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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / PV Array / Battery Bank...will my beer be cold if I add an electric fridge?
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# Posted: 25 Feb 2025 12:39pm

If my current (pun) SSC can take more input and I could get a/some compatible panels to max out its capability then yer making more power from minimal expenditure.

# Posted: 25 Feb 2025 07:09pm

Quoting: gcrank1
If my current (pun) SSC can take more input and I could get a/some compatible panels to max out its capability then yer making more power from minimal expenditure.

Unfortunately older panels are often priced pretty high per W. Around here older 195W panels often cost the same or even more than 350W panels. As and example 405W Ja brand panels are selling for $180. Or 565W bifacial panels are like $235. Old used 200W panels are still selling for $200 per!

If it was me, I would get the bigger panels and spend a little on another controller. However, I understand the psychology of wanting to max out your current controller. "I already have a bucket that is not full, why would I buy another bucket"

# Posted: 26 Feb 2025 04:49pm - Edited by: rachelsdad

Quoting: Brettny
I'm in central NY

Where about @Brettny

Da 'cuse here

# Posted: 27 Feb 2025 07:40am

Quoting: travellerw
Old used 200W panels are still selling for $200

I have not seen that here. Even 5yrs ago I was buying used pannels for 35c a watt.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2025 07:41am

Quoting: rachelsdad
Where about @Brettny

Da 'cuse here

About 45min south of Utica. A hole in NY no one knows about.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2025 08:40am - Edited by: UpNorth48

Brettny & Travellerw: To be clear, the two 195 w panels to be added would be free/low cost. They were bought at the same time as the ones I have many years ago and are sitting in an uncles garage. Thanks for the insights guys. But the idea of consistency in the panels was part of the rational as well.

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