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# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 10:08am
Does anyone have any experience using something like these? Rolls S-550 batteries. https://www.flowsystemsusa.com/Battery-Water-Level-Indicator-Monitor-Electrolyte-Vent -Cap.html
# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 02:30pm
Sure would take the pain and suffering out of checking the water levels! They look a little fragile though.
# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 03:00pm - Edited by: Tim_Ohio
Recently read an article where a special concrete is serving as a battery. They are anticipating foundations and roadways could store electricity. It was a fascinating idea, especially since concrete is considered one of the least environmentally friendly industries.
https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240610-how-the-concrete-in-your-house-could-be-t urned-into-a-battery
# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 03:43pm
Kittysmitty.. I don't have experience with that product, but I do have experience with auto watering products like this one. https://www.amazon.ca/Flow-Rite-MP2000-Qwik-Fill-Battery-Kit/dp/B001FCAXZO/ref=sr_1_9 ?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gzCzhWmC821B-bJnKASkKen4i4HWrcTSuzaTWFBv2UaV3Y96dtCz_DGMi509w64edMu tIjiYmVObeGeDpeMrhpO4vJstWtlwnodKWC46wmO6amx-duDyWVlW5GqtUVWeWz5ENSMjTnrp_MBM_zpFVIJ_ dUxcUpkCTYuJbAXjjU6OWFY1ytxEBAijOSU2-oA-LrSxBstpdkPK_MS-yyn9vlIZDL8dSFV9orDrDkTaqQNvl -FKHD6OGeG7QjInXLeG0p5Ptqx0gvkkxFyb6OucdCI-lCfgyASq6NWGesbzIrk.T1xZm_jcWVJKki9w_CUB-y sXA675_0NE2PncVNQrVaY&dib_tag=smacab-20&keywords=Battery+Filler+System&qid=1718293213&sr=8-9
If you can swallow the price (I would need 3 kits for my system), they are amazing. Attach a squeeze bulb into a 4L jug of distilled water. A couple of squeezes every month and you are done.
Instead I just use one of these and do the fill monthly.
https://www.amazon.ca/Cycle-Battery-Water-Filler-Bottle/dp/B00NB808P0/ref=sr_1_5?dib= eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gzCzhWmC821B-bJnKASkKen4i4HWrcTSuzaTWFBv2UaV3Y96dtCz_DGMi509w64edMutIjiY mVObeGeDpeMrhpO4vJstWtlwnodKWC46wmO6amx-duDyWVlW5GqtUVWeWz5ENSMjTnrp_MBM_zpFVIJ_dUxcU pkCTYuJbAXjjU6OWFY1ytxEBAijOSU2-oA-LrSxBstpdkPK_MS-yyn9vlIZDL8dSFV9orDrDkTaqQNvl-FKHD 6OGeG7QjInXLeG0p5Ptqx0gvkkxFyb6OucdCI-lCfgyASq6NWGesbzIrk.T1xZm_jcWVJKki9w_CUB-ysXA67 5_0NE2PncVNQrVaY&dib_tag=smacab-20&keywords=Battery+Filler+System&qid=1718293213&sr=8-5
# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 04:15pm - Edited by: ICC
I used one of those battery watering jugs for decades, going back to when auto batteries all had removable caps. For my flooded wet cell solar batteries I would add water every month. The auto-stop mechanism works wonderfully. I never looked seriously at automatic watering for 2 reasons; additional cost and the fact that I logged the sp. gr. of every cell every month as well. The autofill would have been too much to bother with. I feel the same about the water level indicator caps in the OP.
For the last 15 years or so that I had flooded batteries I used this hydrometer, which was designed and made in Germany originally and still is. https://www.amazon.com/MNHYDROMETER-Hydro-Volt-Temperature-Compensated-Hydrometer/dp/ B007CW8Y9S Easy to use and temperature comensated
# Posted: 13 Jun 2024 11:31pm - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: ICC decades, going back to when auto batteries all had removable caps
Yeah what’s the deal with those now? My truck battery looks like half the top may pry off all in one piece but I’m afraid to mess with it. Do newer car batteries never need topping up?
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 02:47am
They do lose water over time too. Ive popped the top on a couple of sealed batteries and found the water low so I topped up and got more time out of them. My one 'sealed' MC battery I got 12yrs out of! Imo, they are something like the bearings that are sealed for life......
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 03:53am
Many, most?, of the maintenance-free auto batteries have flat cell tops that cover three cells, and those can be pried off mostly. Somehow most of the gases are recombined back into a liquid to remain in the cell. As gcrank1 stated, water can be added as necessary if the caps can be removed. That may extend the life.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 12:46pm
Thanks guys. So are these level indicators, which won’t fit under a car hood obviously, mainly for solar batteries?
I have two systems here at the cabin. The main one has LFPs but the shop one is still on FLAs, mainly the cart/tractor ones I rotate around. Are folks still buying FLAs for solar banks (I know Nobadays has mentioned his new ones). What’s the advantage, cost? LFPs have come way down I understand. CCAs? Why would one need that? Temp?
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 01:38pm
Quoting: paulz Are folks still buying FLAs for solar banks The big reason some users still want lead-acid batteries is if they need to charge the battery in freezing temperatures and either can't or don't want to get into heating as LFP batteries would require.
Prices do seem to continue to drop in some LFP brands.... SOK now has a 12 volt 100 AH LFP with BMS and heater at $325.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 02:56pm
Quoting: paulz What’s the advantage, cost? LFPs have come way down I understand. CCAs? Why would one need that? Temp?
The only advantage at this point is charging in the cold. Yes, there are heated LFPs, but most are only rated down to -20C.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 04:33pm - Edited by: paulz
How cold can a non heated LFP get? Does it hurt them or just performance. What about little 18650 battery powered solar night lights that sit outside?
Here’s the top of my truck battery, think it will pry open? I’m curious, but not that curious. It’s a 2023.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 05:15pm
I have a smaller car battery like that powering one of my pumps. I popped the top off. Glad I did. It's hooked to its own solar panel and yes it needs water from time to time.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 07:38pm
Thanks Darz. I have a 2023 cart battery, also an Interstate from Costco, much smaller and under 50 bucks iirc. I just tried to pop the cell tops (one piece) off, no luck so far. Put some divots in the plastic. Do they have the same cell seals as removable ones? Any tricks? I don’t mind wrecking the piece, just don’t want to puncture the battery.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 08:45pm
Mine is a Never Start from Waldo World. I used 2 stiff putty knives to pry the top off. The retainer tabs are toward the outer edges.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 09:57pm
Quoting: paulz How cold can a non heated LFP get? Does it hurt them or just performance. What about little 18650 battery powered solar night lights that sit outside?
LiFePO4 can't be charged below 0C, ideally not below +5C (it can be discharged below that though). I'm pretty sure the batts wouldn't even make 2 weeks of charging below -10C. At that low temp there is a change to the chemical reaction during charging that causes each charge to permanently remove some of the batteries capacity. Eventually, no capacity left.
You solar lights probably have a version of LIPO (lithium polymer). Like Lithium cobalt oxide. While you technically aren't supposed to charge these in low temps either, they are much more forgiving. Plus its just a cheap solar light that you aren't that worried about, not a $3000 house array.
Some better brands of LiFePO4 have a BMS that is smart enough to not allow charging at low temps. In case the heater fails, it doesn't completely kill your bank. I'm waiting for these to drop in price and will eventually make the switch.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 10:57pm
I’m not good with Celsius, 5 is about 40F? That’s pretty warm, probably sell a lot more if they could take less temp. I have seen a high 30 at the cabin once or twice, outside, however the LFP bank is iodide at a toasty 70! Probably never hits below 50 inside when I’m not here and sun is out to charge. I do have BMS.
Quoting: paulz I used 2 stiff putty knives to pry the top off. The retainer tabs are toward the outer edges
Well I bastardized mine a bit more. Looks like it may be glued on. Quitting while I’m hopefully still ahead.
# Posted: 14 Jun 2024 11:56pm - Edited by: darz5150
# Posted: 15 Jun 2024 12:19pm
I had to pull the stick-on label off the top of one to expose the flush mounted call cap strip.
# Posted: 15 Jun 2024 02:33pm
Hi Folks
Thanks for some good information and some unrelated. Battery discussions most always end up talking about LiFePO4. And this case concrete batteries?
# Posted: 15 Jun 2024 03:01pm
Yeah, we kinda kick things around the campfire 