compressor (rated 10.5A) - and - (with 100+ psi already in the tank) the EU2000i responds with an initial "overspeed". This is a cool generator!
OK now I have more experience with the EU2000i. It's a 13.3A generator.
With the 15A Bosch table saw, ripping a (heavy) DougFir 2X6 at a normal feed rate the EU2000i struggled then shut off the power and went to 'idle' to pout for a little while. I started again and finished the board going pretty slow.
The EU2000i can't "start" the compressor when there is 120 psi already in the tank. I have to drain it to 100psi to get it to start.
I still have the 5000w Coleman, its 30years old but in new condition and runs perfect. Two or three 10Hp pulls and I can annoy people in 3 counties. I'd have to be ripping a LOT of boards to want to start that thing. Or to go collect the 'companion' and it's cord. Anyway, no job stoppers, but they all take more time than just slowing down a little.
The ease of starting the EU2000i (always one easy pull) and quietness both outweigh the "problem". Its so easy to start that I shut it off more often too.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2012 01:22am
Tom, I have the Porter Cable 6 gallon pancake compressor (Home Depot now for $99.95) for all my air tools, Honda EU2000i starts it right up, even on eco throttle with ease. And I'm running 125 PSI. Is your compressor a piston type? Or diaphragm. I know diaphragm uses much less power to start up.
# Posted: 28 Jun 2012 01:30am
Piston type
# Posted: 30 Aug 2012 12:55pm
honda eu2000i 30aa generator, bought yesterday, floor model, keep cutting off after 15 minutes of run time. Trying to use it during Hurricane Issac, any ideas on problem? Thanks so much.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2012 01:23pm
Remove the gas cap and see if it has the same problem....
# Posted: 30 Aug 2012 02:22pm - Edited by: TomChum
good call Gomer. EU2000i has an air inlet on the gas cap, be sure its set to "on" to let air in as the gas burns. You would turn this gas cap valve to off if you were transporting it, To prevent spillage out of the gas tank vent; in a car trunk for example.
Another possibility is to check the oil level, it could be the low oil shutoff. May have to add some oil. Also if the generator is not on level ground maybe the low oil shutoff is causing, in that case level the generator.
And on another more somber note, but to cover all bases,,,,, you DID put oil in it, right? A new generator comes from Honda with no oil. You have to put oil in it before even starting it.
Also the EU2000i is 13.3A not 30A.
Good luck with Isaac...... 
# Posted: 30 Aug 2012 02:32pm - Edited by: GomerPile
My suggestion to remove the cap is to see if that on/off lever is working...I assume that you have it set to "ON"....if not then thats your issue!
There is an oil warning light...monitor it before is shuts down to see if that light comes on.
Also make sure that the choke is off and that the lever is actually operating the choke flapper.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2012 04:33pm
Quoting: TomChum Piston type
Tom, sell the piston type on ebay or craigslist, grab that Porter Calbe from Home Depot, 6 gallon pancake with a diaphram compressor, will start up with ease. Mine runs to (going from memory) 150, starts at 125, but it may be 125, then restarts at 100. I think its the higher ones. I set my regulatyor to keep my nailers from driving in too far.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2012 04:50pm
Hi TMT, thx for the help, porter-cable 6 gallon...perfect!!!
# Posted: 31 Aug 2012 08:18pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Tom, they have had them for some time for just $99. But there is price pkg ie a nailer with it for $149. I bought the 3 nailer combo with compressor, it was a finish nailer, crown stapler and a brad nailer plus compressor for $279 and added my framing nailer.
Starts right up, even on eco mode. 
I might add, diaphragm compressors are much quieter also.
# Posted: 20 Sep 2012 01:04am - Edited by: TomChum
Hey TMT I found a Porter Cable at McLendon's for $99 and bought it. I'll take the other piston compressor home.
Here's another reason I like the pair of Honda EU2000i generators. So easy to move around, and on rough ground, hills. And it's easy to PUT them in the wheelbarrow too, they just about jump in their on their own. SOOOO much better than one big heavy generator. But they cost more. Pair of EU 2000i fits in a whellbarrow
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# Posted: 20 Sep 2012 10:52am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Perfect Tom. That Porter Cable compressor will run with ease on just one of your Honda gennies. And do it in eco mode. 
McLendons? We in the same state??? 
# Posted: 20 Sep 2012 02:58pm
Quoting: TomChum I found a Porter Cable at McLendon's TC: You and TMT must live really close to me to be able to shop at McLendon's; the greatest hardware store on the planet. South Puget Sound area?
# Posted: 21 Sep 2012 12:00am
Quoting: AYP1909 South Puget Sound area?
Yes, the McLendons I have went to is in Sumner. I live in the capital city, but work real close to Sumner.
McLendons is first class! If they dont have it, it doesnt exist.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2012 11:48am
I have a Yamaha EF2000is portable generator.
For me it came down to Yamaha EF2000is vs. the Honda EU2000is. I ended up choosing the Yamaha for obvious reasons, and I can now confidently say the Yamaha EF2000is the best portable generator out there.
If you compare the two, the Yamaha beats the the Honda in almost every way, but just by a little. It's also a bit cheaper than the Honda (at least on amazon) Here's a review and comparison of the two. This is what sealed the deal for me. So if your choosing between those two, pick the Yamaha.
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