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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / One 24 volt 230 amp or 2 24 volt 100 amp batteries
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# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 10:28

Looking to upgrade from the 4 x 1kwh Chevy Volts.

I really want integrated BMS. Bluetooth would be nice too. Three season cabin use. No winters. In early Fall/Spring I shut it down when I leave to avoid cold charge, would probably still do so with these.

So far I'm down to one of the LiTime 24 volt 230 amp or 2 24 volt 100 amp SOK's.

Of course I'm open to options as well, but prefer good quality.

I emailed SOK, they don't make any larger capacity than the 100 amp.

@Steve_S are you still making batteries??

I like the simplicity of 1 battery/BMs plus the added capacity but the SOK seems like the "better" build.

Price differential is negligible.

Thoughts, other options?

I asked this identical question on DIY and got a really odd, and unhelpful, response.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 12:06

Unfortunately my daughters had absolutely no interest in the battery business because it requires "some effort"... So poofdah that went, not much point to leave something for no one to take up.

Got a heap of parts & bits to liquidate yet..
I assume you do not want to DIY a setup and that is understandable, it's not hard to do but does require some tools, patience (and calmness).

On the Q of a single 200AH or 2x 100AH in parallel.
Two packs divide & share both Charge & Discharge ns provide some fault tolerance should one shutdown for any reason. Then of course the handling (carrying etc) if that is a factor for you... Thank Goodness they are not Lead Bricks !

There are several review vids for SOK, LiTime and others.

LiTime (likely others too) have Labour Days Sales on and some of that is incredible. Here is a link to LiTimes 24V offerings.

WEIZE is also well reviewed and well priced.

Ampere Time is also well reviewed generally.

NOTE I am NOT recommending any of these as I do not have Direct Experience with any premade battery systems. This is based on what I have seen, read & heard about through the community in general.

On DIYSolar: There has been a shift there and sadly it's not what it used to be. In fact, to the point where I have pretty much withdrawn from it. Basically I have 3 issues/threads that I Started/Participated in and once that's done, so am I more or less. I'm sorry for the reaction/behaviour you got... twas such a great & welcoming helping community.

Hope it helps, Good Luck.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 12:43

I remember that when this question comes up (I can't help but read/listen to this stuff, lol) the usual answer is go with one battery of the voltage and ah's you want.
The caveat there is if you want the capability of being able to run on just one of two for whatever reason.
I know at 71 I don't want to be moving much big heavy stuff any more......what does that one big weigh?

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 12:54 - Edited by: Steve_S

Just a point of interest.
Grade-A Matched & Batched with cell test reports (by factory) have become very reasonable. So just a sample of current "retail listed" prices from my #1 supplier.

8 Pcs EVE-LF105 $316 USD + 90 USD S&H
8 Pcs EVE-LF230 $512 USD + 100 USD S&H
8 pcs EVE-LF280K V3 $648 USD +275 USD S&H

A Good BMS with Active Balancing 100-175 USD
A Solid Steel Case "kit" (8S) with terminals, handles, DC Breaker etc is $168USD + $200 S&H

This is based on the Listed Retail Prices and guesstimated S&H. Just to give you a "BASIC" idea. This is including costs & duties etc to your door, Sea Shipping which can take up to 60 Days but is usually about 4-5 weeks on average.
Final Note: Sure you can buy cells cheaper BUT that carries consequence potential. Yes you can buy this stuff local in USA but duties & margins added on top makes it more $ in the end BUT you can get it quicker and I know NO US Distributor that I can suggest comfortably. (shall we say I've heard some stuff).

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 13:04

PS: This is what I did this past few weeks... Still waiting on parts for Pack 7 (rail strike delayed).
This is 24V in the same cases I mention above.
WIP Steve's Battery Bank
WIP Steve's Battery Bank

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 14:31

Quoting: gcrank1
what does that one big weigh?

There are a few factors. Cell weight, casing & parts within.

My 24V/280AH Packs with case, BMS and everything just tickle 50 Kg / 110 lbs +/- a bit. probably closer to 53kg actually.

In my deteriorated state, I had to have help to heave these onto the shelving system.... Talk about driving home my failing state...

# Posted: 1 Sep 2024 14:39

Quoting: Steve_S
Ampere Time is also well reviewed generally

Ampere Time rebranded to LiTime... same company.

I have been using Chins 24v/200Ah in a 2s2p configuration (at the time I bought them Chins didn't have a 48v battery) for over 3 years now and they have operated flawlessly. Balance has been within acceptable margins.

I just bought LiTime 2 x 12v/100ah self heating batteries for my shop system and 2 x 12v grp24 for my campervan. No long term experience but so far they are operating fine. Love the Bluetooth feature on the LiTime.... though I think most companies offer that anymore.

# Posted: 3 Sep 2024 09:07

Thanks all for the great responses.

As far as weight, I'm a young 65 but t don't like the idea of throwing a 100 lb battery around.....That was one thing I like about the 25 lb Volts!

Looks like two, or maybe even three.

Steve, I've toyed with the idea for awhile, but this is a guy who eventually used a hacksaw to get the am radio out of his 71 Fiat some 50 years ago.....not knowing he was also cutting through a structural cross member at the same time. I've gotten better over the years but lately the
'where the hell are X, or why did I go to this room" gives me pause to try anything like that.

# Posted: 3 Sep 2024 12:51

ROFLMAO on the Fiat Radio Removal ! I can relate, hahaha.... Unfortunately, my deterioration doesn't allow me to toss around 100 Lbs anymore - depressing!

If you can use a Multimeter, a crimper (small wire 20-22-awg) and have access to a "Bicycle Torque Driver" you can build a battery pack. Today's Case Kits have all the wee bits & pieces needed, including the heavy wires for the BMS precut & ready to go.

Thing is, it's Time to get the stuff & then to put it together. In my case, cause I got deep into it, I bought a lot of extra stuff like High Amp cell chargers & Pack chargers, Hydraulic crimpers & more...

# Posted: 3 Sep 2024 13:02 - Edited by: paulz

Quoting: Steve_S
to toss around 100 Lbs anymore

Here you there! Yesterday I worked on a truck in the yard. Had to do battery swaps with the two big FLAs (group 27?) I keep on the shop solar 150ft away. Those batts have built in carrying straps but still, I rarely made it in one trip. I keep thinking I will work myself back into shape but it’s looking like a losing battle.

# Posted: 3 Sep 2024 14:02

Years ago I concluded a man is best off if he doesn't own anything he can't move himself. Trouble is that everything has become heavier......

# Posted: 3 Sep 2024 15:52 - Edited by: ICC

Quoting: paulz
I keep thinking I will work myself back into shape but it’s looking like a losing battle.

It is hard work. At least that is how I feel. Not to intentionally discourage anyone, it is some work, but I know it may mean I get to live longer and in a more healthy state. No guarantees on anything, but getting fitter and taking care of the damages caused by my heart attack may give me better odds. After a gym session I do feel better after a few hours of rest and maybe a nap. This is an 80 yr old speaking.

It used to be that there was always work that needed doing and it was sufficient to keep my upper body muscles in good, not bodybuilder, but good enough shape to move things like 80 lb sack of concrete mix. . But I'll settle for being able to handle 60 pounders.

My healthcare plan offers and my insurance is paying for a three times-a-week "cardio rehab" gym visit. Mon, Wed, Fri. They have their own facility, trainers and doctor on site. It is a 2 hr drive from home so was almost a non-starter, but it is only 35-40 minutes from my son's home. So I usually drive to the gym on Monday, stay at my son's until Fri and go home. Not only do I use 4 different cardio workout machines but they have a bunch of weight machines I am also using for upper body workout and abs. A total of 2 hours M, W & F. My leg muscles are still good, but I have a little left hip pain. We'll see what the docs have to say about that in a couple of days.

The point of this treatise is that my health plan also gives me free gym membership at a few other gyms closer to home, a Planet Fitness type of place. Check the details of your healthcare plan. Some offer over-65s gym benefits if you look or ask. I do wish I lived closer to the facilities, though. Living in or nearer to a more populated location can have some benefits.

I'm 20 weeks into my cardio+ program and have made progress; I've turned up the resistance settings and have reached the goal of 50 minutes of my doctor-advised cardio level per visit. I have 16 more weeks at the cardio+ supervised gym and then I am on my own. I like the trainers at the cardio gym. I have no idea about the other gyms that are available. I do want to continue, to retain what I am gaining. It may take some mental discipline.

Something to think about.

# Posted: 4 Sep 2024 07:23 - Edited by: rachelsdad

My wife would gripe, internally, about the dumbells I keep under the bed.

One afternoon this spring I removed a 6' section of a robust cedar fence from the rotted posts, manhandled it slightly uphill and dug out the bad was over 12 foot high, 7 feet in the ground and when I finally got it out I could see down to a running underground stream....common in our area of hills.

Anyways she had been keeping an eye on me and heard the groans and grunts from moving the fence and pulling up that long post.

I had to go to the store to pick up some extra stuff to jury rig the install of new posts w/out going all the way to the running water, including some of those aforementioned bags of concrete. A younger, much larger neighbor came over to view the project. My wife and he chatted and during his visit he determined that the place I had left the fence wasn't optimal and said he'd move it so it wouldn't fall over...his frikkin' eyes bulged out according to my wife when he first tried to move it!

So yes, she fessed up that she had never been thrilled with the dumbells in the bedroom but she was shocked at how much heavy work a 65 year old 5'5" man could they're there for good!

# Posted: 4 Sep 2024 12:38

Good stories and advice guys!

My wife is still in a manual wheelchair, as she was 30 years ago on the day we met, and we still do the normal stuff people do, so hauling her and the chair around keeps me somewhat fit. And still do the usual cabin building/repair stuff, albeit at a slower pace.

But those fla batteries are still darn heavy!

# Posted: 5 Sep 2024 07:46

You're a saint sir!

You deserve some lithium!

# Posted: 5 Sep 2024 14:25

Thanks RD. The cabin bank is 4 big lithiums, pick em up with 2 fingers, problem is I don’t think they’ve budged since installed some years ago. The shop solar, in addition to the lights and camera, powers the vehicle batteries, a revolving group of FLAs. If they ever figure out how to start those with lithiums, I won’t miss them.

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