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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Voltage swing when discharging
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# Posted: 5 Sep 2024 13:02

Doing a load test on my battery bank 4 Rolls S-555 series/parrell for 12 volts, constant 60 amp draw. The voltage will swing between 11.9 and 12.3 volts, keeps cycling. Any thoughts on this? Thanks

# Posted: 6 Sep 2024 14:56

Hi All
I see some views, but no comments. FYI here is the answer I got from Rolls.

"While under discharge, the voltage will ebb and flow; this is normal, and only a four-tenth of a volt fluctuation is well within what I would expect."

# Posted: 7 Sep 2024 17:15

That makes sense to me, straight up voltage readings are really only considered accurate when there's no load anyway, presumably for this reason. Nice to have a manufacturer get directly back to you, +1 for Rolls.

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