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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / First time solar power
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# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 17:33

I want to learn solar power basics. Thinking of using the Harbor Freight Thunderbolt kit. At $149.99 plus battery, hard to go wrong?
Eventually I will want to power a cabin.
I know the gap is large and nope, I don't know my power usage, yet. Probably along the lines of 10KWH eventually.
My first system will power a few alternate ideas and teach me the in's and out's.
Anyone with opinions on alternative starter solar recommendations?

# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 17:49

Suggest you visit over at
Several of us have or have had solar elec but rather than us having to reiterate ALL the basics you can get quite an education over there.
Yes, the 'starter kit' will teach you a fair bit, and in the end it will power your toolshed or garage lights (always use LED) and some other light draw stuff, so it wont be a total write-off if/when you go for the real system.
Hold off on a purchase of anything, no matter how 'good a deal' it looks like now, until you learn more. There will always be another good looking deal.

# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 18:40

I started out with that same HF kit 10 years ago. Great starter stuff, I still use it for cart charging though the cabin has larger components now.

No idea what’s out there now in that price range. Ditto what Gc said about DIY forum.

# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 19:17

I started with the HF kit older than that.
Still using most of the parts. Great starter kit to learn from.
I have upgraded and expanded since then.
I had 2 HF kits. Like crank said, I use one now for our gazebo. Lites, TV, 12 volt ceiling fan and a mini fridge occasionally.
The other kit I use to keep the batts charged on a fifth wheel camper.

# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 19:56

Thanks, I will purchase the HF kit in a few days and I will see you

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