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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / On demand water heater GPM
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 06:24am
Reply re-startup-1.6gpm-105040.html

Greetings all! Without a doubt one of the best old time winters in years!

I have a question regarding the above on demand tank.

I love the idea I can mount it in my very draty kitchen on a wall near where I had the hot water lines but question matching the 1.6 gpm flow to my 3 gpm pump.

Any thoughts?

As always would rather ask the dumb questions here vs. finding out 2.5 hours away.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 07:51am

i think it will be fine with your pump. Its just going to slow the flow through its smaller pipes and your pump won't need to run steady.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 08:01am

The flow is no issue. If you open the tap partway so you're only getting 1.6gpm it will get hot (if the incoming water isn't too cold). Wide open, the water might not get quite as hot but it will still work.

However, at 38000 BTU an unvented heater will put a lot of moisture and fumes into the room; I would not put such a thing inside my cabin. Outside under an overhang, maybe. You might also check the local codes if any apply; it may not be permitted.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 08:53am

Understand re the moisture and heat. I expanded an existing porch to make a kitchen area. The floor is basically a deck, big screen door and four windows....all of which I assume would vent everything out.

I could place it directly outside, drill two holes for the waterlines located inside and one for the propane that fed the 60 gallon heater.

Good to know it will work with the pump.

Thanks all

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 09:10am

Isn't your 3gpm pump pushing the water through the water heater? Even though the wh is only rated at 1.6gpm it effectively isn't any different than you setting any faucet at anything less than the full blast 3gpm pump capacity.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 12:12pm


Yes but please look at my original post in this thread regarding dumb questions.

This group has made the project over the years so much easier and with much less trial and error.

Love this place!!

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 01:18pm

I don't see any specs on the degrees of temperature rise at different flow rates. I would like to know that as the listed flow rate could not be viable if the heater cannot raise the water temp ehough.

Here's a screenshot from the specs on a $300 68,000 BTU heater @ HomeDepot as an example of a flow rate, temp rise chart
Flow, rise
Flow, rise

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 02:40pm

MtnDon do you have the model number?

Thanks in advance!

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 03:17pm

I think as long as the delivery gpm exceeds the wh outlet gpm the wh is spec'ed by the outlet flow. The temp rise is based on the temp of the incoming water at the rated output gpm.
But Im no expert.....

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 03:25pm

Home Depot
Look under specification
Internet # 317138971
Model # CM264B-N1
UPC Code # 630792537943
Store SKU # 1006585767

User manuals, etc are downloadable

I just used that as it was the first similar sized that had the temp rise @gpm listed.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 03:27pm

Quoting: gcrank1
think as long as the delivery gpm exceeds the wh outlet gpm.....

None of that was listed for the one in the OP, or I couldn't find it if it was

# Posted: 22 Mar 2025 10:16pm

You won't have any issues matching this to a 3 GPM pump. The product description also says it can be used in RVs (and cabins and small houses), and RV pumps are typically 3 GPM, too, so it should work just fine with a 3 GPM pump.

# Posted: 23 Mar 2025 09:01am

The GPM these things are rated in really mean nothing. You want to find the specific temp rise. The one posted is for exterior use. About $100 more gets you an interior use one. Another problem with alot of the cheap ones of these is they dont work with a mixing valve like on every faucit.

With that being said if your just wanting an outdoor shower and useing the water right out of the heater these things are amazing. I have had the same iHeat brand one for 8yrs.

# Posted: 23 Mar 2025 05:42pm

Thanks I'm planning on running hot water to a kitchen and bath faucet.....So safe to assume the unit I asked about won't work?.

What would you suggest.

# Posted: 23 Mar 2025 10:14pm

The ad says it can be used indoors or outdoors, not outdoors only.

I don't see why you couldn't use it for a kitchen or bath. But, with a 1.6 GPM rating, it could provide hot water to only one fixture at a time it seems like.

I would call the manufacturer, or Camping World, for specifics, or see if you can download an owner's manual.

# Posted: 23 Mar 2025 10:48pm - Edited by: darz5150

Quoting: spencerin
it could provide hot water to only one fixture at a time it seems like.

Even regular house plumbing doesn't always do well with a bunch of stuff going on at the same time. Like trying to wash the dishes or doing a load of laundry when somebody's taking a shower. Even if you're on grid, try flushing the toilet when your wife is taking a shower. Lol.!
You only got so much water flow coming in. It's your choice where and when it's going.

# Posted: 24 Mar 2025 02:07am

Interesting to hear why they wouldn't work with faucets w.mixing valves.

I just read Camping Worlds horrible return policy. It's up to them if you get your money back or a store credit if you order an item on thanks "Good Buddy"

# Posted: 24 Mar 2025 06:48am

It's because they dont have an output thermostat like ones that use a bit of 120v power for such controls. These units can and will produce hot water way hotter than needed to burn you. If you read the manual on these they will state not to use with a mixing valve and only exterior use.

# Posted: 24 Mar 2025 07:05am

I personally went against all safety rules and installed my eccotemp inside. Yeah I know the safety people are going to panic.
But, in 10 years of use, even with 5 guys at deer camp showering back to back in an enclosed bathroom, there is no issue. If you navy shower the amount of run time is minimal. I burn more propane on my stove cooking dinner. There is more moisture introduced from the shower water than from burning of propane.

I'm sure if you tried to fill a bath tub it could be an issue, but for a quick shower or warm hand wash its not. I had industrial grade air monitors when I first installed it and never registered any CO during or after a shower.

Obviously you need to use your head, but it can be done safely. I get measurable levels of CO when I use my propane oven, or propane lights, but never with my water heater, but it just doesn't run for long.

# Posted: 24 Mar 2025 08:39am

Quoting: Brettny
If you read the manual on these they will state not to use with a mixing valve and only exterior use

My Ecotemp is plumbed direct to an outdoor shower that we use 99% of the time, works great. It also connects to the indoor shower and sink that use standard hot cold mixing valves. The minute you try to add cold it shuts off the hot. And being outside, no adjusting the Ecotemp knob while showering.. Wish it was inside like FishHog just said but not enough to bother messing with it now.

# Posted: 24 Mar 2025 10:36am - Edited by: gcrank1

Im with FH's logic on this.
Our experience with an Ecotemp was positive when we had our camper, though one must be careful regarding test feeling the hot water coming out and setting that temp at the unit for your season and/or use style; after that its seamless.
Imo the best location is close to point of use, and I know the 'dont use indoors' is because it uses oxygen, will induce some water vapor and 'may' have a CO issue. Id still install mine indoors, my choice. I admit that I haven't done so as we have decided we dont need or want running water/plumbing, etc in our new cabin. I make a big coffee pot of water in the morning on the lp stove for breakfast coffee, oatmeal, etc then washing up dishes and us, there is usually some left over for through the day. Easy to fill and heat more.
Something else we Have Done is use an old upright 30cup elec perc coffee maker (Elco?) as a hot water heater. It's 1000w and ran off our bigger cap inverter. It doesn't take long for it to make a full 30 cups HOT to use through the day or re-heat if needed. Yes, it is not just turning a faucet but it is hot water, easy to set up and use. I suppose a line could be run from its spigot to a faucet. Iirc they come in 45 and 60 cup models too.

# Posted: 25 Mar 2025 03:32am
Reply that a washing machine in that picture?

# Posted: 25 Mar 2025 10:27am

Quoting: rachelsdad that a washing machine in that picture

Yep, washer and dryer combo a friend gave me this summer. I do all the laundry here now, free water and electricity, and we’re here more often anyway. I don’t use the dryer much, just hang overnight by the wood stove.

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