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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Dug Well Next to Creek
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# Posted: 24 Feb 2025 12:56pm

Has anyone dug a well next to a creek? From my preliminary digging findings, there is an area next to the creek which is about 4' deep composed of gravel and sand. Underneath it is bedrock. Is it worth digging a well in this area or is it likely the water will be contaminated? This is marked by the "X" in the image below.

# Posted: 24 Feb 2025 08:05pm

Depends on what you are using the water for and whether it is going to be filtered/treated, as well as what is upstream. And how much demand you have. I use surface water from a small creek that I have had tested for contaminants. Upstream there is nothing that might cause problems. I also filter the water through a ceramic filter for household use. Has worked fine for 10+ years. You might consider driving a sand point, depending on the nature of the creek - might be easier than digging a well.

# Posted: 24 Feb 2025 11:26pm

If you expect to drink it straight out of the ground..I wouldnt. UV systems are prety cheap.

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