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# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 07:05pm
I am looking for recommendations on a propane stove/range for my cabin. I would like something w/ two burners (front and back) and a small oven w/ an overall width of ~20 in.
Todd Heyn
# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 08:14pm
Check out RV dealers for a used trade in model. We picked up a great 4 burner stove with an oven off of craigslist.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 08:27pm
One warning may be applicable. Many gas/propane ranges that use electronic ignition for the burners MUST have a constant source of AC power to use the oven. GE & Hotpoint are two I know of. Their ovens will not work unless AC is present at all times that you want the oven to work.
Solution: 1. buy a range that uses pilot lights. 2. buy a Peerless range, made to work off grid. Great stuff. Also look for Unique, another great off grid choice.
We use a pilot light Hotpoint.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 09:25pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Talkbluffprez I am looking for recommendations on a propane stove/range for my cabin. I would like something w/ two burners (front and back) and a small oven w/ an overall width of ~20 in.
I got an RV unit, it will cost you about 350 new for a Magic Chef. You will need to have your countertop made for it. Usually, ovens go all the way to the floor, these dont, so I have a special under range drawrer built. Then I just needed 1" clearance on each side. Was actually pretty easy to do.
I used 3/8" copper gas line from Home Depot, used my double flare kit from work, was a snap. Anchored the line using those metal bands with rubber on the inside (dont want dissimilar metals touching, or you get corrosion) I bought mine used for $100. Newer ones might want to see some electricity, I wanted it to work without any electricity. It can be set up for either pilot lit under lid, then just turn the burners on and they light or you can adjust a small screw and close the pilot circuit and then manually light each burner. Oven has a pilot, and it must be lit if you are going to use it. The oven knob has a "pilot off" setting too, so you dont burn propane when not in use.
I will install one of those ventless RV stainless hoods for it next spring. http://www.pplmotorhomes.com/parts/rv-stoves/rv-range-amana.htm Magic Chef 21"
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# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 11:04pm - Edited by: TomChum
Here's a small range, 3 burner. It has piezoelectric start (no electricity req'd). I'm pretty happy with it. Except I wish the grille was Stainless Steel, the enamel is already burning off.
Atwood RV-2135 BBP Atwood RV-2135 BBP 51718 21 Inch 3 Burner Wedgewood Vision Range Oven Black Top Black Door Piezo Ignition Trailer Camper RV $479.00 from sales@americanrvcompany.com
Just after I bought it, I saw an RV range on craigslist, ----->claimed to be in excellent condition, for $150 but it was far away. Have to think about that part of buying from CL, plus it might need work.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2011 03:44am
Do you live in Canada or the USA? My cabin is in Canada and I have perfect rv appliances that were used only a few times. It is illegal for a professional propane instaler to hook up the old appliances because they are not up to code(CSA approved). I can't hook them up because my homeowners would be invalid. I decided to save them for a outdoor kitchen we will build after we do everything else.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2011 10:43am
I'd buy a new one then. But you might find the non RV, narrow type that runs all the way tot he floor is probably cheaper than an RV unit and get them just as narrow. I suppose it would have a built in drawer underneath it. I know its less money too. But may require a voltage source, not sure if a full manual light/pilot one is available for homes. In that case, RV may be the only option, but get new then if this is the case.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2011 02:18pm
Many thanks for the excellent recommendations.
I live in the US (to the degree Alaska is in the US). I would do the install myself (I am 10 mi off the road system), so things like simplicity of installation, durability and portability matter.
While I have power generation, I like the ideal of the piezo/pilot light ignition.
Thanks again....
# Posted: 29 Sep 2011 04:47pm
talkbluffprez, then just find an older RV being scrapped. Lots of older units rotting away in yards. Usually the stove and oven are in good shape from little use. I did see some on craiglist too, usually around the $75-$100 mark. Be perfect for your application.
# Posted: 9 Oct 2011 08:51pm
Checkout the propane ranges at Bob's in Nevada. As MtnDon remarked, the Peerless ones are designed for non-electric areas. I am also doing the install myself as I have had much propane experience but certainly am not licenced. I check the pipe sizing with the length of the pipe and the manufacturers specs. As for the pressure tests - I am less specific.
# Posted: 21 Oct 2011 07:21pm
Correction - Ben's Discount in Nevada
# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 05:42pm
Quoting: TomChum Here's a small range, 3 burner. It has piezoelectric start (no electricity req'd). I'm pretty happy with it. Except I wish the grille was Stainless Steel, the enamel is already burning off.
Hey TomChum, did you use any plans for the cabinets built for the range? I have cabinets in the cabin, but instead of trying to match them for the range, I'm thinking of just building as a separate piece and really like the looks of yours.
# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 06:31pm
Quoting: Talkbluffprez While I have power generation, I like the ideal of the piezo/pilot light ignition.
A pilot can consume some propane. Mine uses a pilot for the oven, but you have a "pilot off" at the oven knob, and thats where it stays. I only light that pilot if i need to bake something int he oven, and then it needs it ti light on as it regualtes. My topside burners uses a pilot on the center and it lights the burners if you just turn the know ob, but there is a screw you can wind in and it shots the gas off to the pilot, so I just have to light each burner when I need it, which is how I have it set up now. So no burning pilots at all. The piezo is perfect, you get the advantage of a pilot (auto light) without the gas consumption and the constant smell of burning propane in the cabin.
# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 09:59pm - Edited by: Malamute
I bought an older cab-over camper for a pickup truck, I think I paid abput $100, took the stove, regulator and propane tank out, and sold the camper for $75. I used it in my pickup truck some, then had a base made for it from bluestain pine in a hutch style with a storage door beneth it. Very handy to have in a small cabin.
I bought a non-electric "apartment" size gas range for my portable cabin I built to sell. I don't recall the size, but it was narrower than most common ranges. Think it came from Home Depot.
FWIW, I have all my kitchen cabinets built 2" taller than normal. Average height women that have bought houses I've built say they have no trouble with them. Taller guys really like them. Sure saves wear and tear on the back, especially doing dishes, when you have to reach down ever farther. I have to make a 2" raised base for stoves etc to match the counter height, but it's certainly worth the trouble.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2015 04:16pm - Edited by: bldginsp
The OP is looking for a small range with oven, I've been looking for just a two burner cooktop, no oven. Here's two on Amazon;
The first is Ramblewood, takes AC, also has battery backup and can be lit by match. Second is Atwood, RV replacement type thing, match only.
For an oven, I was thinking about one of these Coleman gadgets that sits on top of a stove burner
http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/sportsmans/Coleman-Camp-Oven/productDetail/Camp-St ove-Accessories/prod9999009520/cat101723?ref=google?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shop pingfeeds&utm_term=prod9999009520&utm_campaign=GDF&gdftrk=gdfV25884_a_7c2345_a_7c8590 _a_7cprod9999009520&gclid=CjwKEAiAy7SzBRD_lv7quOnr6XUSJAAOLkW6TFBYPcgOQhgZjl2wS_-H2nP 2KhHpB5VzYkslJAH3WRoCqHnw_wcB
But I think I saw in the past a folding campers oven that takes propane canisters, but I can't seem to find it now.