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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Simple small scale grey water pit
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# Posted: 12 Sep 2024 21:27

Our place is nice, no grid, no plumbing....we two probably average maybe only 1.5-2 gal of grey water from washing (us and dishes) per day.
Thus far Ive been using a simple pit filled with 3-4" rock as a leach pit; the soil beneath/sides is sandy fine gravel. Water table looks to run about 30' down.
Im thinking of upgrading it a bit and seeking practical suggestions (other than 'check the codes').
Or am I making a 'make work project' where none needs to be?

# Posted: 12 Sep 2024 22:38

Depends on how much organic material gets washed down into the grey-pit. If it builds up it does begin to stink. Of course, if all organic material is filtered out before reaching the pit that is best.

I guess the question is whether or not your grey water is truly grey.

# Posted: 13 Sep 2024 10:53

5-55gal containers make for great gray water pits. Just put a drain line in it and drill a bunch of holes in it. I have a 5gal one for our urine diverter. With a P trap we dont get any smells. I used no stone.

I also have one built out of 3 55gal drums to collect underground water for a garden well. Again I used no stone but did use some broken up concrete and road fabric.

# Posted: 13 Sep 2024 11:57

I use Grey Water system. Toilet is waterless.

My grey water comes out of the house and into a catch container with a washable catch filter to catch particles etc. From there via 3" Waste pipe to a 50 Gal (Olive barrel) buried 4' deep at top. That Barrel has two 3" Perforate/convoluted pipe outlets at the bottom that each run 30' or so in separate directions downhill. These are 10' deep with 1' of gravel beneath & 1' above and wrapped in Geotex Cloth (tree roots etc, I am in the Arboreal Forest).

Sinks, Shower, Urinal & Urine diversion from Toilet all goes in there. The Catch Filter is actually one of those Blue Washable Furnace Filters and it catches hair, food particles etc PLUS also the Uric Scale that can buildup.

The soil here is a nice Sandy Loam and quite deep in most areas. My placement takes advantage of that for the drain lines etc. Due to the location I can actually see the side effects of having that drain out where it does in the plant/tree growth near the lines. Kind of "Turbo Boosted" a few trees LOL....

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